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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. When I think shark I ask myself this "How will this shark steak taste?" And I think it is very appropriate to be found by New Zealand.
  2. I'd rather have a @JÂy RÛßeÒ card than a Josh Rosen card. A @JÂy RÛßeÒ card has a use - bring it to work and shutdown computers and get a day off.
  3. One does not apply other - it is one thing to give away expired (past sell date items) and another to give spoiled items. Items can spoil before sell date or after sell date. I worked a charity event for the poor. Lavish dinner with top shelf booze and it was tax deductible. There was a significant amount of food leftover and some of the staff were eating it post cleanup. One of the organizers came in and said "I hope you are not charging time to the eating of the food" (they already violated labor laws not allowing breaks for workers) and the lead said "No we already recorded our time." The organizer noticed a stack of boxes and asked what they were and lead said they were leftovers and Joe was going to bring them to homeless shelter as part of food kitchen dinner. Organizer said they did not want someone being paid with a conflict of interest giving away food after being paid to serve it - person giving it away might be inclined to not serve some items. Joe who was part of the team doing collections recording came out of room where they were doing paperwork and said 'Unlike your sons who were being paid to work event who took several unopened boxes of steaks home when they left I was not paid but a volunteer so no conflict of interest." He then took boxes for homeless shelter and left. The organizer responded "Who does he think he is?" and the lead's response was "Joe is a CPA who volunteered his time and knows that writing those boxes of steaks as write offs might make IRS look as this event as questionable charity donation." Some wealthy are truly generous like Ralph Wilson was and donated most of his fortune and some look at charity events as part of their social calendars. Oh and spelling should be Britt Reid with 2 t's - Same name as character of the Green Hornet, a very wealthy character who tried to do good.
  4. No and treatment will likely be expensive as well as laywer for family trying to prevent him from dodging responsibility. Chiefs did not renew his contract. If NFL prohibits him from coaching how will he pay costs? Don't say his father, he is not responsible for this. I agree about the long, long road but I am not sure how Chiefs and NFL are responsible for this. Would your company pay for treatment for girl? Most won't unless he was working at the time. Mine certainly would not but likely I'd lose job which would not help paying these costs.
  5. Not a glass empty type of guy - a dribble glass kind of guy.
  6. Chipmunk made a nest in tailpipe of one of cars we have not been using very often since I am working from home. On a cold rainy day I needed to use that car for medical appointment so I took it. There was a warning on dash and car sputtered getting to appointment but it was close so able to get there. After appointment I found remains of nest and dead chipmunk. If only I could get rid of the tree rats (that is what Chinese call squirrels) as easily.
  7. I'd rather see one of reporters as women or convicts. Yes some are but majority of press is men. Some would look like Roseanne Barr. Oh and if you want link here it is. Did not visit it however and if your computer catches a virus and gets PMS don't blame me. https://fanbuzz.com/nfl/nfl-quarterbacks-as-women/
  8. Absolutely contracts should not be guaranteed. Players get new contracts and they loaf off in off season, come into camp out of shape or avoid contact in games when near end of contract or bellyache when put on bench for poor performance while they are being paid and this is without guaranteed contracts. If the NFL players want guaranteed contracts ha The teams can cut players because it is in contract. Players cannot hold out according to contract which is why NFL changed rules preventing forgiving of fines. If NFL players want change they have demand that NFLPA negotiate for that but will need to give something else up. IMO if NFLPA demands it then NFL needs to break union hiring scabs if necessary. Teams need to play hardball with holdouts including agents. NFL needs to recover signing bonuses when they can from players retiring or quitting. If a player has an alternate like playing baseball player can quit and make money approaching NFL money but few have that option.
