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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Real homebody until he got money. I hope Jim Overdorf is not involved in contract.
  2. I have not heard of Diggs bungEE jumping but did hear he skydived in "Football's New Wave: The Young Superstars Taking Over the Game". I think bungee-jumping has been more an expression with him but I may be wrong. They definitely have someone in social media searching for misuse of Bills trademarked things and when they spot info on players they will pass it along. I have been at jobs when employees have received letters om social media posts which company thought poorly reflected on company.
  3. Taste and smell go together. If you have a cold things do not taste the same. For me sight and touch. Sight despite my diminishing uncorrectable vision to read the medication bottles which I think would be difficult to open without touch. Touch is a lot more complicated than some think. It is not just finger tips but air pressure on ears, feeling ground when you walk, etc. Back to eating my trout and cauliflower pasta. When I have full eating requirements from endocrinologist I probably will not need taste buds.
  4. For some reason this reminds me a QB taking the ball from a 300 pound lineman.
  5. Maybe they were paid as part of money which went for full time referees. Part of the justification for that was referees would participate more in camp and would learn rule book and scenarios better - did not happen.
  6. Team learned that you are more than 11 people on opposite side of field and needs to be more aggressive in scoring.
  7. Why bother with interest? Interest saving rate is almost 0. I have closed accounts at banks since it is so low.
  8. Aren't fines donated to charities? The NFL should repay him not taking the money from charity even though the referees have no fault insurance. So Texans got screwed
  9. NFLPA has never wanted to skip OTAs, training camps, etc. If they had choice training camps would be Madden games with restricted number of hours to limit Carpal tunnel syndrome and other injuries. No new news.
  10. In my case I went to 6 different doctors who each gave a different reason and medication. Some of the medication relieved symptoms temporarily. The 7th doctor told me it was psychosomatic and told me there was no physical basis for problem. Went to 8th doctor, said it was plantars despite issue being ankle not foot and put my foot in a hard cast to soften up foot. I was almost crippled and he said that should not have happened so ordered MRI. Cyst size of a golf ball surrounding ankle bones, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, etc. Cyst was removed but my entire foot architecture has been changed and never completely recovered. Now I cannot even find shoes that have arches which fit.
  11. In general I do not trust doctors for they are artists not scientists. With same symptoms and measurements doctors can have different conclusions.
  12. Relative who works in hospital was reinfected with COVID after having 2nd vaccine. Was told that she was infected with another variant. Vaccine seems to have helped reducing growth of virus She has been given antiviral medication. Also have had 2 relatives die from COVID-19 complications. It has been a miserable 2 weeks.
  13. I have hyperglycemia a fair amount of my life but now my doctor is telling me I have Diabetes but has not classified it as Type 1 (pancreas not producing insulin) or type 2 but has not stated which type. I have been put on 2 types of medication and insulin but insulin instructions made it impossible to take and work. After several days doctor told me just ignore instructions on package and just take it any time of day I can. He wants me to see a specialist (most listed as accepting insurance are gone, not taking insurance or not taking new patients but still on list) but very difficult to find a specialist, have tests done beyond basic ones or get physical therapy so avoid Cigna health insurance Definitely noticed changes but not sure if more due to radical diet changes or medication. My wife gave me my first insulin shot today.
  14. He started 4 games last year. Certainly valuable and if replacement is not as valuable it can cost us games.
  15. Sure they do. They qualify it as opinion and use anonymous sources they will defend in court under freedom of press.
  16. Klein is a good player to start when they run 3 LB sets and can play in 2 LB set in right defenses but not every week as starter.
  17. Not surprising. Love Canal is just most well known problem. It is the Siberia of New York State.
  18. I knew I did not fit here other than my opinion that Debbie Downers should get IVs with hemlock - My normal body temperature is 96.8.
  19. Nobody who is backup would I want to play safety if Poyer or Hyde is out for a game. Sign Dean.
  20. One of my wife's staff called in off. Her husband (late 40's or early 50s) is in emergency room after shot due to liver and kidney damage. I checked and yes this reported possible side effect of vaccine.
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