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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. And many will use any positives on Coach McD to use it as a straight line to a punch.
  2. The NFL needs to penalize more meaningfully lowering and hitting with head as Tua did. It will not include when player moves head into hit. It needs to involve loss of game checks and suspended from games when player is healthy. Penalties will increase with repeated use of helmet as weapon. A player may choose to hit opposition player with head for it may prevent a big play and they feel that is worth it but if it is a bigger penalty each time they will change their actions.
  3. I also dislike repeated replays of Al Michaels who says Hamlin hit Tua - Damar Hamlin was in front of Tua and Tua lowered head and hit Hamlin.
  4. “the other Josh Allen” was so embarrassed to be compared with him he changed his name. There are a number of players with same names - it is not like movie actor association which requires unique names.
  5. He is also not dealing with arm issue causing him not to be able to throw as often and longer throws were easier (but less accurate than before) than fast short ones.
  6. Worst part of Thursday game was the players sliding frequently on algae covered field. I guess you would call it a home field advantage since Phish players are used to footing on it.
  7. Actually I believe he was a graduate student and got his undergraduate degree in sociology and went to UB for graduate studies in interdisciplinary studies so he could play in 5th year of eligibility due to COVID pandemic. Did not see him listed on any UB graduate lists. He might have completed graduate degree in offseason; I know mine was not listed when I graduated since I graduated during summer.
  8. Tannehill is not mobile and would have difficulty behind that offense line.
  9. I generally disagree with players who sit out to get higher contacts while other players who are performing get paid to sit on bench but in this particular case Mijami spent the money of more weapons for Tua, something advocated by some Bills fans on this board, while not spending resources on protecting QB. Tua is not a Marino or Bledsoe but he was trying to make a play partly due to offense line performance. This was a bad decision on his part and both Mijami and himself will pay for it. He COULD have been injured in pocket but the difference between him and the other QBs who run is his physicality both in head and body as well as his awareness.
  10. Tua saw what Mijami was willing to invest in offense line (Mijami would argue that they could not afford to invest more to retain Tua) and should not have signed extension and told them he would sit out if they wanted him tp play under 5th year contact. Likely agent convinced him to sign contract to get guaranteed money and protection vs injury but that means he is accepting risk of being injured behind that line.
  11. We have enough here who cannot stand their home boards and fellow fans.
  12. THe problem with Mijami is they basically built the team for his skill set and not a lot QBs would do well in that system. It was built to have WRs burn DBs and LBs and he get the ball to him but he tried to be a mobile QB which he is not. Either coaching staff did not tell him to protect himself or they did and he tried to do more than he should have. Imagine putting Tua in Ravens' system which requires the QB to be a running one or Bills system which requires QB to avoid at at least one rusher - he would not fit. Miami needs to either (1) find a QB which fits who is a backup / retired. (2) accept a down year and draft a new QB to fit or (3) axe GM and start trading resources to build another team. They built a dead end team. If only they had not dissed Fitzpatrick so much ......
  13. This is what I like about a game when Bills win: It means game was well in hand enough for team to allow players at bottom portion of roster to get meaningful snaps and opposing team realizes that they have no chance to win. https://static.www.nfl.com/gamecenter/7d40437c-1312-11ef-afd1-646009f18b2e.pdf
  14. Likely it is caused by 80+ hour work weeks and often people who work that hard are not appreciated by those who don't.
  15. Bills were the team which showed the NFL how to shutdown Jackson in playoff game. They contained Jackson to point where he got frustrated and made mistakes and Bills won the game.
  16. We have had multiple games with 9+ receivers. I'd love to see game where Bills just use backfield sweeps and fakes to get many players with carries.
  17. What happened was Professor Zucker wrote final exam and since I was constantly correcting his tests and already had an 'A' (average grade in class was a 56 and it was graded on a curve) he had me correct wording on test questions and he used my test as final exam answers. Dr Zucker had been working on his most recent update to his textbook and he updated it using modern computer science nomenclature I suggested to him. When I graduated I got a reference letter written such that anyone reading it would be a fool for not hiring me. Your homework is to combine the Haiku with first letter meaning into an epic poem. I did one in college with 30 stanzas.
  18. We need to see a Bills Stampede too with current team where Bills are determined to run it down the field and nothing you can do can stop it like Cowboys game.
  19. (Josh) Allen Tape - He gets residuals and Bills can afford to keep him as QB.
  20. That is exactly how I remember field Monday night. Fish definitely had an advantage:
  21. Corrected spelling error 😁
  22. If I was a reporter I would ask if they could bring up Tua's history just to see the lemon tasting face of him.
  23. I always enjoy his analysis although I'd rather he do it in slow motion rather than multiple times of same film. I do not know if JT O'Sullivan has a regular job anymore (last job listed in wiki is high school coach) or is retired but I think some team should grab him for their film room. He appears better as analyst than fast reaction which is why he did not succeed as a player.
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