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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Robert Woods has been known to be one of the best WR run blockers in the league since he was with Bills.
  2. You need to roll your eyes at the idiot who pays him early knowing he will not put effort at end of contract. He is like Neon Deion who would not make effort to tackle and was made ineffective when defenses ran at him.
  3. He is type of owner Washington fans deserve. An owner who hired some people so they could be at his parties. You need to roll your eyes at the jerk (and a jerk will roll his eyes at this) and the fans of that team. Remember this was the last team to integrate. After Bills Superbowl my car had red and yellow tempura paint dumped on it. When I reported it to guards on military installation they said that what do you expect with Bills item in your windshield. I responded "Good sports from a winner" and they rolled their eyes at me. True children.
  4. The ones who get more wrong regarding Bills than PFF is TSW. Something to do with a million monkeys on a million typewriters.
  5. And IF they are smart once they sign the contract they can afford to pay for professional help and equipment during off season. And off season should not be party, spend all that money, season. Hopefully they take lessons from Deshaun Watson on what NOT to expect from professional help. And not get their feet frostbit like Antonio Brown. Don't be cheap or stupid. A coworker of mine at previous job was who was a PS player who played some snaps on 53 for JEST and a lot of equipment at home. There are places which have hypobaric chambers athletes can pay for or even buy one for home.
  6. Could someone be so greedy and heartless to have HELPED building collapse and just take insurance money before they needed to pay? It happens with arsonists but would require more knowledge.
  7. People who cannot grow mullets assume those who can are strange. Personally I find completely shaved bald heads strange since the one time my head was shaved (I was drunk and my marine students thought it would be funny) I was told my head looks like a mine fields from all of the divots, scars and bumps from football, accidents and surgeries from benign cysts I get from sunshine.
  8. Having a lifetime award during next NFL draft would be nice. At Hall of Fame induction they could include a segment on players who he did film on being awarded.
  9. Bruce used to spend a bit of time after hours with Marv discussing some of the quotes and other things he brought up in practices and meetings. He also used to be seen during season at restaurants with Marv and sometimes his wife. There is a restaurant he and Marv used to go to which my mom worked at. She found one of Bruce's books on naval history with a note from Marv to Bruce in it (obviously a gift). Same restaurant I had my reception in. Today the NFLPA would object being hours spent with a coach outside of hours but it had nothing to do with football.
  10. I do not suppose @Doc knows this fact since he keeps ranting about "waste of time and money" and "Your tax dollars at work" but where does majority of money for PTO come from? Hint: This is a trick question - when there is a budget impasse PTO is one of the few agencies which does not need to have furloughs and contractors laid off due to lack of money. It is from user fees. I have worked there for over 5 years and been through several budget crises with contractors laid off and not being paid as well as civil service whining while they were repaid when budget agreement.
  11. Well his organization has shown to be incompetent so I expect we have not heard whole story but person doing it is not poor so likely he wants something else - percentages, seats, etc.
  12. Taiwan Jones was one of the first players special coordinator wanted after Tyler Matakevich. Isn't weird to have 3 LBs named Tyler on roster?
  13. Reason why not sue: Laywers screw you getting most of money and you get a coupon.
  14. No entirely. If they are hungry enough (or too lazy to go elsewhere) they dig what they want out and like raccoons wash it. I even tried putting seed in water with hot pepper sauce and then drying it before I put in bird feeder. Want to find teacher for my wife to learn to use shotgun and fill it with ice pellets. She tried an air gun but they learned to ignore it.
  15. Brandon Beane's response was not about cutting players who were not taking vaccine. This is an attempt to use what was said and expanded upon issue he did not address. This is done very often. Beane was talking about maintaining a football advantage in terms of practices, etc. by having required percentage of players with vaccine per NFL protocol rules. It would not be an advantage to cut a veteran just for that reason but if Beane had 2 players who he needed to choose between to reach percentage, one with vaccine and one not, he would cut the player which would give him the advantage. I believe all teams would do that just as they would between two players of equal ability, one causing a media crap storm and one not.
  16. They set rules and did not abide by them with lots of unwarranted praise so I cannot see them changing. Opposite of Teddy Roosevelt - Speak loudly and carry a limp stick.
  17. It will not work that way in NFL. The Titans had many players who tested positive and their faculties were not safe to use so NFL delayed and rescheduled and delayed and rescheduled until team could play. They should have scheduled game in another facility and told Titans to take whomever was available to play.
  18. This is something Jerry contributed to. But not everyone will be able to pay a publication to post his or hers.
  19. Lee Smith was considered best blocking TE in NFL. Bills used him against AFC West due to his knowledge and was left to block some of their best players. Same thing with 8 TDs. Spencer Brown might play as extra lineman but will not be able to do his role. Note: Every TD catch was a hands catch away from body. Not all TEs and WRs do that.
  20. Saw this ad and just laughed. I was asked what was funny I said it was just a product which my Bills forum needed.
  21. Awesome article. Roman cement had calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate while modern Portland cement only has calcium-silicate-hydrate.
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