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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. None of them were charged. I cannot not figure out (and surprised no one asked airline) why they did not just leave those who refused to wear masks at airport.
  2. It is pretty clear what has happened to Gase. He was head coach of Miami and New Jersey teams and got a good look in cookie jar Billicheat keeps his cheats in and it drove him mad. In treatment commissioner was called in because of some bizarre and unfathomable things he said like commissioner burning evidence. Commissioner said it was overwork for head coaches (other than Rex) often work 80 hours a week. He recommended Gase take a less stressful job.
  3. Interesting way of making baby. I hope his hands are still good and he did not drop the baby.
  4. He reminds me of Zay Jones, a WR from Eastern NC, that we drafted who was "unstoppable" in college and whose game did not translate to the pros.
  5. Alexander Keith’s Hits 22 States https://beerstreetjournal.com/alexander-keiths-hits-22-states/ I still have some Molson XXX. It used to be a beer I'd share with my mom.
  6. I wonder if reporter would have found that joke so funny if it happened to him.
  7. Five Guys know that malt vinegar belongs with French fries,
  8. No faster - practice running from cops which is probably why she using it.
  9. Like Star Wars Part I. I wonder who will play the equivalent to Jar Jar Binks.
  10. McDonald's fries are newspaper compared to Five Guys fries.
  11. I am thinking about a diplomat driving a very large construction vehicle which saw bumper sticker not honking. Probably first time I will cheer for diplomat.
  12. Would it not be more interesting for the loser of the Superbowl to be the one covered by this show? Less interesting than if the team repeated previous year but that does not happen foo often.
  13. What year was that? (for those who do not want to do their own work 1950) What was transportation pattern including percentage of people with cars? What percentage of population worked outside the home? What percentage of Bills fans are from city of Buffalo? I took classes at UB examining population trends and the city of Buffalo today is very different than city of Buffalo Rail and buses carried workers to jobs not cars so saying it was "most definitely designed to handle more" is very, very deceptive.
  14. Never stopped for DUI but once was stopped for public intoxication and I told officer I just have trouble walking due to a foot issue, took off shoe and showed him scar and asked him to give me a sobriety test like a driver and I passed even with bad foot so he let me go. I was seriously sloshed but my speech was clear which it always is when I drink which causes me to stop stuttering.
  15. All it takes is defense player looking to work for NFLPA and thinking rookie is "uppity" and taking a cheap shot on him. It has worked before.
  16. So a P*ts fan cheats? Proves they are cheaters to the core.
  17. There is a tune on these videos which sounds like Mr. Incredible's them song.
  18. The only way IMO they would do it is if they told player we do not think you would be starting this year but XXX has interest in you and likely you would if you want.
  19. No sense trading for safety when they let Dean Marlowe go and he wanted to stay. He was a very adequate player when called on defense AND he was good on special teams. If he was on roster defense could have Groot and Baby Groot with their hair.
  20. He is going to sit out for more money when they move him to LT and many here will agree with him.
  21. In #2 they talk about Jack Kemp having strongest arm ever able to throw from 10 yard line to end zone.
  22. It was not that, he had no issue passing medical exam for Bengals. Oh and I was misdiagnosed with plantar fasciitis and diagnosis was wrong. Fortunately doctor realized it when he started treated me for it and I was almost crippled and had a MRI done. Had a cyst size of a golf ball wrapped around ankle bones, sinews and blood vessels. It took doctors 8 years to figure it out. Doctors are artists not scientists.
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