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Everything posted by Franco_92

  1. I believe that was flexed, and I believe the poster means SNF games scheduled that way right from the start
  2. The funny thing about this is that I've read about 5 different fan forums' threads on this topic today. They were uniform in their respect and admiration. Except for one fan base. I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about - the nicest comment in the thread was "I could say some things, but I won't, and will just say RIP." or something to that effect. It was downhill from there. Scumbags over there in Bahhhhston
  3. Most film analysis I've seen done has shown that Brady was not awful at all last year, though obviously not the same as prime Brady. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nobody knows how good Stidham is. All I can picture when I see him throw is how many times he's going to get strip sacked if he keeps throwing from his hip like that though
  4. I also had a bad Bills dream last night, my first Bills dream in a while. Allen regressed and we were struggling
  5. Tre for now. Worried he's listening to Jalen and Gilmore though and will break our hearts
  6. People are still enamored with the names of the old guard (Cam, Rivers, Ben) and haven't yet internalized the fact that all three are horrible compared to their peaks now.
  7. This exact point has been made here for thousands of times over a span of 5+ years.
  8. People still pretending that Big Ben wasn't horrific in his appearances last year before a gruesome throwing arm elbow injury that drove him to look like Matt Patricia. Steelers have a nice roster, but zero at quarterback.
  9. You did nothing wrong! I have a cringe reflex when I see his name is all. That tweet may well be just fine. I've just endured a lot of tesla quack and have ptsd
  10. Careful - any reference to Tesla that doesn't bore a layperson is almost invariably quack
  11. Not sure how this is related, but I don't have any take on hydroxywhatever - I know less than zero about the medical field. From what I've seen, there hasn't been enough time for the true beefy trials with proper controls and peer review to allow me to safely say anything about it. Like I've implied, I'm uninterested in the hour-by-hour "bad drumpf!" Attempts that comprise the bulk of this thread, and courtesy of the institutions mentioned in my post, the bulk of mainstream political discourse these days. Because it's proven to not be as cataclysmic as I was programmed to fear, and to not be much of a problem at all. I'm much more focused on broad ideas and philosophies, and taking our great nation down the correct path from here (or really, at this point, just staving off the overwhelming pull in the wrong direction, which will be how I view my 2020 Trump vote) so yeah, idgaf about chloroquine
  12. And no, it's not being done by the people who control zero of the following: all major pop culture voices all major pop culture institutes all major academic institutes all major media conglomerates, save one channel all major newspapers
  13. Oh yeah, there's definitely been gaslighting going on the last 24 hours. It's unreal to watch.
  14. Glad roger didn't listen to the hand-wringing GMs - last night went quite well.
  15. Amazing that people still simultaneously make the most ridiculous and shallow assertions about why the impossible happened and Trump got elected, dismissing it without so much as a glance, much less the deep dive it deserves, and at the same time cling onto every word he says, exactly literally, bemoaning it to an unthinkable degree, letting him own every corner of their brains rent-free, wondering why we aren't as enraged as if we haven't already noted to not take Trump literally a billion times starting 5 years ago Like sorry, no I'm not going to get outraged by a single thing that comes out of his mouth in a press conference off the cuff, there are more important things about the direction of this country on my mind, things that your philosophy on sends chills down my spine
  16. The U of Washington study and Imperial college study each had 2+ mil if nothing was done, and a floor of 100-250k if rigorous and strict social distancing measures were in place everywhere. What people comment on is that we made decisions based off of this, and then watched them adjust their predictions come in at half of their floor value as plenty of areas did a downright poor job of social distancing compared to what the models asked for at the times they made the claims. pointing out that this is important to note isn't a far right thing, even if far right people take it to ill-advised conclusions (and I don't see a lot of people asking for ill-advised things in this thread) For emphasis, I'll restate, we just got done watching a several week process of these models walking back their projected death totals by a huge percentage lower than their previous best case scenarios, as the country did a thoroughly mediocre job of shutting down. We were obviously working with bad data, and perhaps bad models, and should be talking about this so that we are making the next round of decisions with better models and data. This is not a right or left wing talking point, it is reality
  17. With the storylines like the changing of the guard at QB, all the young QBs etc, this really would Ben the best season ever if it was played with fans
  18. Worst take in the entire thread. hehe
  19. Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if this stuff is driven by GMs grumbling that the draft wasn't postponed finding anything they can to be inconvenient and complaining loudly about it
  20. I keep coming back to the unbreakable association between the word nationalism and the word nazi in the brains of some (I was once guilty as charged) All because the concept was talked about in a Hitler documentary they watched once That I mentioned how good the current nationalistic tenor is, compared to having our critical medical equipment being mass produced by an adversarial nation so that big line goes up a little more, gets a response such as "Nazi," shows how hopelessly reliant on thoughtless word association the poster in question is How can you even pretend to believe that the question of economic nationalism in 2020 has any resemblance to tattered, post-war Germany. Migration, working visas, illegal immigration, manufacturing, and the nuclear family are tenant talking points of today's nationalism, not paying back Europe for an embarrassing treaty, and trying to take back land that you felt was stolen from you a completely different universe
  21. I voted for Hillary and was horrified when Trump was elected. Then I graduated, left my college campus, and learned that my framework instilled by peers and professors and carefully-crafted twitter bubbles, centering on fascism, racism, and the need for cartoonish caricature villains in real life, was actually not how anything worked, and that the power structure view of human history didn't allow explanation or understanding of anything in a meaningfully deep way. I certainly don't like everything about Trump, not even close, but it's wild how differently I see him and the movement around him, much less everything else I've ever learned about.
  22. Edgy, fresh, and intelligent, bro.
  23. Thousands of years of rich, brutal, devastating, improbable, astounding human history, and you guys can only ever reference one regime from one two-decade span. What's next, gonna post the viral tweet comparing Trump to Voldemort?
  24. You've had four years to put forth a genuine effort to understand the phenomenon, and you still lean on the same fourth grade response that, in a major way, helped lead to the most unelectable man in history being elected president over perhaps the most qualified person in history. Maybe, just maybe, your take is missing the mark by an inch, or a mile. You don't appear to be inclined towards genuine self-reflection though, so I guess I'll just leave it here, along with the remark that I am at least grateful for one thing about this virus. It has strengthened the need for nationalism and nationalist economic policies, further eroding the bizarre and misplaced lens you guys see this country and its politics through
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