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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Why is there a cap on ticket prices? Make it like some want for NFL salaries!
  2. So does Jerry Jones, Kraft, etc. Watch Football become like baseball where some teams are effectively farm teams.
  3. Too many to be a competitive team in a couple of years. Hopefully it will be cap neutral this year,
  4. That is because Dallass OL went to pot from being strength of team to weakness and Dak can scramble a lot better than Dalton.
  5. I was a Richie supporter but a pay cut is minimum he should have expected if he had been going into practices sauced. Several players were part of his support network and apparently he dismissed their help during year. Doin has a good heart but I doubt he can overcome what happened before.
  6. Call representative and see if they act like DirectTV prior to AT&T acquision.
  7. Poyer and Dion Dawkins have recruited. Ryan Fitzpatrick has been a recruiter for Bills even after he has left saying it was his best experience in NFL.
  8. It was a good decision IMO and I still see this attitude on this board that it is okay to bash women working for Bills on this board.
  9. And hope good people do not have a bad day and call the owner's daughter a B word.
  10. if players are cut and cannot find a team to be signed with maybe they can join this.
  11. You could ignore threads with Fitzpatrick in subject but I guess that is too much effort. Being able to ignore threads not posters would be a good feature however.
  12. Can a QB be appropriately called a diva? I think Russel Wilson should be called a divo or divus. From my three years of Latin I prefer divus and Wilson might like divo like the very fast & very expensive Bugatti Divo sportcar.
  13. Absolutely. Will never give up, wants to be treated as NFL player not a QB and inspires the team by his leading.
  14. Matakevich is not being cut. Beane and Coach McD asked ST Coordinator who would he want first and he said Matakevich. Best way to get most use of the money is find him snaps on packages on defense.
  15. That is a positive thing. He has good taste. He could take the first snap for New England and decide to quit.
  16. I think he would make a better front office guy than a broadcaster or coach but may choose broadcasting for he will work less hours and had a large brood. Of course his wife may say enough is enough and go coach for a while.
  17. I bought a auto warranty from such a company once. The lure was that if you had no warranty issues you got back 90% of your premiums. At end of 6th year I got a notice that company went bankrupt. The next year I got letter from "new company" offering to sell me warranty. Further research showed it was a shell game with warranty companies frequently going bankrupt and new company uses same sales pitch. Company owners rotated as well with own from two bankruptcies before buying current company. Oh and Chris Berman is salesman for this warranty ad I see almost every day. It really reduced my respect for him. Based on number of spokespeople large portion of budget is advertising.
  18. I see nothing wrong with you bringing up those players while forgetting the others. Coach McD fired all of the scouts and then hired 3 back. Evidently it was easier to fire all and then figure out which he wanted to keep. You should recommend this action plan to your boss! Coach McD did the picking of players based on recommendations of staff including the WR coach Phil McGeoghan who heavily recommended the player who was on his team Zay Jones - that is all on Coach McD not Whaley. He also choose OC who picked P5t5rman and he did not last long either. Yes Coach McD dumped the baby with bath water. Many of the coaches he hired were gone in year and he could have looked at staff which would speed up development time for players. His QB coach had not coached QBs in decades and was just using this as step up. Rick Dennison only advantage was coaching Tyrod Taylor's final season in Baltimore. IMO only good coaches he hired were DC Leslie Frazier and Linebackers coach Bob Babich.
  19. Wilson is a lot like T*m Br*dy - he has a wife who makes a lot more than he does so it becomes issue for team.
  20. And people do not want to hear this but Whaley and his team of scouts provided the data for front office to pick from. [Some do not believe it so much they think Beane got lesson in cheating from New England] Whaley was a very good front office person in Pittsburgh but was terrible at front office politics and public speaking. And people do not want to hear this but Whaley and his team of scouts provided the data for front office to pick from. [Some do not believe it so much they think Beane got lesson in cheating from New England] Whaley was a very good front office person in Pittsburgh but was terrible at front office politics and public speaking.
  21. And people do not want to hear this but Whaley and his team of scouts provided the data for front office to pick from. [Some do not believe it so much they think Beane got lesson in cheating from New England] Whaley was a very good front office person in Pittsburgh but was terrible at front office politics and public speaking.
  22. And people do not want to hear this but Whaley and his team of scouts provided the data for front office to pick from. [Some do not believe it so much they think Beane got lesson in cheating from New England] Whaley was a very good front office person in Pittsburgh but was terrible at front office politics and public speaking. And people do not want to hear this but Whaley and his team of scouts provided the data for front office to pick from. [Some do not believe it so much they think Beane got lesson in cheating from New England] Whaley was a very good front office person in Pittsburgh but was terrible at front office politics and public speaking.
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