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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. The Bills do not make AFC Championship without Murphy; he was activated for game to keep Lamar Jackson under control and he did so on multiple plays. And every GM overpays occasionally when needed and sometimes when players do not perform as history has shown but keep pretending otherwise. Much of the press used to write like that concentrating on whatever went wrong but easier for the press to be cut.
  2. So the 142 shots you stated are distributed between different pharmacies and hospitals?
  3. Not entirely understanding the waste part but I'd think that the media (radio and tv mostly) could do public service announcements when there are shots available and the shots will expire or whatever they call it.
  4. Would love to see Josh doing these videos during off season. DCs would see them and have a bit of panic attack for it would be difficult to find way to defend against him. As someone who used to do teaching/training it also reinforces knowledge with instructor.
  5. Well he is a New England fan with a Cam jersey. My doctor told me due to previous lung damage due to bronchitis and pneumonia I should get a shot but when I did search with those conditions it did not show up. He did not mention my weight.
  6. Looked on list of conditions which can move you to front of line, pretty easy to qualify in US. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-medical-conditions.html Talked to a friend who put a pack of cigarettes in pocket, walked into place and told he had underlying issue smoking and they game him a shot. He never smoked in his life. I qualify because I am "obese" and with 20 less pounds I do not qualify. All of my weight is "beer gut" with no extra weight elsewhere. Pretty sure the people who calculate the BMI are same ones who recommend food ingredients to school which none of the kids want to eat.
  7. Likely NFLPA is trying to eliminate preseason since it is not necessary in their opinion. It certainly was necessary for Zebras.
  8. No evidence in favor for QB Dunsel but more than for QB P5t5erson.
  9. That is not unusual. We have seen it happen many times with players who come to Bills.
  10. Considering it would probably prevent someone who worked hard last year from getting a minimum veteran contract I'd disagree. They can put him on enhanced practice squad if they want to do that.
  11. Some players do not like our field. There are worst but it is still issue. Other players do not want to play outdoors especially in cold. This is difficult to avoid entirely but there are those who would prefer to play in South and West conferences. I am sure some prefer low and no tax states even if other costs are higher.
  12. Waterboarding would be more successful especially with the Phish.
  13. And usually insert an ad in first, sometimes longer than video, to encourage you to pay for YouTube Premium. I pay for it and sometimes get ads so thinking of cancelling. YouTube's reasons are not list in advertisements for YouTube Premium.
  14. There was talk about protest of fans going from Texans Quarterback Deshaun Watson's Lefty’s Famous Cheesesteaks restaurant to Texans stadium if Watson did not get promised input. I wonder if there will be protest around his restaurant(s) regarding his activities. Different social groups protest different ways.
  15. Assault with metal brace and kill? Which fits each of those roles?
  16. Well you cannot expect Trubisky to want to play for Bears division foe against team which knows his weaknesses, right?
  17. Reminds me of policy in our school system before COVID. It is called 'Lunch Shame" where you cafeteria workers and not supposed to ask students to pay for lunch for you could cause mental harm with "shame". Students were given credit for lunch they were supposed to pay back. The school used to send letters out telling parents that students needed to repay to graduate but again this was disallowed causing shame. Majority of kids learned to not deposit lunch money and just take free lunch spending money on other things including snacks with poorer kids complaining they were "shamed" not being able to afford snacks. Note: Majority of kids on Free and Reduced Lunches were on program so they did not need to pay for sports fees and parking for their brand new current model year cars. Shame! Shame! Shame! Currently federal program pays for free meals regardless of income including meals for weekends. This is what happens in a world without shame.
  18. Yes very important for Hawaii which has requirements for proof of vaccination even though not enough vaccinations for residents. Had similar issues with shingles vaccinations with very few pharmacies having vaccination in stock and the ones which did were not accepting my insurance. My wife again had shots before me but eventually a pharmacy which accepted my insurance had vaccination shots. Shingles is also a double shot vaccination but a lot less political.
  19. Issue for many places according to reports is they advertise one thing very often using false images obtained from internet sites overseas, get your money and then provide different employees and are "hard" sales for upgrades. When R👁️‍🗨️bert of New England got in trouble I did a deep search of sites and found a number of ads with mid 20s Asian women models for "Orchids of Asia" but all of those taken in by police were much, much older women and not models. Others without these upgrades are advertising similarly at similar prices so customers expect same services are available. Newspapers used have a lot of these type ads in sports section. If you look in yelp you can see lots of confusion from customers offered extra services like happy endings and not expecting and customers rating places very poorly for employees not match expectations from ads.
  20. Thanks for information. One of my wife's workers had arm swell up after vaccine and her staff often go to her for questions since many of them do not read English. Swelling was side effect too.
  21. That from someone whose login alias is a illness symptom. You think Trebisky gets the Sweats?
  22. And a lot of players have not been resigned to Panthers. Do you have Panther envy?
  23. I understood the haircut when he was in California and wanted part in Three Stooges remake.
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