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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. https://datausa.io/profile/geo/buffalo-ny/?compare=pittsburgh-pa The difference between city of Pittsburgh and residents outside of city are not very different. Been there many times. The 5 largest ethnic groups in Pittsburgh, PA are White (Non-Hispanic) (63.7%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (23.5%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (5.66%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (2.92%), White (Hispanic) (2.49%). The 5 largest ethnic groups in Buffalo, NY are White (Non-Hispanic) (40.7%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (35.5%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (6.97%), Other (Hispanic) (6.83%), and White (Hispanic) (4.23%). Other data: population of 255k people (114,902 and trending down) median age of 32.7 median household income of $40,843. The difference between city of Buffalo and residents outside of city in Erie County are very different. White (Non-Hispanic) (74.9%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (13.1%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (3.81%), White (Hispanic) (2.34%), Other (Hispanic) (2.31%). Other data: population of 919k people (459,590 employed and trending up) a median age of 40.3 a median household income of $60,652. Erie County executive is not going to contribute to a new stadium in city of Buffalo. They may need to eat cost of clean up of old stadium. Buffalo is not going to pay their share of stadium; new mayor will guarantee that. If Pegulas wanted to pay for their stadium themselves they could put it basically anywhere they wanted asking just for infrastructure costs. If there are enough businesses in Buffalo that they wanted to support stadium there they could help support it but not have economic base. The suburbs will not want to pay for a stadium downtown. The cost of the stadium will be paid for by NYS, Erie Country, Taxes/Fees and Pegulas with possible loan from NFL’s stadium finance program with NONE from Buffalo.
  2. He has fleeced the NFL more with his cheating.
  3. A good deal of the money will come from county via fees and taxes. Buffalo has not been contributing to stadium. What makes you think they will pick up costs now? We have politicians in the DC saying same thing - and they expect suburb dwellers to pay this when they are complaining about cross suburb community transportation. Some of those universities studies are paid for by those who believe that - that is why they provide funding. It is not cut and dry. Macroeconomics is a very fuzzy math system. Same systems declare inflation is low while the opposite is occurring.
  4. I did one set of transparent plates for a class showing different things as Buffalo grew. Professor said "I was not aware you were an Urban Architecture major" I said "I am not, I find this fun. I do this for my AD&D gaming group." His response "Interesting....".
  5. And post development messed up a great deal of what was done like separating the East side where some of my relatives live. Olmsted aided in those walking in a city which was getting much more crowded. Its primary purpose was to add urban parks for city users like Central Park in NYC.
  6. It was from someone with a political agenda. Likely some of posters too based on some of the comments they made.
  7. Went to UB and took some electives related to L’Enfant’s plan for Washington. Buffalo's design was very similar to his plan for Washington with circles and one way streets to create traffic flows. This plan in Washington was implemented by surveyor Benjamin Ellicott and his brother Joseph. Joseph Ellicott then based Buffalo's design on those designs. Point is system was in place before Olmsted so it was not around the Olmsted Park system. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uiug.30112106620468&view=1up&seq=31 https://view.publitas.com/bopc/olmstedparkmap/page/4-5 https://archplan.buffalo.edu/research/research_insights.host.html/content/shared/ap/students-faculty-alumni/perspectives/buffalo-is-still-the-best-planned-city-in-america.detail.html
  8. That came up when he asked Daboll asked him when he will be invited to pro bowl. "You need to get a whole lot better" he said to him.
  9. Information on it: https://www.wned.org/television/wned-productions/wned-history-productions/frederick-law-olmsted-designing-america/learn-more-olmsted/olmsteds-buffalo-park-system/ It was a system designed to integrate parks into a city. The parks could become part of the system for people leaving area on foot and bicycle but for evening/night games I do not see it becoming a factor. Street design is something different.
  10. P5t5rman considers him his idle and wishes he would grow and be as good as him physically.
  11. Obada reminds me of Groot - good play in limited number of games.
  12. This from an expert on sucking. How much of an expert is he? Porn starlets call him for tips on sucking. Without Br*dy's acting ability he will go nowhere.
  13. If Kumerow replaces Jones then Bills can choose to keep a 7th WR. Question is which of McKenzie or Stephenson or someone else is good at replacing Kumerow as backup gunner?
  14. I was thinking same thing. He seemed to be very competent. Now we will get a complaint because he is a former Carolina Panther.
  15. As a fan how much were you planning on investing anyways? in·vest /inˈvest/ gerund or present participle: investing expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial plans, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture.
  16. I tried and it asked me my interests which I provided but continuously sent me emails on what I had no interest in DURING FOOTBALL SEASON to pad amount of material so I cancelled it.
  17. No need to feel bad - it is competition and I am sure he knocked other players out of jobs. But only if Kumerow can replace him on special teams as well as play on offense. Who is #3 gunner if one of the gunners is hurt? Stop talking to @Tom Donahoe, GM or any other @tom donahoe imitation clowns.
  18. He reminds me of Jeff George great armed QB whose discipline was terrible.
  19. That is why you never get a raise at work. It is all for your mental health.
  20. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31958366/joe-looney-signed-new-york-giants-last-week-retiring-sources-say Supposedly nothing to do with scuffle in camp or punishment exercises.
  21. Philadelphia seems perfect place for him. Eagle Fans booed Santa Claus.
  22. Where did all of the Jerry "Sulking" Sullivan clones go?
  23. You are right. They did not release Troy Vincent when he took a cheap shot on "uppity" QB.
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