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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Ironic that Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York gets stadium naming rights with what is happening. And while I like Korean I hate Kimchi.
  2. There was a team called the New York Titans before it moved to New Jersey and became the Jest. That must have been what he was talking about.
  3. See what happens when the teacher is out? You get the substitute teacher.
  4. Bojo's nickname should have been "cosa salvaje" since we never knew what we were going to get.
  5. I guess you have never seen one of his stag films. I heard the nickname the first time regarding his drinking where he would be pounding down beers.
  6. Based on last year I hope fans with extra masks will be going to throw at Titans players and crew.
  7. I hope he has fun with Bears offensive line coach Juan Castillo.
  8. Likely Bell asked to be released to get a chance on another team.
  9. They spent a lot of time game-planning in that game but the game-planning is different than in regular season games. They wanted to test players with live opponents to see how would they react and whether they put to use what they have gone over in camp including corrections. In order to do that they need to game plan to get as many possible plays. It is like a scrimmage except you do not do the planning with opponent. There will be a number of players doing corrections especially on items flagged. Did anyone see any referees in training camp videos? I haven't and I have been looking for them. When a good percentage of referees were made fulltime part of the justification was they were going to help teach during training camp but they got a hall pass with COVID last year.
  10. I have been in 4 different stadiums with obstructed seating. One I bought from ticket office and was able to get changed because it said nothing about it on ticket when purchased. Arizona was last dome game I went to. In the one I bought from ticket office I said I'd dispute charge with credit company but could not do with others since I did not directly buy from team.
  11. In my case my seat was below another section with a girder in front of me. I could only see by looking on either side of it. I could only see part of broadcast big screen. I found out later than a number of seats are sold to people who never sit in them and just spend time in standing area and at cafe.
  12. I have been in Cardinals' stadium and there are lots of seats sold with partial or blocked seating. This is a design flaw IMO of domed stadiums especially since teams will sell every possible seat.
  13. It is clear he has more value than most 3rd string QBs; Jim Kelly and Frank Reich said same kind of things about Alex Van Pelt and he is an OC now. Clearly coaches put in more time, even if you include offseason training, than players. I am wondering how much offensive assistants are paid. Based on stories some people in front offices and coaching staffs have given until you actually get to be position coach the money is not great but neither is the money for being on practice squad. Do you think Webb still dreams of getting to play in actual NFL game before he becomes a coach?
  14. I hope they do things like that but sometimes teams worry about things like that backfiring resulting a turnover.
  15. How much of a kickback did you get from NFLPA? Except he DID but no need to stop irrational ranting since that is all you have.
  16. Broadcast team is much better than broadcasters vs Lions. They actually talk about opposing teams intelligently.
  17. Howard is busy counting money he squeezed out of Mijami Aquatic Mammals.
  18. Sebastian Janikowski, the Polish Pounder, uses that magazine as toilet paper.
  19. He played right tackle for Bengals and Giants as far as I know.
  20. Cut Bobby Hart early so Bills can sneak him on PS. He played in 79 and has started 66 games in career (46 with CIN, 21 with NJG) so it is likely he has some talent and maybe he is not adjusting to scheme well.
  21. That is why the Bills do not need a dome. Imagine how bad the wind would be amplified by a dome.
  22. Maybe offense linemen also need to learn not to push defense linemen into QB since they supposed to be protecting them. Offense lineman created penalty.
  23. There are likely a few players who will be ask to be released so they can try on other teams due to competition making cut choices easier.
  24. Really? Game got so sloppy it did not look like NFL so I stopped watching. He did nothing remarkable as far I saw when I changed channel. He seemed to be interacting with dregs which were not even as good as players he was working as bubble boy.
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