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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Well Neanderthals and presidential primaries are related to each other.
  2. It's all fun and games WHEN something blows up!
  3. I wonder how rule would be applied if a relative worked in front office of a NFL. I.e. If Ed McCaffrey has a position in Broncos front office and he was seen talking to his son Christian McCaffrey after a game. There are a LOT of families in NFL.
  4. Partly safety and it uses space underground allowing space to be reused.
  5. If only the BBMB did not close down there would be inpatient therapy.
  6. He won't be successful until he breaks his leg and gets into commercials when he is on injured reserve like Dan.
  7. The team who should be doing that is Mijami and then Bills screw them and leave hole at top like Jerry's world around opposition bench.
  8. I'd rather him be meticulous and find good deals rather than get a show cow with mad cow disease and Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) but I can see some as part of the mob wanting him to be in a hurry so they can start bashing him for not listening to their great plan from Madden NFL GM.
  9. The Bad Boy will take the rap but he has the bling for good mouthpieces and NDA presents.
  10. Bills showed how to defend him in playoffs and have not seen him play well against a team which allows him to run at will.
  11. Former NFL Head Coach Concerned The New Orleans Saints 'Are Already Over' The NFL Salary Cap For The 2025 Season https://www.si.com/nfl/saints/news/saints-salary-cap-issues-for-2025 He coached for the Cheats so he knows cheating when he sees it.
  12. Interesting NFLPA did not have a question on the field or the stadium the players play in especially with NFL partners complaining about them without offering to contribute to it. They are like the divorced spouse shacking up with new partner while continuing to collect alimony.
  13. So you are saying they cheat to protect themselves. So that is why the Kings (Toney) were offense offside against Bills. Now we now why Beli-CHEAT retired (yea he had token interview) because he knew his 4D chess was useless against KC 5D chess! It also gave them a reason to keep Toney, who is known for screwing up, out of the Superbowl.
  14. Sounds like Lamar in playoffs other than he can run as well.
  15. So reason for no d0me? I hope new design has cold water pipes under opposition bench as equivalent to design of Mijami shading of home bench. NFL should have new rule - opposing team chooses side of field it is on. It will remove this disincentive. P*ts would still have microphones on both side of field however.
  16. Very, very old mixed marriage https://www.cbsnews.com/video/dna-test-of-90000-year-old-bone-reveals-human-hybrid/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab4i
  17. Not all of the fringe NFL rostering players are "lighter" or even all of the employers are white (Jacksonville).
  18. Imagining it would give me nightmares.
  19. Unless you did not win Nobel Prize or similar accolades yes unless you are willing to be pelted by rotten fruit by the unwashed mobs yes. It does make it hard to apply for new jobs without previous experience.
  20. I never attended band camp but let me guess instrument you used ..... Tuba! Am I right? It is not you but there are groups of people with Crohn disease, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, etc and these kind of conditions can be very annoying. Perhaps you belong to a group with similar issue which has not been classified. We used to have fans with Donahoe bag head syndrome but fortunately it was cured before it caused oxygen deprivation of the brain (Cerebral hypoxia). Beane was acting general manager for a period for Panthers by the way. Panthers made mistake not promoting him. They were part of teams which won division and conference champions but those are not "anything".
  21. Everyone’s salary is NOT exploding. Maybe you meant in NFL. Many are not getting raises as companies are passing on profits to officers of companies.
  22. They clearly do not need training other than that some of the time they will be penalized for lining up on wrong side of the line of scrimage.
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