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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Reminds me of college. A professor in a weed=out class got tired of computer projects being submitted by multiple people with each arguing other person stole project. He made rule that if same project was turned in by two students they would divide grade in half. One of the my projects was stolen from computer printouts and because I had someone waiting at counter I knew it was someone working there taking it. This project had a secret marking on it and when I received a 50 on project (I always got 100 on all projects if not higher) I told professor it was stolen again and he told me (1) it does not make a difference you already got an A in class (2) You know my rule. I told them that university had rule on plagiarism and staff were responsible for enforcing it when possible. I took print out and circled first letter of comments - S T O L E N _ F R O M _ G L EN N _ H O S T. I then told him it was stolen from computer center and person who turned it in worked there, Did hr want to address this or do you want dean to? He addressed it to the dean and the thief was suspended for a year, with all grades whatever he earned so far except computer class which he got an F and he lost his job in computer center and could never work for university. Professor announced the suspension and F in next class and he had no more issues with stolen work. The thief never reapplied to college.
  2. Where is the NFLPA on this? Why are they not insisting that Tua wear one of those enhanced helmets? NFLPA resists attempts to add additional safety equipment when NFL tries to add it because it might reduce chances of getting incentives. They also defend players on fines imposed when players deliberately hurt other players outside of rules.
  3. I married my wife who I met as a tourist in Hong Kong in traditional Chinese ceremony on Sunday, April 24 and did not register marriage because she was coming to US on fiancée visa per advice of consulate since getting married first would leave my new bride in Hong Kong for indefinite period of time. After very brief honeymoon in Maco we flew to Buffalo to be married in Blasdell Church I grew up with on May 1. Several of coworkers and friends were there including my best friend Steve. He ended up living with us for a few years before leaving Virginia. We have a child named Lee-Lin named after our mothers Lee (CC's mother's family name and my mother Leona). A couple years later we get notice my friend was married to a Korean woman name Lee-Lin. We did not get that name out of a book or it is not even a common Chinese name just two Chinese words - Family name Lee and flower Lin. Not a coincidence I think after being teased by friends that I would be caught by some girl in Japan or Taiwan I met a woman I married from Hong Kong. After this a number of years later many of my single male friends married Asian women.
  4. Is it okay for someone to hope someone drinks wood alcohol accidentally and is blinded temporarily to Match? I don't think so but some others more reasonable people might.
  5. Being good at start of year is not same as being good in last quarter of year/ Diggs is now fresh and not taking himself off field as he was doing at Buffalo when teams concentrated on double covering and hitting him. Sometimes Diggs would flag sideline he needed a break and sometimes he would just run off field and they would scramble to replace him. Gabe Davis was doing full time blocking at times and kept doing it all game even getting a game ball one game for being unselfish without a target.
  6. If they don't bail bondsmen will be calling his agent to get his to be a spokesman.
  7. Remember defend your narrative if current team stats disprove them right now!
  8. It is when paperwork is filed not when player announces it on Twitter, Instagram or even a press conference. Players can quit whenever they like even in middle of game but all guarantees are gone.
  9. They need to name a pigs in a blanket dish after Benford.
  10. I was at at a friend's house and he had same issue. Amazon will need to raise prices again to fix video issues and will say it is to increase quality of programming again.
  11. I was okay with it since he already had an extension negotiated in contract by Vikings but I did not believe he earned a raise so soon. That made the cost too high.
  12. I expected Poyer's inside knowledge and experience with defense would have helped them significantly on how offense should attack it but maybe they just do not have the weapons to consistently execute it. Substitute 'think' with 'dream' and it makes more sense. They have blown out a number of teams. Even in day game with full sun on Bills players the Phish did not demolish Bills that way and as been talked about in press and this board Bills rarely lose to a blowout under Coach McD.
  13. Yes. Not saying it was good idea but Josh has expressed same thing sometimes.
  14. There seemed to significant more sweat on faces of Mijami players than Bills especially their defense players. It could be that because Bills tend to have smaller/leaner players they were less impacted but their defense players were not on field that long since Tua kept doing hiis Peterson imitation. If they need a QB with starting experience and good on blackboard Peterson is available.
  15. Yes and there was no way he was going to get a TD so once he got past 1st down marker he should have slid but based on poor field and game getting chippy with multiple late blows by Phish players he might have felt it was safer or he might have got an unnecessary roughness cal.. Bad call.
  16. I would not say well but enough other players made plays so it was not an impact.
  17. JEST must use helicopter to visit JIANTS stadium 😁
  18. He spent significant time working with someone helping him with this but as often happens when things are happy fast athletes use muscle memory. Josh worked on this during off-seasons to change his muscle memory for throwing but he still sometimes reverts to old form. The best thing for Dolphins is Tua is medically cleared to play again like Hyde but he chooses to retire rather risk it again. As someone who has recently undergone neurological testing post stroke it is likely he had one after last concussion so they have a baseline measurement to compare to recent injury/
  19. The field on for the game was terrible with players sliding due to wet field/ Unstable footing can cause issues because players are trying to move while body is also trying to keep footing.
  20. My doctor, an internist, is worried about blood pressure affect on kidneys and I told him my blood pressure is always high after driving or other high stress situation like some of the tests I have undergone recently. I looked at reviews and most of them seem to get kickback on monitors they recommend or they require payment to get full review even Consumer Reports. My doctor wants me to measure and bring to office to compare against office measurements but I have read on several scientific sites that many doctor offices use unreliable devices. Anyone have a blood pressure monitor which they use and are happy about? I do not care about blue tooth capability storing into an apple watch, etc. It seems that many manufactures are aiming at high end market.
  21. Personally my opinion is neither Browns' owner nor QB have enough brains to have concussions.
  22. There is probably something the commissioner could do but won't for it would set a precedent; same as for Browns.
  23. If Diggs dogged it because not enough throws to him it wouldn't; Also Curtis Samuel blocked a lot more than Diggs did.
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