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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Milano is very disciplined on diet and training; he does training with a martial arts teacher even when not practicing. He was working on his core during offseason. The great Rusty Jones would say "I have nothing to teach you."
  2. And it is time for Taron to get his money. I'd like the Bills to extend him this year.
  3. If UB wanted it then they could put it in Letchworth Woods or fill in Lake LaSalle. Both of those areas are smaller than Bills entire stadium area including current parking area and buildings. The key is stadium area with ticket sales and place for people to wait in line and for game equipment. Parking lots do not necessarily need to all by stadium with parking shuttles possible from further locations like an airport. I do not think it is going to happen however unless Bills are told they need to move as condition of funding. The state would also need to greatly enhance the road structure. I-290 will not be enough.
  4. Maybe his prison will be closed down and site can be repurposed as a sports site.
  5. But just in case wear aluminum foil hats Most self proclaimed majorities are composed of idiots.
  6. I did too. They brought Canadian beer but I hated when we were playing penny ante cards and I'd go home with a bunch of coins not worth as much as coins I lost.
  7. UB alumni here although football was not as big when I was there as it is now. Only interaction I had was in Wilkeson Quadrangle pub where they were usually drunk . With change in drinking age the pub is likely gone; I see there is a coffeehouse in Wilkeson Quadrangle now. I cannot see how stadium at Amherst campus would help the Bills. They have a beautiful training facility in Orchard Park. Are they going to going to give it up or will each game be an "away" game for them requiring transportation of players, staff and equipment there each game? It also does not help maintain fanbase just as moving stadium downtown does not help. There is probably more parking space than downtown but this would likely be under control of UB but Bills could negotiate where they get undeserved revenue (undeserved since most of cost is not being borne by them). Fans would again be stuck with no alternates to parking and many choose to park other than Bills' lot either for cost, difference in rules including hours open and what they can do. It helps a little on weather since Amherst campus gets less lake effect snow but as former student there it still does get a lot of snow some years. Maybe the shared facility would also get more contributions toward a roof which some are so much advocates of which is only advantage I can see.
  8. My wife has been very busy with work and has come home exhausted every day so has not had time to work on mixing wild bird food with our daughter. Bird food mix was out so I told my daughter we will just mix it ourselves. We went to garage where we bought some food for winter and I mixed some "Lyric Fruit & Nut High Energy Wild Bird Food" with the remaining mullet and the birds have gone crazy. All 12 spots on bird feeder has been full for multiple hours at a time. It looks like the kind of food you buy as snack in store. There also is nothing left on ground too expect the millet shells.
  9. Bruce credited Rusty Jones for making him what he become. https://www.buffalobills.com/news/7-questions-with-bills-legend-bruce-smith https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2018/08/23/man-can-finally-keep-colts-healthy/1068085002/ https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/fl-xpm-2007-02-04-0702030148-story.html I wish my doctor would say 'Get your carbs'. https://vault.si.com/vault/1991/09/02/lean-mean-sack-machine-a-dedicated-bruce-smith-establishes-a-blistering-pace-for-the-buffalo-bills-in-their-drive-to-another-super-bowl
  10. I hope any stadium Erie County/NYS contributes to has a lease rent agreement that Bills need to pay back lease WITHOUT ability to pay it off early and leave. Make it more economical for Bills to just borrow from NFL and have Erie County/NYS pay for infrastructure, traffic control, etc. Bills would collect any parking revenue, any events held there, etc. Doubt parties will do what makes sense. If they do this however and just drop "Buffalo" out of name since Buffalo has not contributed to keeping Bills. Can't be as bad as WTF stadium where you can not even attend unless you pay either for parking or shuttle bus for "safety" (of $nyder's wallet).
  11. Well researched is not same thing as well cited.
  12. Her concert was pushed on Peacock on which I watch reruns of Battlestar Galactica (just love the constant Patrick Mahomes commercials). I find he more slutty than sexy with outfits out of Cam Newton's closet although that does not diminish talent.
  13. Does he have an aspiring music career? Pegulas could sign him to a carefully worded contract at their recording studio.
  14. Personally I discount any article which cites Pro Football Flimsies a lot.
  15. It isn't you need to sign in with Google or some other site and then they will automatically subscribe you but you can cancel subscription. Done it multiple times.
  16. Well if Beane was wrong he has a very expensive TE and a QB with starting experience for one year but I do not think he is wrong.
  17. I went to a very highly recommended doctor (#7) regarding some ankle pain which was making it very hard to drive. I have been to other doctors with various diagnoses and treatments and while some worked the relief was temporary. He did an examination, less through than previous ones I went to, and told me my ankle was fine it was psychosomatic (all in my head). I went to another doctor (#8) and he said I had planters fasciitis and by softening the foot muscle it would relieve the pain. He put me in a hard boot and told me to see him in 6 weeks. Within the first week I could barely walk and doctor said "We should not be getting results like that. I will schedule you for a MRI." MRI found a cyst size of a golf ball entangled with my ankle bones, tendons and blood vessels. I had it removed by a specialist at Mayo clinic (also lost my job; company would not get paid on contract so they had customer, US govt, change job description so they could let me go for "lack of work") and after surgery I had muscle control of ankle again. Doctors are NOT scientists - they are artists and are speculating what issue may be based upon symptoms and tests. Symptoms vary according patient physiology and body chemistry; tests they choose often are often restricted by medical insurance. Most are not quacks like #7 (and I went to his office and told him so) and you need to sometimes just try a new one. I have found some Asian medical treatment which works better than western medical treatment but which one is right for you varies just like for medical doctors.
  18. Man of La Mancha - The Impossible Dream DON QUIXOTE It is the mission of each true knight... His duty... nay, his privilege! To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe, To bear with unbearable sorrow To run where the brave dare not go; To right the unrightable wrong.
  19. No but they cannot move player to practice squad without exposing player. If a practice squad player is signed to the active roster, he will receive a minimum of three weekly paychecks, even if he is released before spending three weeks with the new team.
  20. some of course is but there is such a therapy: https://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/cupping-therapy
  21. There is a local well known doctor (Korean) who treated me with this therapy 10 years ago. It takes a bit to get used to but was effective. He asked if he could use pictures for a book he was writing (promise of no face or other identifying shots) but I turned it down. So that is how you get such a forked lounge. I thought it was deal with a devil.
  22. It certainly is not fair to compare him to the GOAT Cheater.
  23. That is certainly a possibility. Likely a large overlap between the anti-vax crown and cheap seat drunk crowd.
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