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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I have had surgery with Mayo Clinic. I found Cleveland Clinic better on recovery time. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21793-pcl-posterior-cruciate-ligament-tears Have him diagnosed by actual doctor with actual tests before mob diagnosis.
  2. IMO no matter what they do they need more byes but not necessarily more games played by players. Warm weather South and west teams get most of Superbowls. Portion of each Superbowl should go into NFL fund to improve stadiums - turf, cameras and roofs.
  3. League talked about having longer season with more byes but also players being limited to certain number of games (sounds like Baseball) but NFLPA objected to it for players would not get paid each week whether they played or not. It is not just about NFL greed.
  4. Sounds like a real Einstein. Probably rich too.
  5. Amazon is doing same thing adding ads to movies after for years advertising ad free movies.
  6. There are a lot of elderly fans who will not be able to watch it.
  7. Agree but not ESPN solo. The committee that controls ability for NFL to have a limited monopoly should look at the streaming only.
  8. NFL Network added another replay of AFCE winning game. Good game for me to watch when at work. Tuesday, Jan 9 08:00 PM EST Buffalo Bills at Miami Dolphins Schedule not filled Wednesday afternoon and on.
  9. That is their goal but it will be different streaming services for multiple games and broadcasted games for leftovers. Since each broadcaster is getting a streaming service they are going along with it.
  10. Players certainly would not be in on it. It is just like with New England Cheats - you need to keep number of people in conspiracy low.
  11. Seen lots of KC Kings and Fish fans laughing at Bills for having PeaC0CK TV games - now they can enjoy the joke. It is SHAMEFUL for all of PeaC0CK games to be AFC. Good(forNothing)ell Experiment.
  12. Capitalism. Free Market. Limp fans doing lines of coke.
  13. Yes. Many Buffalo cheaper airlines were absorbed or shutdown. I remember when I moved to VA People Express Airlines would have flights for $30 each way and I would fly for weekend. Have looked at flights to Buffalo many times and they are more expensive than CA flights.
  14. Look for people wearing Bills gear with sign for Buffalo saying will pay for gas. In mid 1990's I was driving up to Bills game and at Breezewood there were two people with Bills hooded jackets and a cardboard sign right past a gas station I just filled tank at: Buffalo Pay for gas My car was full of stuff including back seat but pulled off, opened window and asked "Where in Buffalo?" I was told "Cheektowaga but get us to Erie County and we will find way". At this point I realized person was a woman and then other turned and smiled and saw she was a woman too. I replied "Only 2 seats" and second one said "Just us", I handed her gas receipt and said "This will get me to Blasdell" and she gave me 2/3 of what I paid. Unlocked door and told them to put stuff on top of my stuff in back seat. One woman loaded car while other got in and introduced them. Second woman said "Pick up hitchhikers often?" I said "Occasionally but Bills gear made me offer", She replied "Never been to a game but we are just going home for weekend". Replied "okay". They were friendly but not inquisitive and revealed nothing about themselves other they were college students from Cheektowaga.
  15. Gabe has showed up big on occasional as in KC game. Never seen Sherfield play that well.
  16. And having to play as bad weather for them as teams going to Miami in first half of season with them under sunshade. No not screwed at all - balanced.
  17. Considering his blocking was allowing others to make plays - no.
  18. Well if they all had d0mes...... according to experts number of seats are not important as long as enough boxes and PSLs are sold.
  19. It is on PPV now. Maybe they can have all of her appearances on PeaC0CK.
  20. Bills have not tried any recent long field goals recently. I was hoping they would get within Bass's FG range but it did not happen.
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