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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Some might not like "knuckleheads" who register names and URLs but that is the way the laws work because big companies sometimes try to out muscle small guys tying them up in court so they cannot afford to fight and sell rights. Netscape and other companies spent the money to develop browsers so Micro$oft decided it needed to have one branded with M$ name. They salvaged as much as they could get away with from other companies to make their browser and in meantime started advertising campaign with new IE logo and marketing hype about M$ exploding onto the scene. The name of the browser was called "Internet Exploder". After marketing was done someone pointed out that ever time it crashed people would would say browser exploded which was not the connotation they intended so the marketing guys changed name to "Internet Explorer" with "explanation" nonsense was a typo. There however was a product called "Internet Explorer" from a single developer in Minnesota who had trademarked name. M$ took him to court multiple times raising damage to M$ in lawsuit to raise court to try to force him to abandon claim or sell name. He was supported by a number of software groups and foundations and finally M$ needed to pay legal costs and buy it for hundreds of millions of dollars. Note: I have a patent which was licensed by 13 companies and this patent was regular defended against unfair use by patent holder to those who tried to use it without payment until it expired.
  2. There were a number of veterans signed per request of Rex mostly on defense but Tyrod Tailor was a player that Rex wanted Bills to sign.
  3. He is in charge of silent majority except he is not silent. Remember when facts do not match reality create your own facts! And don't forget to rate down.
  4. It is more of a reflection on accuser than accused.
  5. There is a reason it is called TWITter.
  6. Yea when I worked in industry briefly it was important to be accurate than fast. With current media it is important to be first, even if what you are saying is not true or coming from sketchy sources you have not double checked, so you can get credit and ignore any blowback from details you may have gotten wrong or made up (speculated).
  7. When is the NFLPA going to start recommending the medications allowed for Carpal tunnel syndrome when they replace players on field with virtual players operated by players?
  8. That is not a JA hurdle but thank you for trying to divert thread.
  9. Good for Dez Lewis. Last time I heard he was a life guard.
  10. I hope my dog does not have an allergy to seafood but has had no problem with leftover catfish and salmon so probably okay.
  11. Jimmy, a LB named @R. Rich and Butch Rolle. Could have been in photo shoot but my health did not allow.
  12. Were you one of those who left and helped trigger a comeback? If so congrats and remember to do it in future. If not no credit.
  13. JW is not a click bait reporter. He works for AP and is poster on TSW. I believe you are reading into it what you want to or are trying to start argument here.
  14. He had a concussion and today they would not have allowed him back on field.
  15. Paid ad made me want to become a vegetarian - was that the purpose of video? Pretty sure purpose of video submitter was ad money.
  16. Only if poster is a GOAT (greatest of all time what I do not know)
  17. Foster had an attitude problem and LeSean McCoy finally had enough and had discussion with him and his game improved. When McCoy was freed from Bills shackles his attitude went back to what it was before. I too was hoping he would work out especially as a deep threat.
  18. They have not announced yet if they will have enhanced practice squads with 16 players and ability to protect 4 players a week. I expect the NFL and NFLPA are still negotiating with priority depending on if percentages of players with COVID-19 vaccine goes up.
  19. No, that is Jimmy the owner of the bar. It was his bar's Twenty Fourth (24th) year anniversary. I just get the guests for his parties.
  20. He was playing the blues, Buffalo Bills Butch Blues! https://www.facebook.com/jimmystavern/
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