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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I'd be surprised as long as his contract has a clause requiring deduction on "alimony" from Jiants for any money paid in NFL. I think he is wrong for top dog but he has skills which can be utilized when directed.
  2. Maybe Bill O'Brien is offering to coach for free for a year.
  3. And a few quit TSW being so embarrassed on their stand.
  4. Don't forget plastic umbrellas to protect against the weather proving a dome is not needed.
  5. Those conditions are no disadvantage to Cheats who play in an open air stadium. In fact they were able to win without a dome in past so evidently having a dome is not a requirement.
  6. New version of football. Players wear snow shoes rather than cleats with each side wearing "furs" of different colors.
  7. And another storm coming. I am going to drive to pick my daughter up for metrorail cannot handle snow.
  8. Opposing team locker room and buses.
  9. Likely not since the way it is the last home game of the year is the Bills lose and host no playoff games,
  10. I'd go but Washington DC area is snowed in for a week (we need a dome) with amount of snow received in WNY cleared in a single day.
  11. I would have like 17 games better if they included an extra bye week as well and that gives NFL another weekend to sell. NFL would not go for it for their consultants have said games before Labor Day do not sell. It would help if those games were not in deep south just as not having games during late December would help sales in northern teams.
  12. You expect there to be love seats installed?
  13. Not enough posters on ignore I guess or reading posts of people who quote them.
  14. I think it is a reason for people who like to complain to complain. NFL catered to those fans.
  15. If Bills had a dome they would be in Pro Bowl. Quoting PFF like gospel makes sense; remember they were justification for lots of things like killing people for saying world is not flat.
  16. Some choices like those which are in other stadiums: Ice cold showers in visitors locker rooms. Full stadium audio - listening not speakers - including visiting locker rooms. Obstructing view seating where you cannot even see the field due to overhang and pillars. Falling apart in less than cost of bonds to finance it. Tickets sold for seats which were not owned
  17. COVID has caused a lot of shortages including T*m Br*dy's makeup and hair dye.
  18. Mayfield is the wife with the large alimony in this case but coaches contracts are completely guaranteed unless coach does a major foobar.
  19. Giants more for his wife Ciara if he leaves. She wants spotlight so someplace where she can get lots of media. Maybe Nashville if they cut Tanny. Carroll chuckled about Russell leaving but I think that may be a front.
  20. Sounds like @Roger Goodell Well reportedly he backed up his truck to kitchen and was unloading boxed of stuff from freezer. A lot different than bringing home a doggie bag.
  21. Agree. Sometimes I'd drive up from Virginia on Saturday, see game and drive back on Sunday but that is out with a late game.
  22. Yolo you and the troll need to party together.
  23. Hopefully he got front office's okay to break story.
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