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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I hope when Gaine gets a job it is in AFC South so he can have his team built to slam Texans every year.
  2. This is not a music video and the music is way too loud sometimes. I wonder when his pay skyrockets and there are not as many good players in support will Bills risk so many runs for him.
  3. Don't think it was spiteful but more on how he ended career with them and how they treated him. He had 3 one year contracts prior to ut for which he was underappreciated especially in Minnesota.
  4. All he was saying was that Bears was an organization which did not develop QBs (which I think most agree with) and it concentrated assets on defense. From a QB POV it was very poor to develop QBs and offenses if they brought in veterans (i.e. Cutler and Foles) or rookies ( McMahon, Trubisky). I used to have a floor lead at work who was a big Bears fan (he was a large man who looked like an ex-football player but was military veteran) and he'd comment repeatedly about how poor Bears offenses were and that if they ever got a good offense to go along with great defenses they would have another Superbowl win. If the best organization he said was not the Packers the Bears rival maybe it would not as much of a dagger to Bears fans. It is a bit odd him saying best organization with Farve and Rodgers both having issues with them at end of career but starting QB POV and backup POV will be different.
  5. The reason why some think top of the 2nd is okay but bottom of 1sr is not is for 1st round picks the team has a 5th year option on contract. It is rare that a team will use a 5th year option on a RB so it is seen as a waste.
  6. Hard to finance when crowds are limited and market is flooded with cheap Chinese knockoffs without large TV contract. I have not looked at salaries in CFL recently but I am guessing they are rising faster than inflation.
  7. Not watch baseball but at least they have a stadium in NY unlike other "NY" teams.
  8. it was more than just size change last year. It was number of activations to active team (giving player game day salary boost w/o exposing player) and expanded eligibility list. Since NFL capped salaries of PS players due to some teams paying players as much as active players that game day salary boost was a big impact to those players.
  9. If they are allowed expanded practice squads absolutely.
  10. Went to Baltimore Football Club (official name) more known as Baltimore Stallions (trying to attract old Colts fans). If CFL could get network contract promise I think they could get some US teams without US teams (Portland, St Louis, etc.) to boost income to league. I think a league size of 12 would be best. I think Northern states would be best especially border states so Canadian fans could travel. This of course would have to wait for borders to open up. I think there is a market for professional football with history which does not cost as much to watch as NFL does.
  11. You are implying NFLPA line is tractor trailer full of dung. I will state it clearly - they have always objected to OTAs (but want players to get them without them) and will use any reason including flat earth and sunspots as reasons.
  12. He will ask TBD for advice why it does not have trouble with media locking up but Bills site does.
  13. Link to page if direct link does not work: https://player.fm/series/the-jim-rome-show-1512034/ep-4132021-jordan-poyer Bills great organization top to bottom. Working with several other players from team and good to see them hungry too. Loves the grind Still does not get the respect he deserves. Amazing secondary staying together so long. At 6:30 talks about drinking.
  14. Jim Rome Show: https://21153.mc.tritondigital.com/OMNY_THEJIMROMESHOW_PODCAST_P/media-session/e8922a3f-cf5e-4812-91f3-7a299224b16b/d/clips/4b5f9d6d-9214-48cb-8455-a73200038129/10b88244-3e7d-46c8-b563-a7b70006e566/bf01821a-19ba-4b82-883e-ad090140838c/audio/direct/t1618342082/4_13_2021_-_Jordan_Poyer.mp3?t=1618342082&in_playlist=3aa9d5c7-6fdf-48ae-9158-a7b70006e56b&utm_source=Podcast
  15. Quality of play at start of year was almost as bad as NFLPA's propaganda.
  16. Disagree on that. I have seen posters claim quality was same. I think the referees especially were bad and as part of full time pay they were supposed to be more involved with training camps and they weren't. Pay for free.
  17. or in a car. I had a coworker who had a "thermos if coffee" which rarely had coffee in it. He spilled it once at work and what came out was definitely not coffee. I'd see him in his car with thermos open many times in parking lot. He had an accident while driving company rental car leaving a customer site and had an accident. He had barely left customer site, no time for stopping for a drink, and was cited for DWI and open container. He lost job and clearance. Company refused to pay bills because he was at fault.
  18. There was a player who tripped over dog going to door to get pizza. Players sometimes hide injuries until camp or until contract has been signed. Players have been seen playing basketball when being unable to practice due to injury. Teams end up paying medical bills of players who are injured on their own time and who do not play and if Jim Overdorf worked on contract they do not even need to repay signing bonuses.
  19. Being paid does not necessarily resulting in better results - see full time referees who still cannot get calls right. MODS get paid for this? corrected as been proved by spygate burnings, "Just give it to them", "tuck rule", etc.
  20. Tre claimed THAT was in his sphere of influence for next contract.
  21. Biilicheat should have kept that TB12 supplement option but when he TB's guru out you knew the end was near.
  22. The blaming of team for injury will not encourage teams to give him another shot especially in a low cap year.
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