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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Available to play? No. Availability to be on sideline and talk with players? Yes.
  2. He can sign his son. He was canned before Mayo given job so they could not blame him.
  3. https://abcnews.go.com/US/justice-department-pursue-death-penalty-buffalo-supermarket-shooter/story?id=106322955 Gendron intentionally killed Roberta Drury, Pearl Young, Hayward Patterson, Ruth Whitfield, Celestine Chaney, Aaron W Salter Jr., Andre Mackniel, Marcus Morrison, Katherine Massey Geraldine Talley.
  4. No coach could replicate it without cheating and an owner willing to fund it.
  5. Cheating makes it so much easier.
  6. Unanimous Hall of Cheating nominee. Some don't seem to care about cheating even when it is done to Bills by their heroes. Same thing for the Br*dy d*ck riders.
  7. Since he piled on for multiple years I will continue to remind people that he has not proven he could not due to without cheating and help from zebras (i.e. Tuck Rule, "just give it to them", instructing players to laydown on Bills receivers to slow down hurry up). When he dies I plan on posting comments on evert obituary site I see.
  8. More commonly used in UK English than American English but yes. Saw it used once when I was an Editor. niggling /ˈniɡ(ə)liNG/ adjective causing slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety. "niggling aches and pains"
  9. Yes but they still had Ernie Adams going thru rules looking for ways to walk boundaries or at least not be penalized too often. They had Ernie Adams reviewing film looking for referee tendencies. It is a shell game where person moving shells palms ball. Yes.
  10. He was able to win with Cassel so it is not all Br*dy but not without his director of cheating and dirty tricks Ernie Adams. The correlation is much higher.
  11. I apologize. Your English composition is very good and I never realized this.
  12. No you do not seem to know how statistics and probability works.
  13. Good idea! KC Kings need to get a snow machine and pack several feet of snow on entire sideline so the players feet get cold standing there.
  14. I will need to look on google videos for some of those games.
  15. t impacts colleges including recruiting, scouting and the whole NFL schedule. Pluses and minuses. It is in thread,
  16. Minor strain is 10 days but everyone who was injured is "day to day".
  17. Some of them are emulating wrong Josh posters and are still advocating getting rid of him.
  18. Bill's son finds out that his father did not include him in the will.
  19. Some may be waiting for coaches from playoff teams to become available, https://www.seattletimes.com/sports/seahawks/heres-how-long-it-might-take-for-the-seahawks-to-replace-pete-carroll/#:~:text=That last sentence means college,round%2C or Jan. 22. The league has gotten increasingly prickly the past few years about assistants employed by teams that are still in the playoffs being distracted by interviews to become head coaches elsewhere. So, this year the NFL further adjusted the rules for the head-coach-hiring process. As part of the most recent changes approved in October, and as stated on the league’s website, teams are prohibited “from conducting in-person Head Coach interviews with candidates who are employed by other NFL clubs until after the conclusion of all Divisional Playoff games. Before the conclusion of Divisional Playoff games, hiring clubs are permitted to conduct in-person Head Coach interviews with candidates who are employed by the hiring club or who are not employed in the NFL.” That last sentence means college coaches or anyone not on a current NFL staff can be interviewed anytime. But if a candidate is still with an NFL team, nothing in person can happen until the week after the divisional round, or Jan. 22.
  20. For extra credit which coordinators and assistant coaches are kept and where do the coaches dumped go. I think Eric Bienemy stays in Washington no matter which head coach they choose. Players seem to like him.
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