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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Garbage OC, garbage decision.
  2. About as accurate as AWS best schedule being true.
  3. Sig as in gun company? I think breaking a leg is sufficient for Mafia.
  4. Squire Hall was a student union before I got there and I started college in 1979. North campus was fully built then except maybe football stadium. SUNY created a second campus in 1970 in Amherst, just 3 miles north of Buffalo, following the trend of urban flight that shattered most American cities in the 1960s and 70s. Webarchive
  5. ship has grounded on a sand bar.
  6. Interesting that they got no 1st point ballots but were ranked in points higher than Steelers. For those who do not went to pay or register for NYT (I used to but I used an alternate account and then I found junk email flowing in to an account which had not receiving any until then). Opening page in Seamonkey browser and then editing page bypasses paygate just like Buffalo News.
  7. https://www.ubspectrum.com/article/2024/09/demonstrators-defy-new-assembly-policies I remember being one of the leaders of a protest at UB when UB decided to take away our student union, a student union paid for by student fees, to be used for dental school. https://www.buffalo.edu/administrative-services/managing-facilities/planning-designing-and-construction/building-profiles/profile-host-page.host.html/content/shared/university/page-content/facilities/squire.detail.html University promised another student union but most of people using student union lived off campus in North Buffalo. We occupied it with campus police at each entrance to prevent people from entering although allowing people to leave. Finally there was an announcement - anybody not leaving leaving would be arrested. When final call for people to be led out two security guards came in one one pointed to me and said "When it is his turn he is MINE!" Some people got very nervous at this point and I told them these are the same people who work for college and they are not going to harass anyone. Same people who helped handle drunks on campus, unlocking cars, etc. They are getting paid for their job but it is nothing personal. I stated at that point I would go first and the two campus security guys (same two who showed up at pub when I literally threw racist drunk out) and I was told they would be taking photograph with student with two security personnel for identification and be released with warning but if something reoccurred I would be processecuting for trespass. Each one stood on either side of me and I put an arm over shoulder of each one. Both looked like extras for a football team - I am 6' and one was 6'2 and other was at least 6'3 with big bushy beard with nickname "red bear". Both tried to keep a straight face while I was smiling. Photo was taken after several attempts to get me not to smile. I asked for a copy and my request was denied. I then stood aside with those outside. Security people took students out one at a time for photographing. One student was very nervous and I was asked to help with him so I went in with security guys and said I told him it was nothing - they take your picture with student id, sign a piece of paper and you are released. He said he was not a student and red bear said any id will do. He then went with security guys to be processed.
  8. In one game Matakevich got most tackles on team. Give Joe Andreessen some time and he will match that.
  9. There was a picture of him and Von with Von hugging him after sack In best Mafia voice he whispers to him "Great job kid but do not think you can replace me."
  10. Blackbird Pie - modern recipe uses chicken, ham and other ingredients. When I was growing up I thought it was football related - 4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pid with three being 11 starter players on offense, 11 starter players on defense, a place kicker and a punter. (11+11+1+1 = 20+4)
  11. Hopefully there will be a game with blowout when Brady can scheme some OL to be eligible and have them catch some balls and 11 or 12 receivers even if passes are behind line of scrimmage.
  12. A's fans remove Oakland Coliseum seats, attempt to carry them out of stadium before team leaves for good https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/as-fans-remove-oakland-coliseum-seats-attempt-to-carry-them-out-of-stadium-before-team-leaves-for-good/ Probably designed by someone out of a job now.
  13. The more effective some of the rookies are the more the veterans can get breaks and stay fresh. Bills will not be able to keep all and may be developing them for other teams but hopefully they will make enough of impact while they are there.
  14. We can get Nathaniel Hackett back!!!!
  15. New Jersey Jest!
  16. Helps when receiver catches every ball thrown.
  17. Saxum


    Yes we do. It is called "The Stadium Wall".
  18. Trade Elim for a pick and give him his money. Not sure why Bills want to pay that much for a CB again with a CB Whisperer as head coach unless our DB Expert from Alabama agrees.
  19. Eric Moulds has done a good working with him. Does it count if it is behind line of scrimmage?
  20. I would that information not be released early. Bills made a lot of effort to eliminate information being leaked and then it was given out by McDermott who was the primary person canning people to eliminate leaks. Yes compression sleeves are usually worn next to arm and sleeves over it.
  21. According to my source Milano is wearing a compression sleeve.
  22. I think Coach Diabolical when he had Davis Webb as assistant / backup QB was more creative and working with Allen on such plays but we have not seen enough opposition yet to see if Brady can reach a higher level.
  23. Coach McD stated it was an issue prior to game day.
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