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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Browns in this game is color of the sack the potatoes are in.
  2. Does McPherson (#2) get a bunch of donations to his favorite charity? I guess 5th round picks can make a difference.
  3. What Kyle was known for most when with Bills was his wife Giuliana dealing with cancer. Fortunately she was declared clean after treatment.
  4. I love the comment "Is that Rachel Bush's husband"? Dr. Poyer and Mr. Hyde are undistinguishable to most opposing fans because they are so interchangeable.
  5. Same with my wife but I also told her I should have gone to game even if she was worried about me driving alone. Her response "I am still not driving you even if there is another playoff game." and went back to sleep. It is not shown during most replays but Zimmer was also blocking off players who were trying to catch Taron. One of them gave up trying to get past Zimmer.
  6. In pieces. Buffalo were used to hunt Wolves. And no it is not George Carlin the comedian.
  7. Like the Bills do with season tickets. That is not true. It is excuse for teams to sell to ticket agencies who pay a premium. They already sell to partnered brokers. Bills used to give registered Bills Backers groups ability to buy tickets and those were not being sold to opposition fans.
  8. When I went to UB he was a guest speaker once and it was a well attended and well behaved crowd. I cannot imagine being same these days.
  9. I am disappointed that no team is named after wolves. Look at animal names: Bills (buffalo), Eagles, Ravens, Bengals, Colts, Lions, Bears, Panthers, Falcons, Jaguars, Dolphins, Broncos, Cardinals, Rams, and the Seahawks. When will dog family get its representation?
  10. And there is no snow storm like the one which moved the game to Detroit. That game did appear to be a home game for Bills from view of stands.
  11. I think a pair of 900 numbers would be very profitable. 1-900-FIRE-HIM 1-900-KEEP-HIM Own votes in case of a tie.
  12. Treat referees as part of opposition and try to get used on picks, etc.
  13. They will become Jiants fans now following Schoen. Since they are experts I expect them to apply as interns like Schoen and Beane did and move up in organization.
  14. No the P*ts lose one. Every since the boy with the golden fleece has left Fixboro the fix has been moved.
  15. The Pegulas should get local organization to schedule snow sculpture contest on last two weeks of season so our stadium is unavailable. 😁
  16. Not a crazy idea if Hill was going to be double covered but single covered no.
  17. Well then he did not get what he wanted so he really muddled hard this time.
  18. Albany Aardvarks does not have the same feel. I did not know Kraft was going to play Mephisto in next Marvel movie. Thanks for info.
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