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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Krypto - he is a DAWG! Don't tell him the other QB in Buffalo, Mitchell Trubisky, is also white.
  2. Irish god - of drinking, songs and tales.
  3. And Josh is saying I am not down for I am on top of linemen not touching the ground.
  4. He needs to watch his diet eating that chicken - he will gain weight very quickly.
  5. Saying it twice does not make it more true. From experience it depends if both bones are broken and whether break is clean or not. I broke both bones and was back in 6 weeks without surgery. Taron could have pins put in to help with healing and other professional recovery aids.
  6. He appears to be CB3 but not suitable for playing middle field only boundary corner. Safeties used to be interchangeable in McD's scheme; CB never will be.
  7. I first saw him in Conan the Barbarian and he was amazing.
  8. I am sure when laywer explained that if he did not play he would not get paid and hence he would not pay income tax to Jacksonville it was quickly decided to release him and handle issue later.
  9. Does Florida have rules on darkly tinted windows?
  10. So Josh is going to play ironman football and play LB. When he hits All-Pro his salary will jump again.
  11. Clearly NFL is not making enough money on fantasy football; they need to find a way to charge every fantasy football owner. Goodfornothingell could double his salary.
  12. The comment was on beginning when they needed to shake off rust and work together at full speed w/contact.
  13. Likely the game will involve a lot of running using Reggie Gilliam and extra lineman and TEs to wear down Mijami when they planned on extra DBs to cover as many receiving targets.
  14. Ty Johnson did a lot of blocking both pass blocking and picking up rushers. It is not all about the rushes and targets.
  15. Everyone is usually a person with multiple personalities on speed.
  16. Whatever happened to the calls from eye in sky telling zebras to not flag it? They seemed to do that during preseason games and it worked out.
  17. A favorite of late James Darren Roy Orbison - You Got It
  18. Just as Bills fans starting harassing a player at his home one time. I understand why players want to be isolated from fans sometimes and if I was a very well paid player like Jones I'd likely have an escort away from stadium or stay at stadium until crowds gone.
  19. That is what I am seeing but when he is put in key moment and fails because he played poorly their opinion may change.
  20. Except they must see SOMETHING in him to keep him. They have cut or traded away picks not working out and he was able to make two interceptions in playoffs.
  21. Lewis is not built for job he was doing very, very well and needed occasional breather. Lewis is getting some national recognition for job he was forced to do and he should get more. Bills need to adjust scheme however if Taron Johnson is out or Miami will exploit his weaknesses.
  22. If Bills did not have Allen then another QB would have been starter not Trubitsky. Trubitsky is backup because team is structured around Allen including money; Bills would likely be playing on a rookie QB not because Pegulas unwilling to pay for good QB but because there are few QBs worth what they are being paid these days.
  23. This is why when Coordinators get opportunity to get head coaching jobs they need to carefully consider it - is organization including ownership and players you inherit able to support your goals? Are there good coaches you are able to hire available? In Coach McD there were serious flaws but they had ownership willing to take the pains you planned on taking and an assistant GM who was always the bride maid and never the bride who you could work with. Unfortunately Giants doubled down with Jones after a good season and it was not a good bet. Barkley is a good RB but only when you respect the QB and not stack the box. So glad both teams are part of NJ now - only if NYC and suburbs were part of it.
  24. Safeties need to be able to tackle and he does not seem to be able to well.
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