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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Considering number of Bills fans at game it is not just Fin fans who need to step up.
  2. Did same thing when Bills were on PeaC0ck. Took a nap when game was on, woke up at 11:30 PM and turned channel to NFL Network when it was supposed to start. Game was delayed due to some NFL Network show so I muted TV and occasionally glanced at TV until game was on. Likely next year team bidding for game will want rebroadcast rights as well for at least a week,
  3. I am sure Kurt Warner has no interest in working that many hours but maybe Jordan Palmer can bring him in for a session with Josh and other QBs he tutors.
  4. There was a report that Chargers completed first round of interviews.
  5. It is likely because SDS covers cost for members of this board with ads only shown if you are not registered and logged in and other boards depend upon ads for revenue. Also from what I see on some boards the owner seems color blind using clashing colors. Try using the other teams boards with browser set where you control colors and ad block software.
  6. It is hard to sharpen a piece of dung.
  7. Losing generates more experience than doing nothing. I used to play chess with my high school math teacher who was a grandmaster and champion of the Army when active. Sometimes we played a few times a week after school (it was alternate to detention for me). I previously has been rated a master in tournament but was not in his class. Each game I learned more and went from being beaten in 20 moves (first game) to point where I forced a stalemate. A couple months later we were playing and he called "check" and i moved and declared "checkmate in 7 moves". He said he did not see it coming and replayed game without notes and saw that I sacrificed a rook which he thought was a mistake. I told him it was deliberate and he realized now it was a ploy for board position and he made a mistake, I never beat him again but kept playing until I graduated. He told me he had not been beaten in years except for that one game.
  8. I used to pick up Washington Post paper just to see Tom Toles and most of paper was used for lining bird cages.
  9. @SoonerBillsFan appears to be in charge of recruitment,
  10. I listen to Bills games occasionally on Audacy and website has been better than in previous years. Do not have very good phone so only have apps necessary.
  11. My hope ia he has healthy retirement with occasional appearances.
  12. Understand your issue. Cannot drive solo that far anymore which would mean driving to mid PA, staying in hotel, driving to game in morning, missing most of tailgating, driving after game to hotel and driving home in time to go to work. I used to drive up on Saturday solo, meet at Danny's, go to hotel, go to tailgate, go to game. hang out at tailgate until traffic clears, drive home and go to work next morning. Have had offers a couple times to ride sharing gas cost or share driving but person always cancelled.
  13. From subject I thought this was about fishing.
  14. I wonder if boy's father posting in forum like this that his son scored would be entered in court.
  15. Maybe the handlers use too much and is not too serious on jobs. Agree, My nephew was a good kid until he was pressured by coworkers to smoke. He finally committed suicide.
  16. He has to be fired or what? You will burn your jerseys (Just Bills ones, not your other teams ones)? You will hold your breath until you turn green (certainly not Bills colors)? Teams lose or win not coaches but some do not understand football enough to grasp that. You have been repeatedly campaigning for McDermott's firing adding to almost every thread.
  17. Depends on team. WTF used to short visiting team and sell on black market. This was told to me by Bills player who later went Washington.
  18. It is free market capitalism just like PeaC0ck, Get with the times. They should charge $5/month to view. Earn at $50/month from fish fans and $5 from @Beast who is a Fish fan fan.
  19. And Davis blocked two defenders allowing the play.
  20. I posted stats earlier but Tyler Bass has been weak on long field goals this year combined with Bills not wanting to give Fish short field.
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