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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. That is trouble with teachers. They know which students which were left behind and are older than average for their grades and which ones were younger. I graduated high school at 17 and my sister, after school experienced me, at 16.
  2. Article for those not wanting to deal with Buffalo News payfence. https://www.radio.com/wben/news/local/legendary-buffalo-radio-dj-shane-dies
  3. Cowboys game where he fought thru defenders for 1st down. "The Quarterback just Out-Aggressive to the entire D-Line"
  4. Yes every player needs to be replaced with all-pros, even our pro bowlers.
  5. He had much potential. A lot of players do. He stated his 7 last games because needed. Maybe he needed more time, but lots of players do but do not improve. Maybe he needed better coaching or scheme he got with Browns. Maybe he had to get experience playing but at time he was not playing as well as players ahead of him to be named starter. Jon Feliciano, Quitting Spain and Spencer Long had played better in preseason at time when he was traded. Maybe if Quitting Spain had not came into shape in shape and ready for fight for position in 2020 after getting a new contract it would not look as bad of a trade. Bills seemed to do well with picks for him.
  6. One tip I will suggest to selling property is to be willing to hold the mortgage. By doing so you gain additional potential customers and potential collect more interest than you can in other investments. I have done so on house I own. First I rented it and then after a long period a tenant was not able to pay rent so I told her she needed to move out and so she destroyed interior requiring a full remodel so I sold it in 10 year balloon mortgage with agreement I would hold mortgage with decreasing penalty for paying it off early. Almost end of period and if he decides to pay it off will need to look for new investment for remaining balance.
  7. The person was looking to develop property said he'd pay $40K for a strip of land along main road and this was 2005 or 2006. He would only pay though if he got rezoning proposal so he wanted rights option. Do not remember exactly tax bill but estimates were skyrocketing at time; +94.3% in 4 years. I think there was anticipation of deal for then next 2 years it dropped 16.9% & 28.4%. Highest tax assessment was $531,260 in 2005 and in 2019 it was $472,040. There was a luxury townhome development put up across street which raised taxes as well and likely that is what developer was likely wanting to develop on that 2+ acre lot. My property is 0.235 acres. Any money I got would probably affect estimate to change but if price per square foot on land was more than what government was assessing they would likely raise my estimate of my remaining parts of property at that rate which might mean that my taxes going up more than it was before sale.
  8. It would have moved the road closer to my bedroom and make the lot next door easier to develop which I certainly did not want.
  9. Ike Boettger was a player they thought had potential and they took the time to develop him.
  10. Only thing I can suggest is make sure you show up in an zoning hearing meetings. https://planning.rctlma.org/Public-Hearings/Planning-Commission/2020-PC-Meetings I have 2.38 Acres next to me which was original house on farmland whose owner sold rest of land to developers. It was resold in 2005 (I think owner died) and has appeared uninhabited since. Heard someone want to rezone land from 3 single homes per acre to clustered housing to cluster housing likely townhomes like across the street. Had someone who wanted to buy strip of my property along main road enough for an additional lane of traffic which I said I had no interest. Key thing is keep your ear on news and do occasional search so no surprises. I'd look to see when area was rezoned if it was not zoned for it when you purchased it.
  11. Best of luck to the Goodwins. His daughter Marae will be have her first birthday on February 19, 2021 (Friday).
  12. If it is a doctor chosen by player the doctor may gloss over some items of potential player. My wife is a manager and has an employee who is out of work on medical leave on different issues most of the year unable to work. Part time workers get medical insurance. She has the job so she can provide medical insurance to her family for her husband has some kind of business. Thing is despite her not being able to work at her school job she is able to work at the other job. A college player who has a lot more to gain can doctor shop to get report he wants; might be able to get reference from one of the players in NFL that does it.
  13. I am sure it a Gungy birthday somewhere. You must love plumbers!
  14. It will give cheap shot artists to rest their 2 typing fingers. Amputation is preferred solution to this issue. Some are just unhappy Rex was replaced.
  15. Some would complain if we won Superbowl because they either bet against Bills or their fantasy football team did not get enough points. Some just like complaining more than the Bills.
  16. Actually I did not know and if it reduced insurance because of reduced replacement value I'd probably do it. I drive cars like Urban Meyer - drive to they drop - and then donate.
  17. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/jaguars-urban-meyer-makes-controversial-hire-in-chris-doyle-as-he-finalizes-staff-for-2021/ I do not follow college football that much and I do not believe either head coach Meyer or Doyle has played or worked in NFL and they will find it very different. The groups with their own self interest are very different than those in NFL and they will need to deal with the NFLPA which they did need to in college. One another thing I noted: Only former Bills coach and do not recognize any of the coaches as former Buffalo Bills players. Sanjay Lal IMO was a very good coach and was replaced by a very poor one by Coach McD. Chad Hall, while inexperience, does appear to be a good one.
  18. I'd respect him more if he was called Royale with Blue Cheese
  19. You got it all wrong - lemon-pepper wings are his favorite because they go best with ranch dressing. Please apologize.
  20. Maybe it is time for a career change to TE.
  21. So was Brian Gaine and he probably has a lot more influence.
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