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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Ownership should "meddle" when team wants you involved. Terry Pegula went with team to look at Allen, was involved with interviewing Allen and he was full bore on getting Allen as QB. While players usually go to team drafted their attitude toward team makes a difference whether a team is interested in signing such players.
  2. This has been asked by press multiple times and they said it is not true. Fantasy Football.
  3. Clearly the Jaguars have some skill pieces which are attractive to a new head coach. They need to look carefully what they need (O'Brien is no longer under consideration) and whose game style fits current roster.
  4. Let market correct with people unwilling to buy season tickets if they cannot resell them.
  5. If their opponent was the Pats* a well placed bribe would get his paperwork lost for a few days. Having a COVID positive test is very common in jails even in short stays.
  6. Maybe he has a bad list from PFF and he is systematically eliminating from the list. Now if we can add PFF Queen Chris Collinsworth to it.
  7. Due to extended season CBS moved tournament but he is still calling it. He thinks Buffalo with 7 degrees and 10 foot(ball) snowbanks would be the ultimate remote broadcast with the contrast. Great interview. Jim Nantz: "This Team is Capable of Winning a Super Bowl" | One Bills Live | Buffalo Bills Anyone else think the Bills stadium would make an excellent miniature golf park when new one is built?
  8. Lamer to not come up for reason other than popularity contest.
  9. Bills were in the Zen moment and this is not reproducible. I have watched ever replay of game and replayed many highlights multiple times. Bills need to release a "Director's cut" DVD set with interviews, play diagraming by such experts as Baldy, and film of pre- and post- celebrations.
  10. It is weird to see him smile. Reminds me of a shark or a predator - it does not seem friendly.
  11. Isolated incident does not change the world. It is like the Mafia killers going to confession each week. he once called Sun Tzu weak.
  12. Daboll wants most a job in New Jersey? Better to be a casino head job which I could really see for Daboll. I think Mara is worried about Rooney Rule violation.
  13. Very strange he was voted to Pro Bowl and he did not even play last 6 games. Rooney Rule sub clause?
  14. Daboll was his student and he has said that Daboll is one of the few coaches who can coach on either side of the ball. Since Daboll's offense beat his defense I think he went over to congratulate his pupil.
  15. Also he mentioned in film there were several holes in offense which were exploitable but Pats* defense either did not see them or attempt to exploit. I think it was because the play calling was so creative that DEFENSE was seeing ghosts and could not trust their eyes. I would love to see an unabridged beat down of Billicheat after this game on his defense. He mentioned Andy Reid / KC a number of times and I am worried a bit if Daboll borrowed from his playbook too much that KC will have run against those plays in practice. JT has a great voice. Very smooth.
  16. Someone is trying to avoid getting a fine. He should get a suspension on first game of year. NFLPA will of course appeal.
  17. Would have been better investment to spend $50K on a zebra.
  18. So you are saying he needs to hire a sneak thief to break into T*m Br*dy's locker to get a supply of TB12? I wonder if it mixes well.
  19. He illustrated plays Bates made that other guards could not consistently.
  20. I was in college and Carson Productions would get hundreds (I was told) joke submissions and occasionally they would see one they like and send a check ensuring rights to joke. I used to watch Johnny Carson regularly while doing homework in Wilkeson Quadrangle lounge at UB and when I had an idea for a joke which would fit in I'd mail it in. Never got an acknowledgement, even a postcard, on submissions. One time I got a letter from Carson Productions and it was a check with fine print on it saying by cashing this check they got all rights to submission in all TV shows, movies and publications. What it did NOT do however specify which submission was being purchased. Being a college student and perpetually broke I cashed it (cashier double checked IDs and actually called a manager to approve) and spent it on books. I watched the show still and listened for my joke but I never heard it. Once I asked someone to turn it up and he asked "Why?. I explained I had submitted a joke which Carson Productions paid for and was waiting to hear and he told me "You know he may have just used this at a dinner or other paid presentation. Likely you will never hear it." Courses change following semester and I had 8 am class so my Carson vigil ended.
  21. He was and then got control of himself.
  22. Maybe like some players he will retire due to injury. He could take a blow to the head from an opposition player like he teaches (it is what he said in film clip) his players.
  23. Look at the comparisons. I knew Josh Allen would be an awesome RB. If only he did not have to mix passing and running he would have top number of snaps. Only round 1 QB should be a RB but he is not durable enough.
  24. You have an excuse. You are probably recovering from an all weekend bender.
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