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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I was reading Isaac Asimov when I was 5 (Lucky Stars series) and when I was in 2nd grade we needed to do a book report (hardly a book report but that was what teacher called it, it was mostly bibliography info on book - author, publisher, etc) from a book in the library. I turned in a report on "Inside the Atom" by Isaac Asimov which was a science book he wrote in 1956. Teacher said I did not follow instructions and eventually it got to principal and he asked teacher why I did not follow instructions and she said it was supposed to get a book from school library. He asked if she specified school library and she said no for it is implied for how was I supposed to check to see if I did it correctly without reviewing the book? I spoke up and said I still had the book I borrowed for I had not finished reading it and she could look at it. Principal told teacher to borrow the book and just confirm I followed class instructions based on that book. Teacher was not happy but followed instructions.
  2. Biggest impact I saw from Shady professional was how when Robert Foster was struggling he took him under his wing and taught him how to be a professional. It is not on him that once he was let go that Foster did not continue that path.
  3. You mean he STANDS for schools? Principals work in schools. Does he stand for deans too?
  4. Not think you should compare Median NFL salary to him who would be lucky to make a practice squad.
  5. They love Kim (she is the big football fan and attends NFL meetings and on committees) and distrust Terry (who is the hockey fan).
  6. I think they "rage quit" because they put their balls on chopping block stating he was the best QB in that draft and could not post without being ridiculed constantly doubling down after draft.
  7. From the same company which cannot write browser without crashes far too often and is repeatedly sending patches for viruses and have additional features of new ways for it to track you. Is AU, Artificial Un-intelligence, trademarked yet?
  8. It was maturity and LeSean McCoy was the only one who seemed to be able to get it in his head that just because he played for Alabama that he did not walk on water and he needed to practice and play like a professional. When Bills let McCoy go (rather than trading him for a late round pick to let him go where he wanted) he went back to his old habits.
  9. CBS Pick Six discussion (Xavien bad, you just signed a contract a year ago.) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pick-six-nfl/id1263289980
  10. If they do they need to do a lot more checking of helmets - both for safety and because radios have been turned on late in GOAT Cheater stadium.
  11. The article does not seem to be entirely correct. They made changes to prevent team from stashing players on PS by paying them equivalent of being on 53 man roster.
  12. I think Wade is dealing with one additional factor - the international program requires him to be on Practice Squad (PS_ for entire year for roster exemption. If Bills had a game where 2 RBs were injured (think "Any Given Sunday") the Bills could not call him up from PS. The rule should be modified so if a player is on international program and he is called up he can be returned to PS and as long as he is member of PS that year his salary is guaranteed same as for international program exemption.
  13. Would he or his agent offer a pay cut if he was moved from LT to RT? No.
  14. Considering the number of fans would lie about it probably will at gate but real hard to do in stands. Maybe they should be treated like lepers "unclean" but hard to do when some players refuse.
  15. Graves are cold and that agent used contract from one player, refusing to discuss it, until Bills handled any contract first. That is unprofessional.
  16. New agreement does not allow teams to rescind fines. Good thing about that is that agent, who pulled a lot of stuff like that with Bills, is taking a dirt nap.
  17. I heard the person who posted that will be cut first. Anyone giving me odds?
  18. Two of probably strongest Defense players carrying him. At least Star got something to show that he was there.
  19. Well maybe they need to find some way of incorporating other things into metrics.
  20. Does anyone have link to video of the weird play they were describing with WRs behind line of scrimmage which would confuse opponents defenses? They said it did not work.
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