  9. It happened to Josh Allen because he posted something which was fine in his circle but someone doing research looked far in past and brought it up for clicks/eyes or to try to manipulate draft status which Pegulas looked at and said not an issue as long as he addressed it. There was a player with a bong mask which was very affected in draft. Companies working in federal government area do a deep dive looking at social media on candidates. One had a good interview and then results came back and he was not considered. The company had a policy on not saying why a candidate was not hired and just said he was not in pool when he asked. I was interviewer and he got my extension from from desk and asked why he is not receiving consideration (careful wording on his part) and I told him I am not on the hiring sign list but my advice when he was searching for work to extremely limit your social media presence including comments to things you post. He said "S***! My brother was joking about that party." and I replied "I do not know what was reason for you not being picked for next interview for I do not see other interview score sheets but this industry tends to be conservative."
  10. "Scourge" is a good name for new social media platform because bitchfest has bad connotations.
  11. Resistance from NFLPA. I think adding a game is very hard until scheduling issues are under control and full stadiums are possible for all teams. With expanded schedule is better for NFL to accept starting before Labor Day and extra bye weeks. Players will be healthier and there will be more possibility of spaces for reschedules.
  12. Part of way I remember my mom without so much pain is by having some of her items shown in my living room. My mother had some porcelain birds on a rack on wall and when her items were divided up I got them. They are on my wall in living room. Unfortunately I bumped door frame and a few fell from shelf a broke parts. My wife has fixed broken mugs before and has attempted to fix them but not having much luck unfortunately. My mother had a lot of wooden animals displayed when she had a house or apartment most purchased by me. I was given them when her items were divided up. There are far too many for me but do not want to donate them to a bulk agency like goodwill who sell a bunch of stuff to resellers. I have tried local organizations like school but they suggested buy a table at next flea market and sell them there. It is always on Saturday when I work and I likely would be giving up more pay then I would get at flea market. I still have a card from cemetery with her picture and prayer and used to keep it in my wallet. It has gotten too wrinkled now so I took it out. My biggest issue was I was not able to see her before she died. She decided to be taken off her other medication when she found out she had cancer and died before I could get there. It has been a little more than a year now and it has getting a little less painful but I think I will be going thru cycle again. My Japanese aunt is very frail now and cannot do much. Her son still takes care of her but her older son is saying she is just waiting to die.
  13. Barry Gibbs "Greenfields" album where he teams up doing Bee Gees songs with Nashville stars.
  14. Yes some even made up penalties he made this year and he had none despite being used to block some of AFC West pass blockers due to his familiarity with them.
  15. I do not think Duke will look as effective as Steve in that video. That was a great video.
  16. Only if Bills sign him. He is a FA now (Glenn was released on March 13, 2020.), did not last that long with Bengals. Looks like Bills kept correct player. 6 years with Bills and 2 with Bengals.
  17. I see you are going on George Burns plan. I hope it works out for you. No she knew. She was a big Kenny Rogers fan and I am Bee Gees fan. I told her Barry wrote the song for Kenny Rogers and he thought Dolly Parton was perfect one to sign it with him. The Dolly Parton / Barry Gibbs song is part of an album he is making (may be complete) in Nashville in which he is singing songs of Bee Gees and the guest star was picking song.
  18. Saw a video of him playing catch in college but he may just been an easy target for QB practice. As far as I know he has never played offense. But George Wilson never played defense ... I am not saying he should change position but maybe get some receiving experience would not hurt.
  19. I do not think that Barkley will get an offer if let go and Bills should consider putting him on practice squad and try Webb as backup. I think Webb is more athletically gifted which is shown by him doing multiple roles in practice preparing for games.
  20. A.J. Epenesa should be playing on offense as a TE. He moves well and has the body of TE. IMO it is harder to find a good TE than a good DE in our scheme.
  21. I lost my mom last year and I still occasionally see something (i.e. Dolly Parton and Barry Gibbs doing "Islands in the Stream" which was her favorite song) and want to share with her and then I remember she died. She is still with me but it still hurts but I still embrace it rather than have nothing of her.
  22. When Fitzpatrick retires I doubt he will become a coach with his brood and degree. A better position would be for him would be a front office. https://dolphinswire.usatoday.com/2021/02/27/a-clue-emerges-on-ryan-fitzpatricks-next-possible-move/
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