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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. If he loves them they will work for him.
  2. Gilmore who was beaten by Diggs for TD in Tampa Bay Br*dys game.
  3. If he helps Jaguars beat P*ts the Bills should help him pack and ask Jaguars front office to come visit.
  4. It took him that long to count the money he scammed from Bills. I used to be a big supporter of him.
  5. Have been told I have a severe case of foot-in-mouth disease and here is proof.
  6. It is no doubt RYAN Bates played well and he has played well no matter what position they put him at (now for suggestions he play DL so Bills get more sacks) and if he is twins name Rick and Ryan it explains why he is able to play so well.
  7. Yards are important but so are first downs and Beasley made a lot of them. It all comes down to is he willing to follow rules NFL sets so he can be depended upon.
  8. If they are labeled NFL on it likely signing and selling to fans. Money first.
  9. Alert: The NFL says Hall of Fame coach and beloved broadcaster John Madden has died at age 85 https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Alert-The-NFL-says-Hall-of-Fame-coach-and-16734919.php NFL LEGEND JOHN MADDENDEAD AT 85 https://www.tmz.com/2021/12/28/nfl-legend-john-madden-dead-at-85/
  10. Consider the source and takes he often makes on the board. Maybe he IS that blind.
  11. No increased. He gets billed for paperwork.
  12. If players wanted to do that they could as a team decide to wear masks in interviews, etc. Sort of like Tampa Bay where as a team they decided to all get vax cards and not disclose who else has a fake one if caught. Truly professional cheating but T*m Br*dy learned from the Sith Master himself.
  13. Some are just more comfortable wearing masks than others. My wife wears them even not when not required and my daughter wears it leaving house. Maybe Hyde just choose to wear a mask which is his right. It is a bit easier to make comments you do not believe wearing a mask.
  14. Ike is known for taking extensive notes and keeps a spreadsheet on every part of game. I am sure he will treat his rehab same way getting whatever expertise he needs to recover,
  15. Too bad we could not get an alternate team on sound rather thank Frik and Frak.
  16. Well it is very important for it annoys you which is payback. Oh and this is not just a Bills board per owner.
  17. We came back from Hawaii still in our Hawaii travel clothes since we went directly from site on last day to airport. Nothing risqué but not dress clothes. We transferred in SF airport and it was cold (according to my wife). I'd guess it was low 60s. I looked at shops for something for her to wear and nothing her size until I found a long (for her knee length) one piece woman's night shirt with SF on it. I bought it for her and she was warm enough until departure. Funny thing is she was asked where she got it by another person waiting and I told her store. She left and brought 2 back for her daughters who wore them instead of clothes. The late teens were considerably taller than my wife and they showed a significantly more length of leg. My wore that for 10 years before it got to worn too wear.
  18. Actually he proved that we did not need him the most for we won. And he may not even have COVID-19 standard and my have Omicron which is very contagious even though to those vaccinated. It is possible a lot of people who are not tested have it and are asymptomatic. Some get it, fight it off and then no longer test. It would be nice if the NFL would give more info such as: Beasley suspended due to test showing following variants: .xxx, xxx, xxx but they won't.
  19. That is illustrated by scores of winning games. When Bills win they are not doing it by nail biters with wins of 10+ or more.
  20. i did not know you could get an award from a dung heap.
  21. NFLPA. They would want something in return. Players get paid for being on COVID list without needing to play.
  22. Or he could have said "I am just going to a party instead to spread herd immunity".
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