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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Link without redirect: https://thevikingage.com/2022/01/30/minnesota-vikings-rumors-jim-harbaugh-miami-dolphins-head-coach/
  2. They should have a signing ceremony in public and when he goes to sign contract pull it away from him.
  3. Exactly. Poster crafted poll to make anyone not wanting Gronk did not want him because he would be taking catches from Knox.
  4. Likely Schoen and Daboll have told Mara and others in front office that it would take time and they will use Jones as QB while they work on building lines and clearing up cap issue.
  5. Diaboll may have caused Jiants to be fined / lose draft picks. By stating "Daboll wanted to be a package deal with Ken Dorsey." he is giving ammunition to anyone stating minority candidates have no chance of being selected as required by rule.
  6. You can't wait? How are you not going to wait? Frazier did not rate the defense. And Frazer did not make definition to not quit. Post is mind-numbingly dumb. And frankly insulting. This is why I degree when they say Buffalo has best fans in NFL. More specifically the worst fans counteract the good ones.
  7. Fitzpatrick shirtless in stands. He was not in a box hobnobbing with other retired players and execs or even in owner's box which he could watch from if he wanted. He contacted some neighbors from when he was living here and said "Lets go to a playoff game." This shows impact NFL @ Buffalo had on players with many choosing to retire here.
  8. Looks like they took both winning and bad boys from Raiders.
  9. Don't for get the cheating. Every win should have an asterisk on it.
  10. Gronk more likely would go to KC if Teflon Tom retires. They don't care about actions just results. If Gronk is covered by White he will just whisper "remember" after a tackle to try to get him off his game. You do not sign an aging player when that player deliberately injured your star CB post play. I rarely will support a player sitting out but I would in this case and White should demand a trade.
  11. Hopefully Davis will be as good as Peerless Price was and time of new contract and someone will offer 2 1sts like they did for him so he will get #1 money as he will demand. Knox I think will take a "team friendly" contract for he will realize no one will put him in position like Josh.
  12. He also mentioned that the jet sweeps by McK kept eyes of defense in wrong place sometimes.
  13. Don't forget murder boy who committed suicide so "legally" he was not a murderer since he was in appeal. How does that make sense because legally suicide is murder.
  14. LorAx was a unique individual and he had offered to come back and help out if needed and with COVID issues I was hoping they would put him on practice squad "break glass" scenario.
  15. Dorsey has to compete for any job. He needs to interview for any opening he can an interview for unless he is willing to just stay QB coach. It is blatantly unfair but that is the way the NFL works to make it more fair for others.
  16. Most experts cannot get jobs with NFL franchises and those that do usually fail.
  17. Was buying shoes and salesman saw my NFL gear and tried to get me to buy the kind Gronk advertises. He told me they were endorsed by a NFL star. I asked him if he was aware that that player deliberately injured our starting CB in such a manner that if it was on street it would assault with a deadly weapon? His response "No". "That is my answer is as well" I replied. "No to the shoes?" he asked. "No to buying from store selling" I replied and left. You should be diagnosed for CTE now!
  18. is this it? https://omny.fm/shows/the-extra-point-with-sal-capaccio/exp-who-needs-to-step-up-for-the-bills-for-them-to
  19. Reminds me of DC Comic character Green Lantern. In the beginning he was fearless and then it was changed to one who could overcome great fear.
  20. Time does not run off clock on defense penalty. I think that rule was put in due to Billicheat.
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