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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. He should be playing with Watson or Wilson as part of a package deal. Teams can save money on OC.
  2. Dean Marlowe. I know he is a FA but I think he will be signed again. He has flashed in 2020 but this year people are going to be saying "why did we pay $10M a year for a safety when we can get players like him". Note I am a Poyer and Hyde fan so this is not criticism of them. Think having 3 safeties in sync would solve some issues.
  3. I am a big fan and liked that he could do different roles including playing on defense when necessary. Always liked players who played offense and defense.
  4. That is more polite than asking him how Billicheat's balls taste.
  5. Barry Sanders paid back prorated signing bonus each year getting interest free loan. Each year he would say "Maybe I will unretire" as reason he did not pay back bonus in full. These days players retire and then threaten to unretire when team cannot afford them. Kyle Orton pulled that stunt. Jeremiah Ratliff did something like that with his agent saying it would take a year for him to heal and so Cowboys released him and then he passed physical with other teams and played for Bears.
  6. And Kenny Stills still needs to do something. Bills did not see him do enough to activate him for playoffs even with starting WRs injured.
  7. I think if I was young I'd have my feet replaced with blades they are so bad now but that is not a solution when you are old and heal slowly. Hurt my ankles again this morning but hopefully it is just scrapes although some are deep. Due to COVID I have not been to podiatrist and even if I went she probably recommend therapy which my insurance company resists putting obstacles "Therapy Management" in way to make it difficult to schedule appointments. It is to point it is difficult to drive for appointments even with my car which has hand controls. Your amputation is worse than anything I have however and you have my sympathy.
  8. You worded it better than me. NFLPA is the type of worst type of partner.
  9. It is likely there was a proposal to NFLPA where all of the money did not come from their pockets but future earnings and their "partners" rejected it just wanting NFL owners to take it out of their pockets despite agreement this is how it is supposed to work.
  10. Couldn't you have some variety and have sex with the brunette while blonde robs you?
  11. Shredded wheat & cheese (not prepackaged stuff, freshly shredded) and sour cream with some garlic or onion used to be my snack in college. Don't mock it unless you try it.
  12. We have already heard from John Warrow that the door is closed. This is no different than many other alternate history threads on this board.
  13. I have tried before but my phone camera skills are not up to par. I also rarely go to bar now unable to drive most weeks.
  14. There is a fan of his at my bar who went with him to Harvard. He has a professional made custom Fitzpatrick jersey composed of parts of 8 different Fitzpatrick jerseys from different teams. I have seen two different versions of it each with 1/8 of a jersey. I have no idea what he will do if Fitzpatrick is signed by a new team.
  15. It is amazing IMO for all of those call changing by Zebras in a year where many referees went full time and part of the argument for full time referees is they would be used more in training camps, etc. What were they paid for then since clearly they were not studying rules and ensuring even enforcement?
  16. The issue appears he threatened someone on team which required extra security. It was likely due to mental illness compounded by him over indulging in alcohol and using some other substances as well. He may also have been on prescribed medications which he might not have been taking. Based on what we heard after the fact a request for a reduction in salary was reasonable but unfortunately he was not in a reasonable frame of mind. But his actions resulted in Bills very unlikely in giving him another chance even with support from one of their key players. He had support before and despite it he still regressed. Even if he was willing to come back at veteran minimum and agreement to be under doctor, psychologist and therapist care it likely would not be enough for Bills. Fortunately for him he is apparently being let go for salary cap reasons. IF he was willing to price himself at veteran minimum he would likely return to Raiders. There will be competition for guard positions in reduced cap year and he needs to carefully select next position for he does not have many more seasons left.
  17. Yea it is strange filter changes four letter words to 5 stars.
  18. Have they traded Tua yet? No? Then I am not worried. He has not shown he is a NFL QB yet.
  19. I hope he follows the Quittin' Spain off-season workout plan.
  20. No my argument is that baseball was ruined due to some teams being able to spend a lot more which is what eliminating salary cap does. And New England winning had nothing to do with cap.
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