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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. That Titans reused a name that JEST abandoned? I got it but will not skip kicking JEST when down.
  2. I was expecting him to get a personal foul in reaction.
  3. Well no one else would sign him after being cut by Raiders, Broncos and Jaguars.
  4. Oh no! Crowd who was leaving is now hopping fence to get back in.
  5. You do not think he will get out for time served with character reference by @stosh64?
  6. No he has one child before current wife and he was dating current wife when she was pregnant.
  7. Quote: "Tom has lots to do in life and afterlife" I am anxious to see what he does in afterlife but knowing him it will be haunting the Bills.
  8. Great quote: What the Bucs? Say it three times fast. The Tampa players will be saying this multiple times in locker room.
  9. My worst hangover has been better than this. My worst flu has been better than this.
  10. Who will he owe for it? It is public knowledge he does not pay his bills.
  11. Many? If you mean drinks none. At home dealing with bad side effects of vaccine.
  12. OOhhhh! CB got his shoulder and elbow bashed on groumd.
  13. Rams get play. He was 2nd guy who like our ball Hyde came in and grabbed ball!
  14. His penalty because he bit his lounge and could not keep his mouth shut. Too bad silicone boy won't get another one and be thrown out of game.
  15. Bra*y bragged about being able to trash talk officials and other players. He got a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.
  16. Well bonuses are paid for games paid not games you get a bye to (NFLPA is probably trying to change that) so there is certainly a benefit to playing.
  17. Has Bojo been cut yet? I heard in twitter he did not like playing in cold of Buffalo.
  18. If they are JEST fans likely they have a jersey for emergencies (i.e. multiple years of sucking) underneath their NJJ jersey, It could be Titans.
  19. Having a new smaller stadium will be so much better.
  20. Despite number of opposing fans it was very loud when Bengals were on offense.
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