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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. He knows. He likely has been punched a lot.
  2. Not precisely. He will get extension which will include 4th year and 5th year money with guarantees and new money starting in 6th year with multiple guaranteed bonuses. That type of contract which KC's QB is "cap neutral" but QB is protected from injuries. If Bad Josh had been signed he would play for Ranch dressing.
  3. Or charge more for fat people especially those who take 2 seats. Disneyland in California which is closed? Great reward. Reminds me of those vouchers in class lawsuits.
  4. I do not drink coffee. I like the smell of it and used to grind it multiple times at work but not like taste even with sugar, milk, Baileys Irish cream or Jack Daniels.
  5. I see yours and BADO's source is same - toilet bowl.
  6. That must be why he signed Brown, right? So you know he was cheating on current team almost as bad as New England? Good thing you were in toilet for I know where you found that very bad smelling crap.
  7. J E S T. JEST! JEST! JEST! When they had him on a third round contract he was able to do more but once the money going to other But NO college player is better until he proves it I heard people last year saying Tua was going to be better than many multiyear starters.
  8. Lower half of starting TE's I'd agree with but not lower half of NFL TE's. There are a lot of TEs on that list.
  9. - He could be yet another Carolina player hired.
  10. Isn't this happened when nothing was going on with Bills?
  11. I love reggae! In college at UB there were some live reggae bands. Worked at food cooperative and helped guy with order and he gave me free tickets to concert in Pittsburg Stanley Theater with Bob Marley. Bartered 2nd ticket for a ride there and back. So this is a good thing, right?
  12. They do not publish letters written in crayon.
  13. Usual thing. When a player wants to be traded or let go they bad mouth organization making it difficult for team.
  14. Don't worry. SDS will not employ the moving trucks Browns did when they moved to Cleveland to become the dirty birds. Story on that move: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/596656-cleveland-browns-15-years-later-former-employee-questions-move-to-baltimore it is just a coincidence that SDS lives in Baltimore Ravens primary viewing area and Mayflower truck ad was on as part of rotation for ads.
  15. The front office also let go QB coach he respected and stated helped him prepare games. He was very angry about it and IMO that is the position franchise QB should have most influence. First the QB coach and then they draft a QB first round in season where they should be (and was) Superbowl contender. That shows disrespect IMO.
  16. Josh has not acted like some other QBs and he knows the front office respects him. The team has built it around him unlike Seahawks and Packers to succeed. If anyone feels disrespect it will be agent who will want his cut as soon as possible.
  17. Bills are not a team run by players but they certainly would ask him for his opinion and any facts to back it up. He would be the Vikings Insider. TB12 type of deal? Maybe Pegula will take him as intern during offseason to learn about fracking.
  18. Being a member of JEST would be great. Bills neutralized him with a better team in 2020 and him playing in NJ will be worst for him. And I will love to see NYC media tear him apart.
  19. Coach McD could have some fun with reporters like Abbott and Costello: Reporter: Josh Allen was injured in game last week and is limited in practice so who is starting this weekend. Coach McD: Allen Reporter: Do you Josh will start? Coach: I meant what I said - Allen will start Reporter: Let me put it another way. The Bills were behind last week and Kyle Allen came in, made many impressive plays including 2 TDs he ran in and won the game. Who is starter now? Coach McD: Allen
  20. I would not mind a backup with same mentor Jordan Palmer during off season. Part of a backup's job is to watch field for things that starting QB is missing and if you are working together in offseason you will communicate better. Every QB who wants to be Josh's backup should think of this. Personally I hope Webb has a breakthrough.
  21. Good for you. Anytime I have something cherry flavored I have flashbacks to the bowling ball. I opened a bottle of cherry flavored rum and I cannot finish it.
  22. The JEST play in a big city area where he can get endorsement deals to pair with extension signing bonus from Texans. It makes sense if money if getting the money and running is his goal.
  23. And most teams will not choose Ciara. Players forcing themselves out trying to keep signing bonuses like Wat$son will.
  24. Not necessarily. They may have had discussions with him and his agent on potential contract already, perhaps a 2-3 year one where he can continue to develop with incentives for starts.
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