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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. We went shopping today and got 6 5# Long Island Ducklings. One for Christmas, one for New Years Day, one for Lunar (Chinese) New Year and three just to eat when we want. I believe my wife is going to make Orange Duck, yams and a salad. Other items I may have a little of but need to watch my sugar.
  2. We get most of our pet medication from Chewy.com.
  3. Was LemonAid (internal alternate spelling like Monkees) but when Coach McD as a rookie head coach fired all of the scouts, dumped the coaches who were doing well for a bunch of coaches whose performance history was poor and then started dumping players before even a new GM was hired I changes to LimeAid for the drink was soured,
  4. Well at least they are not Jerry Sullivans who used to write game reviews before game even played.
  5. It seems more that those who have only an opinion posturing and blowing hot air because that theory agrees with what they believed before. I am really surprised though that NFL did not use this as leverage on NFLPA to pay for player tests since they are ones advocating daily tests on behalf of small minority of players who already need to take daily tests.
  6. He is telling people "You do not want to be like me."
  7. And Meyer is not blaming himself for firing https://sports.yahoo.com/we-learned-some-things-from-urban-meyers-first-remarks-since-his-nfl-firing-first-and-foremost-he-isnt-blaming-himself-041126920.html I heard better story when my daughter borrowed credit card and she is a terrible liar.
  8. Last year Brown got injured and Davis took more snaps and were effective. Now it is happening again.
  9. Some punter (i.e. Bojo) had issue just getting laces lined up. It is a specialist position and a lot easier to kick off since you can use tee if necessary. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+kick+field+goals&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS912US912&oq=how+to+kick+field+goals&aqs=chrome..69i57.5286j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_shPBYcu3FYfCytMPgs-DsAE18 https://www.sbnation.com/a/nfl-preview-2019/kickers I held kicks on summer for practicing kicker and you need to not think about him kicking your hand or you will move enough to ruin kick. I got kicked once (he said it was his fault not mine) and that was the last kick I held. I went back to therapy table for kicking my fingers messed up job I was being paid to little for.
  10. One thing missing from your defense line comments was they were tipping the ball often and getting it way of Fig's sight lines. Otherwise awesome as always.
  11. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/forum/14-politics-polls-and-pundits/
  12. I think he would have been okay as backup in place like Atlanta with a dome but his arm did not appear strong enough for open stadiums with lots of wind like Buffalo which is why I questioned draft pick.
  13. https://buffalonews.com/business/local/pegulas-sell-waterfront-condo-to-fintech-startup-co-founder-for-1-15m/article_81a49b50-60f4-11ec-9c01-93402b84aeff.html Nice to have options.
  14. Issue Andre Reed had - he always had injuries contract years. And Cheating is worst part of football - cheating is by choice and preventable.
  15. I expected Pittsburgh to have an offense like one in Fixboro stadium depending on running game and defense this year.
  16. Poll would make more sense when a player named McKittrick is signed. But I suppose it is a typo by Grungy and typos are okay.
  17. IMHO they should with NFL paying for employees and NFLPA paying for players - they are partners* right? * Partners like a ex-wife who cheated on you and is now living with boyfriend and not getting married so she can keep getting illimony.
  18. By old definition cheating is not being a good sport.
  19. I have found spiked eggnog (mixed with rum) and heated clears my head of colds and other issues but bad for diet.
  20. I have not heard any estimate where it will cost only an extra $300 million for a dome. Some start a GoFundMe for a dome but don't skim $100,000 of money like handlers for Dalton's charity.
  21. For us it is duck unless one of my wife's restaurant friends give her something. She was looking at an orange sauce recipe. I will need to go light on potatoes and stuffing due to diet.
  22. How is this LAMP any different than the many threads advocating a dome? If someone can find someone to pay for I am sure donation would be accepted.
  23. Before you donate check to see Prolanthropy LLC is involved. There was a local company taking 90% of donations saying most of it was goods they sold to bulk sellers. Someone tell Josh to see who is manager. NFL & NFLPA should send list in notices.
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