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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. You forgot since they are resting starters he is playing defense and returns an interception for TD. One each of ST, Offense and Defense.
  2. Isn't middle guy the one who created the "Tuck" rule?
  3. i am expect Teflon Tom to get immunity by writing book.
  4. Sounds like they need another LT to play Center to keep them in sync. Sounds like Mijami's management style. Sign someone to multiyear contract, see someone you like better and cut player after 1 year.
  5. Amherst does not have road structure for Bills game.
  6. John Brown is great if Bills need a practice player. Availability is one of the important stats and he does not have it. It would be great to have someone like that they could escalate for a game or two.
  7. And referees who refused with visible evidence should have been fined, suspended or (with repeated occurrences) fired with cause. Teams need to push boundaries to see where boundaries are in game.
  8. Heard that before. An "insider" posted that on this forum but I cannot find the thread.
  9. There is nothing in move the Bills to UB thread which is reasonable so why should that be? This is from alumni of UB. Northern Virginia Bills Backers Annual Tailgate this coming weekend at Jimmy's Old Town Tavern with UB alumni association. https://www.jottnew.com/uploads/4/9/1/4/49145785/jimmy-s-tailgate-party-special_orig.png I understand ECC South may have some land free.
  10. Start? Although that crap bomb is pretty big. Vermont is not under their influence and Maine broke ties with Massachusetts a long time ago.
  11. Rather pay for paint than giving more money to laywers. I have been screwed enough time by them. and I am surprised @PromoTheRobotdid not get a contract for social media.
  12. Not too realistic. If it was being more realistic they would be talking about NFL taking away team to mismanagement (forcing owner to sell) and moving somewhere else. I hear Austin has no interest but San Antonio might. Hopefully the 2nd string will be in game 2nd half not 4th quarter.
  13. Anyone who wants to go to a Washington game due to "safety". If you do not pay to park you need to pay for a shuttle bus. You cannot be dropped off, walk or use a bicycle. I can understand fans being favor of "anyplace but Orchard Park" (See same fans supporting downtown, UB and Niagara Falls) who do not tailgate but lots of fans not screaming will not be moving to stadium elsewhere.
  14. But were they? Very hard to tell based on level of cheating which was continuous. I hope someone does a "tell all" book which reveals so much that BilliCheat and Krafty are banned from NFL and Hall of Fame aka Pete Rose.
  15. I am sure their limp noodles are not as bad as we here. Maybe like Allen's other ratings maybe this formula is inaccurate too. Allen is not under pressure like other QBs.
  16. Surprised Titans do not have highest percentage since they have Colts (injuries), Jaguars (head coach) and Texans (injuries, brain farts) in division.
  17. Agreed. Texans do not want to deal with bad publicity but he already wanted to leave Texans and he wanted to be traded. He talked about sitting out but now he gets paid to do nothing other than show up for practice and meetings. I have not even seen him on sideline for away games.
  18. I'd agree since city of Buffalo does not contribute to Bills. But before the changes Giants and Jets would need to change names to NJ Jiants and NJ Jests so Bills would be only New York team. Splitting off NYC and adjoining counties and being split between NJ and Connecticut is also acceptable alternate. Never was a southern wall fan since the rodents are going under the wall but Escape from New York had some good ideas.
  19. I'd game plan 1st series on offense and defense to be 1st string. As log as Bills are 2 scores ahead insert 2nd string. This does not apply to DL since they rotate and special teams.
  20. I hope a graffiti artist paints "The Cheater" over "The Owl".
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