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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Not even downtown Orchard Park. Yes they have a downtown, I was married there.
  2. LOL!! He would want new uniforms which glowed in the dark. He'd have to find a DC willing to implement the "no tackle" defense he prefers.
  3. The NFLPA will not be asking him to speak during meetings.
  4. As players absorb more and more of salary cap they usually need to deal with less and less talent unless players are getting something on side and/or they are looking to raise awareness for future contracts by higher stats. Once Bills win a Superbowl we may get players who want the bling.
  5. Only external like cell phone deals. Some info on him. https://bearswire.usatoday.com/lists/bears-hire-ryan-poles-general-manager-things-to-know/
  6. Ben did not evolve but Josh is always trying to evolve and learn. He is perfect QB for Coach McD.
  7. Really surprised to see someone from a Browns front office get promoted by another team.
  8. Good Will Hunting? I do not think I have seen that movie. My life is more like "Flowers for Algernon" in that after a medical accident I cannot even understand some of the things I have developed with one of them being a patent licensed by 13 companies. I started college as 17 in 2nd years honors student. I had read 2 sets of encyclopedias by time I was 8 and knew most of the material I read. I think Josh will be playing into his 40s for he loves game that much and is capable of remolding himself each year.
  9. I love this quote: In college my honors math professor would go over unsolved math problems. He would explain math is a science and not an art and that many proofs which were unsolvable were later solved. He then gave a math problem which had been unsolvable as an example and taught the lecture. This was a double period class with a break and I stayed in seat entire time. At end of class when class had exited Professor came to me. Professor: "Class is over and you have not paid attention the whole class." Me: "I read the chapter already and did all of the problems but I could not get my mind off the first problem." Professor: "The first problem was simple." Me: "No, the unsolved problem. I solved it. Professor: "It seems deceptively simple but it is not." Me: "Yes I saw that but I took another approach and able to prove it." I handed him my notepad. Professor: "Yes. I have seen this approach before but not how you did it. Some of your assumptions are not proved yet however. Complete the proof and I will back it as part of your thesis." I changed degrees in last year of school but I gave him my proof before I graduated with CS degree. He said "I will examine the proof and if it is complete I will use it as an example in class. Contact me if you go to grad school." I got a very strong reference letter as person who solves problems.
  10. I went to store to get some shoes. I had a salesman see my NFL gear and recommended "Wolf and Shepherd" shoes mentioning that NFL star Gronkowski endorses them. I asked if he watches NFL and he said yes but he works Sunday and does not get to see a lot of games. I told him that the star who recommends them deliberately injured our star CB using a metal brace and that such an action on street would have gotten multiple years for aggravated assault with use of a weapon. I also told him that he cost the shoe store a customer and I bought my last few pairs of shoes there.
  11. Wallmart is moving in like it did on other industries putting small guys out of business. https://www.proactiveinvestors.com/companies/news/971347/walmart-prepares-to-make-own-cryptocurrency-and-nft-971347.html
  12. Can he teach Josh how to grow a proper beard? IMO he would work better in front office. He can work his way up and will not need to start as an intern. Likely there will be several openings.
  13. I have not even see an ad for "curb your enthusiasm" Are you going to argue with her - she said she was "half woman. half warrior. delicate and strong"?
  14. They got one thing wrong - Josh Allen will NOT be in Canton in 20 years for he will still be playing.
  15. Andy Reid refused to allow some of the bad boys on his team. He "evolved".
  16. Some like humiliation and will call it such; may they find the fat dominant which suits them. I just call it disappointment.
  17. Likely Beane told him to look at other offers and get back to Bills and we will see if we can match or do better. This is not unusual. There is an end of season bonus pool. I am wondering how much he will be getting.
  18. Josh should just sign him to his offseason practice team.
  19. Is this a cannibal joke based on fact "Meat Loaf" died?
  20. Like I said never seen any shows he has been in which was partly why I did not recognize the actors so I did search for who was in it. I find it odd that Caesar's did this commercial. It seems more appropriate for MGMs Luxor Las Vegas despite Caesar's affair with Cleopatra.
  21. Jump! Jump! Jump! It is not my fault - I did not push him.
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