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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. This is something Jerry contributed to. But not everyone will be able to pay a publication to post his or hers.
  2. Lee Smith was considered best blocking TE in NFL. Bills used him against AFC West due to his knowledge and was left to block some of their best players. Same thing with 8 TDs. Spencer Brown might play as extra lineman but will not be able to do his role. Note: Every TD catch was a hands catch away from body. Not all TEs and WRs do that.
  3. Saw this ad and just laughed. I was asked what was funny I said it was just a product which my Bills forum needed.
  4. Awesome article. Roman cement had calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate while modern Portland cement only has calcium-silicate-hydrate.
  5. That makes sense but how did Browns' QB get an endorsement? They have shown nothing since they were recreated and have been a joke especially with owners.
  6. In same article you cited without link: From Tue July 14, 2020: https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/14/us/washington-nfl-trademark-spt-trnd/index.html They probably could get a name for minimum amount (less than cost for one of $nyder's dinner parties) and some box seats for guy.
  7. Johnson was not playing against Ravens for because Trent Murphy was active and he was key component in defense to neutralize Lamar Jackson. He shadowed him on his side of field rather than rushing and allowing his speed to get around him and made no significant yardage running on his side of field. https://www.wgrz.com/article/sports/nfl/bills/buffalo-bills-advance-to-afc-championship-game-with-17-3-win-over-baltimore-ravens-nfl-playoffs/71-fa912bd1-74d5-40f4-a434-9fe4eed82ed3 Murphy was also involved on that final play of Jackson.
  8. Believe three players from last year will be traded - Beasley, Ford and Addison most likely - because Bills signed a lot of players behind them and they need to get cheaper with upcoming increases of contracts especially Allen. Depending on PS squad rules this year they may try to stash some on it but Dane Jackson will not be one of them. I do hope they keep expanded rules for there is no guarantee that a second wave may appear in fall, maybe that strain in England and India. Fromm is out with Trubisky now on roster and Bills will look for young backup next year.
  9. My wife never needed a bra, she is small breasted, and just wore a T-Shirt underneath with nipple covers except when pregnant. Her breast size has increased recently and she has never changed to wearing even a sports bra. I can see strain on muscles but she sees no need to wear one still apparently.
  10. I believe Ravens did that because they believed they would have too much pressure for Josh to hit Diggs and Brown but Cole would be available as relief target on blitzes and stunts. Yes but when they cite a number like 325 they are usually doing to make what they are claiming to be milestone but if they used 300 it might be shared. That is all I am pointing out. Cole got no receptions so that worked but the rest didn't. Yes but he did it well for Josh only attempted 2 passed to Beasly.
  11. Especially at an appearance of the Phish in Buffalo. I imagine he would wear his son's jersey and a Phish cap.
  12. I think he has a potential broadcast deal in fall and he needs to increase his name recognition and visibility (is it visibility when it is only sound?).
  13. More childish that mocking the OJ slow 2 hour police chase every time you post? No.
  14. Except when there is so much snow that you cannot get to game and need to go to Detroit to play.
  15. Yes, I think what he meant was all of the shots passed thru his body not lodged in it requiring additional damage to take out.
  16. I understand that. When I got my first house in 1989 I could only afford a condo or small townhouse in area with large association fees. Instead I bought a house in Reston which was in bedroom community 20 miles outside area I lived in. The bank appraiser said I could not afford house (ridiculous since I was putting more than 20% down) and I showed him that his calculations were incorrect because the car costs he was assuming did not exist - I did not even have a driver's license. I choose the house because it was at the end of an express bus route which would take me to rail station to go to work. He accepted my argument and replaced cost of car with commuting cost for work 50 weeks a year / 12. Five years later I got our of area when I needed to choose between changing job or changing home. Sometimes to build equity you need to be creative and make choices you do not wish to make.
  17. I think Minnesota's stadium is what they should aim for and Bills should make a pairing with Tesla to add solar panels to facility to provide energy for stadium. No retractable roof however.
  18. I agree he gets enshrined in Hall of Fame eventually as veteran candidate. And many forget that he made appearances on offense in early 90s before Reed was hurt/let go. I am sure Bruce DaHaven has had an interview about it but could not find one but I found this excellent one with Steve on DaHaven's impact on special teams. https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/01/07/steve-tasker-bruce-dehaven-buffalo-bills-special-teams Yes crazy weather games usually occur in November and December due to lake snow.
  19. Biggest storms have been before Christmas than after Christmas because the lake effect. When the lake freezes winds do not carry as much moisture.
  20. Based on number of incidents in Texas it is more likely the poor quality of the available adult males.
  21. https://www.sportskeeda.com/nfl/news-who-jaylen-twyman-vikings-rookie-shot-visiting-family-d-c Very interesting. I think what he is saying is none of bullets lodged in his body and passed thru it. I looked for police report which would tell where in The District location he was shot in but I could not find it. Since he was in car it may have nothing to do with his Aunt other than he was on way there.
  22. Tasker would have even more success but in Jets game he was demolishing them (6 catches, 160 yards from multiple QBs with TDs from Jim Kelly and Todd Collins) and a DB tackled him by hitting him using his helmet to hit his knee. New York Jets at Buffalo Bills - November 24th, 1996
  23. I am so glad he is happy.
  24. I am aware that Africa is 2/3 of size of Asia but that map projection makes Africa look bigger than Asia. There are also two sizes - land size and coastline size and Asia is has more bays, inlets, islands, etc while Africa has Madagascar.
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