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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. My wife only gets tickets or warnings for going to slow. She speeds more than I do and has never got a ticket.
  2. Ass sore from sitting so long or did you ask to get in shot in ass because technically that is a muscle too? If I said that I'd be banned so I will just bump it a few times
  3. Defending his client by bringing in other women who had multiple sessions with him and saying "See he behaved then" makes absolutely no sense especially since the women suing for most part did not book additional sessions due to his actions. It would be like Kr*ft saying - see we did not caught cheating in this game to explain away other cheating.
  4. Ferengi Rules of Acquisition and how in a battle with Beane they will lose. Local station has all 5 Star Trek live TV shows back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back here 6 days a week. I work in evening so perfect opportunity to watch but then I discovered it on Amazon w/o ads (except for Amazon ads) so watch it there. Watch 25th anniversary documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHixW9PLsAc
  5. I think he should walk to the referee, bow and hand it to him or her. Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #33: "It never hurts to suck up to the boss."
  6. Some of those good old boys may be in grave and their children taking over seats however. Between which North Eastern New York State Border Crossing points do you hop fence?
  7. I have lost my job twice due to medical issues. If I have issues due to diabetes requiring accommodations I will be talking to my company via a laywer. Once I told them I needed to have surgery and would be out for up to 6 weeks. Company then told me customer DISA decided to replace me deciding to change job requirements so were they were laying me off for lack of work. I worked for Raytheon for 7 years with high performance ratings and awards every year. I actually got job interview from poster on wall. They moved me to a new day shift job within project because of contract merger and my salary was capped due to new contract - if I stayed I could not get raises which meant company could not raise billing rate. Long story but I got insomnia after shift change and insomnia issue eventually corrected. I reported issue as required. Over year later during parodic review of clearances reviewer classified my issue and my clearance was pulled. No unclassified work was available. Received from agency letter that this should not be looked as reflection on my work and I could apply for a new clearance in a year. Companies do not generally reapply for very high level clearances due to time/cost. I was hired with TS clearance already I had for 25 years and they applied for an upgrade while I still was working at old job saving them thousands of dollars. All clearances gone and I was out of work for 18 months. The laws on protection over medical issues is very weak especially in right-to-work states.
  8. When I am told to get a monitor i would definitely prefer that type. I work on computers all day and finger pricks would result in reflex actions with my fingers.
  9. Or requirement that players needed to buy up old jerseys when they change numbers.
  10. As someone who was incorrectly diagnosed with it as a child there are several types of epilepsy with the worst being Tonic-clonic seizures (also called grand mal seizures, can make a person cry out, lose consciousness, fall to the ground and have muscle jerks and/or spasms) which is type you see typically in movies with violent shaking, possible biting/swallowing of tongue, etc. In previous times such people were told not to play sports. These days you can play sports with precautions. There is medication to control it and typically seizures repeat without medication. Absence seizures (sometimes called petit mal seizures can cause rapid blinking or a few seconds of staring into space); this type could become a big impact to a professional player.
  11. Well from conversation with Eddie he had considerable input which equipment players uses. I have a signed copy of his book "The Tale of the Tape: A History of the Buffalo Bills from the Inside". I agree with you on helmet designs as related to decaling. One of those helmets would be good to put Bills logo streak but what happens when players choose radically different styles? I wonder how new helmet designs will affect mini-helmets. There is a bar patron who has a layered shelf with mini-helmets. Some he hand painted because he could not find mini helmet of that type available for sale.
  12. https://www.crainscleveland.com/article/20140430/BLOGS06/140439971/mark-kelso-mocked-and-shunned-for-his-padded-helmet-in-the-1990s-is I had opportunity to talk with Eddie Abramoski at an annual tailgate here where he was a guest. This is a true story, I cannot imagine an equipment manager has that type of influence on a team today.
  13. Mitch should get the best helmet with an additional cap on top like a former Bill wore. It helped prevent additional concussions for Mark Kelso. https://www.profootballhof.com/news/kelso-s-helmet/
  14. Ankle sprains can be deceptively bad. I did it on a work trip, put an ace bandage on it and continued my trip. A couple of years later I had issues with motor control in ankle. Visited 8 different doctors, each gave different cause and treatment except one who called it psychosomatic. Last doctor put me in a boot and I was almost crippled. Doctor had an MRI on it and discovered a cyst size of golf ball causing bones, vessels, ligaments. etc put everything out of alignment. The cyst was removed but my ankle never fully recovered.
  15. For ballet WNY is equivalent is to a minor league team.
  16. Pretty sure Chan Gailley left rather than being let go. Head coach said all of the assistant coaches were expected staying and next day Chan resigns. After that Miami Mammals purged offensive coaches associated with him. if Flores was planning on canning him he would not have made that statement.
  17. The NFL did no favor to teams by making draft end so late close to date to pick up many options. I understand that they needed more time due to lack of combine but future contracts should not have fixed date but relative date like "7 days after draft ends".
  18. I wish I could have played college ball. I got to play one scrimmage of high school football as true freshman as short yardage RB/safety. One booster at game gave me his card and did not realize I was in 9th grade. I had a medical condition diagnosed afterwards which prevented me from continuing sports which ended up being a false diagnosis. Yes. I am clear too.
  19. You need to watch Space Jam 10 more times. You can not tell the difference between Saint Bill Murray and Stan Stan: C'mon, Michael. Let me help. I'm not very tall but I'm slow. Sylvester: and large Daffy Duck: and a dork
  20. Players used to say that about me playing football. I was also slow getting off them after tackling them or throwing them down and landing on them when they tried to tackle me so they did not say it very often.
  21. Title needs to be changed to Lookout created for Aldon Smith.
  22. Better to wait for a QB to go down in playoffs and sign up as backup to add year to retirement fund and not go thru training camp, preseason, etc.
  23. If the curse is still on then Br*dy. Will never see it so having his picture on it will not bother me.
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