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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Some are like kleptomaniacs who cannot control adding it to threads; for some it borders on mental illness. The MODs need a strong crew carrying white jackets with long sleeves to help them out.
  2. Some are so used to being used as puppets in campaigns recently that even when the strings are very weak they start lighting their torches and sharpening their pitchforks.
  3. I went to UB living in Amherst campus dorms when I was 17 and was asked "When will you be 18?" and I said "Next month". His response: I will put you on the list but never told what list. The next month he came by dorm floor kitchen. Who wants free Chinese? Bunch of guys put their hands up. Who is a 18 and has proof? Some put their hands down. You and you and you (me) and you and you we are going to Canada. Lead: Don't be an asshat or you are walking back. . Fort Erie Border Guard: Where are you going? Lead answer: Beer, gas and Chinese food. Border Guard: Others? and we all replied same. Border Guard: IDs? And we all held up ID. Border Guard: Enjoy Canada He went to beer store next and got 12 cases of beer. We then went to a Chinese fast food place and he ordered some food and we ate there. On way back got gas. Fort Erie Border Guard: Where did you go and what did you do? All: Beer, gas and Chinese food holding up IDs. Fort Erie Border Guard: Go. He was member of a fraternity and he would make a trip every 2 weeks or so until midterms or finals. Never was asked to join so never paid attention to which one but fraternities were not that big in UB.
  4. Ahead of season no. Too many players available are not likely to last for a full season. If there is any CBs worth signing sign them post game 1 with significant bonus per game available. Players who have mental blockages and unable to play would not get those bonuses.
  5. That is part which should be most responsible by state and local jurisdictions. For cost of stadium itself it should be paid for by a lease which is binding enough to pay for costs and maintenance. Right now inflation is very low* and they should between NFL and local authorities bonds to pay for it. * Inflation is not as low as government tends to understate and when numbers do not match expectations government appointed overseers instruct to change how things are calculated.
  6. I will say he is happy to join in anything which helps the team like the Christmas video. No way do I see a lot of owners doing that type of thing.
  7. She is the one who goes to team meetings not him. He does have other businesses to pay attention to so that is part of reason.
  8. The MAIN reason was to make his wife and she wanted to keep them in Buffalo and out of Jovi’s hands. Terry rubs Sabres; Kim runs Bills.
  9. Well player does not even want to be there but due to new rule he has to be or be fined and these fines cannot be waived. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/agents-take-why-holding-out-during-training-camp-is-no-longer-a-bargaining-tool-for-todays-nfl-stars/ It would be better to give him a free pass to do whatever he wanted paid for by team?
  10. Since he is almost a P*t that is hard to do. Bills get warnings and Billicheat gets away with actions which would be penalized on other teams.
  11. Time for thread to be closed. Getting into politics.
  12. Exactly why I said run blocking and some of their active backup linemen. In a true blowout you can try substituting in pass blocking while Allen gets a rest.
  13. This is something which teams should be looking at - finding a way to get OL men less snaps via rotation. The Bills made a concentrated effort at having depth on OL and now they have some rookies who need seasoning. Maybe the Bills can field some run blocking lines which can use near end of games when they are planning on running out clock to get some of their active backup linemen some reps which will help when they need to run the ball.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/now/jon-gruden-zay-jones-taking-063641810.html I hope the DBs are enjoying practice catching balls.
  15. He said he got ALL of the effects. Does wine taste poorly? Does Mac & Cheese? That would be rough for him.
  16. It is non @Logic-al.
  17. Likely Ford will take RT and Williams left. Bills may have same situation they had last year with unable to keep same OL.
  18. There are lots of very vocal anti-vaxers who died for their mistake. I hope he gets well. My sister is dealing with post-virus side effects for months.
  19. Well if you did not slide down rope holding rope to groin you would have felt less funny and got more work.
  20. Since fines go to charity that just means you do not support charities. This guy hates charity!
  21. Very good article. I am especially enjoying the Aaron Rodgers piece since of all of teams I cheer for in NFC Green Bay is #1.
  22. Is it possible he is milking this so he does not need to do training camp practices and preseason games. He went thru season last year without preseason games and may not feel need for them this year. Also with training camp practices there is only so much practice time and with so many new players on line he may want them to get the time. Much of medicine is not science but art and doctors get feedback from patents for much of their diagnoses. There are also rules changes requiring penalties for missing training camp absences and preseason games missed but it does not apply to players under medical care. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/agents-take-why-holding-out-during-training-camp-is-no-longer-a-bargaining-tool-for-todays-nfl-stars/
  23. In 2019 Williams signed a $7 million contract with the Panthers. He played in all 16 games, starting 12 games: four at left tackle, three at right guard, and five at left guard. That seems like position flexibility to me.
  24. Ironic that Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York gets stadium naming rights with what is happening. And while I like Korean I hate Kimchi.
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