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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. TBD Tailgate is at Hammer's. Pinto Ron now tailgates there. https://www.gq.com/story/meet-pinto-ron-bills-mafia It all depends on time of the game - NFL has been moving games later into late afternoon or evening spot. Lots open a few hours before game and if taking uBer or lYft to game go as earlier as you can. Getting a ride back is tough and you may need to wait two to three hours; TBD tailgate will be open but less people after. Are you trying to get back to airport or will you be staying overnight? If you are staying overnight and leaving Monday (or Friday or Tuesday) finding someone on board staying in same hotel may be way to get a ride to and from hotel; offering to help pay for parking is a good idea. Hotel partly is price dependent - there are three major areas - downtown for bar hoppers, airport for those who want to rest after flight and Hamburg. There are also some good and bad close to stadium Here is some OLD unupdated information you still may find useful: https://members.tripod.com/~g_host/buffalo/index.html Sorry about the ads, they have gotten worse and worse which is partly why I stopped updating it. There are already threads on best place to eat and visit elsewhere in this forum.
  2. From X who is embarassed to named twitter at birth: Jonny Boy @DOC7685 ·Taron Johnson szn Tim Russell @trussell417 Taron Johnson deserves a lot of votes mike @flesssssss Will an actual slot corner like Taron Johnson get votes or will this effectively be CB3 lol Gene Glenn @Gene13Glenn ·Vote for Taron Johnson, the most valuable MLB in the league. Taron Johnson 101 Yard Pick 6 on Lamar Jackson (TIES RECORD)
  3. It is the reason why Gabe Davis has been one of the few skills players on offense getting 100% snaps. He replaced Touchdown Jesus in that role.
  4. https://coltswire.usatoday.com/2023/12/19/indianapolis-colts-news-isaiah-mckenzie-tony-brown-suspended/ I agree and I liked McKenzie. I think he focused too much on his mouth and is brand rather than accepting corrections and becoming a better player. His trying to break the wall and talk to the fans with complaints about Bills hurt him in Bills front office. He is a unique talent - see Cheaters game and him playing Lemar Jackson in practice - but it is very hard for him to stay focused.
  5. You cannot possibly be as absolutely clueless as you pretend to be. Maybe I am wrong. Clearly advertisers believe ads affect what people purchases otherwise they would be throwing away their money.
  6. They don't have the devices and cannot afford to purchase the devices nor capability of using the technology, I have offered to buy a pad for an elderly relative and she said she tried to use one at senior center and was unable to. She still lives at home at 85 and was even hired by senior center to help part time but modern devices difficult for seniors. Do you think senior living centers across the country are going to join Peacock for a month? NFL probably does not care for they do not buy gear (although I bought her a scarf) or buy most of items advertised during commercials.
  7. The NFL is trying to move from broadcast model to streaming model. There are many, many elderly who watch NFL but have no access to streaming services.
  8. The NFL has a monopoly allowed by US congress. When their constituents start complaining they cannot watch games they will do investigation and push back at NFL.
  9. Verizon FIOS does not allow it unless you rent THEIR DVR, you cannot transfer videos off it and when you stop renting you lose access to what you recorded.
  10. The NFL is trying to change from broadcasting model to pay for multiple services model while still expecting taxpayers to help pay for stadiums and infrastructure improvements. Something has to give.
  11. Expecting NFL to repeatedly screw customers and maintain fanbase in perpetuity is just not realistic.
  12. I live in VA and never have an issue listening to WGR Bills games.
  13. Just logged in to Peacock via back door manipulating time of computer, cookies and cache but cannot view anything and my favorite show Eureka is gone. We need to start campaign against advertisers on Peacock games - let them know they are helping take away viewers and this will impact their business. When advertisers stop they will get more but cost for ads will go down.
  14. I created account when it opened up. I did not mind watching ads to watch Eureka. When they closed the free site I was given a link to be able to sign up for premium site and great discount. Link did not work. I unsubscribed and still got emails. I blocked site.
  15. I usually work until 2 or 3 AM and a Millennial. Only Lost Generation assumes people work 9-5. Calling @DC Tom. He is abasing your brothers.
  16. They pulled it. Finance WEBSITE mentioned it two days ago and it is gone. Deal was supposed to expire 12/20.
  17. Bates also has not started with Kromer as OL coach and is known for bringing best out of linemen and I'd like to see him playing with rest of offense line when we blowout the Cheaters.
  18. Some of the names if uttered by opposition fans would start fights.
  19. We will see if league penalizes him for post play action.
  20. I think Ryan Bates is a better flex player than a starter. Bills could even give players a break just they do with RBs and even send him in with playcalls and having player he is replacing step out. This is something that they need to practice but is just walkthrough not requiring contact.
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