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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Give him the bonus to make $50 Mil when his team makes the Superbowl. If you are making that much you should be able to carry your team to it.
  2. A lot of QBs don't. Aaron Rodgers issue started when Packers cut QB coach he liked, respected and utilized Alex Van Pelt was gone by choice of front office.
  3. I can see Teflon Tom unretiring if a team was in playoff contention and lost a starter. Opportunity to get another ring with another team with much less work.
  4. Watson's extension was widely seen as UNJUSTIFIED or computer with cap-lock key not stuck.
  5. I can bring onions, garlic and curry in case a goat falls and breaks its neck. It is very commendable what you are doing.
  6. Only thing I used to eat was the burger with onion ring on it. There was (maybe still is) a Burger King at corner of main street campus of UB and I used to get really good coupon books and used my little spare money to buy one occasionally.
  7. Why not post a poll asking about all four possibilities? I want no one else's trash - Grunk or Hunt.
  8. All lawnmowers eventual die. If the goat escapes that is owner issue not the goat. And my grandma had goats and they crapped nowhere near where people went. Goats are not for eating grass - that is what sheep are for. Goats are usually used in woody areas which shrubs, vines, etc. My grandma's goats used to eat patches of poison ivy like they were candy and neighbors would get her to clear out theirs. No idea what she got in trade. How much poison ivy does your lawn mower chew up?
  9. I wonder if there is any place where you can bet whether a game will be held or moved. I think it is very unlikely Cardinals will not play in Mexico and if payoff odds were good I'd put money on it.
  10. That is why I said find an industrial partner. Someone who could use the parking lots when not being used by Bills. It would also bring in other business to area and customers to the small businesses already in area. But oh well. Bashers are gonna Bash.
  11. Makes no sense to put a hotel in area since it would never fill up on non-game weekends. What would help is finding an industrial partner who would be able to use most of parking lots except game days. This would put in justification for expanding roads to I-95 and 219 allowing people to get to hotels faster. And Bills ought to work with Amtrak to have game trains like they used to.
  12. Two comments: 1. His agency did a good job making a logo for him which looks unique. 2. Cardinals are wondering if they made a mistake cutting Josh Rosen.
  13. Wait to all of the players go in withdrawal being out of avocado surprise.
  14. How about local boy comes back "home" and is injured in cheap shot. Buffalo medical staff, despite saving life of a previous Bills' TE, unable to do so and he is paralyzed for life. Player who injured him is suspended for a game but it really did not make a big difference since he needed to rehab an minor injury for a game.
  15. Kick his supporters on the wall as well. This was a hit after play was down and he should have been suspended for more than a game.
  16. My grandmother had a farm on California Road which had chickens, geese and goats. She sold eggs but no idea what she did with goats. The land bordered South Branch Smoke Creek. I used to harvest crayfish for the geese in it. Area was fenced to keep goats only eating what she wanted but they were very effective with taller goats eating higher plants. Experts say 8-12 goats to clear an acre in a month but that depends on type of shrub, goat size and whether you feed other food as well as shrub which I recommend. Goats eat everything but like children tend to eat the stuff they prefer first and this helps balance out the diet. Have you looked at this site? I am considering looking for a property when I retire to raise wild fowl and would want goats to help with predators. https://www.goatfarmers.com
  17. Do you want Gronk? arrested for Felonious Assault on White? What is the statue of limitations for this?
  18. Not true but unfortunately teams do not want to deal with "bad press" initiate by agent leaks to shrills in media. Barry Sanders was given at that time a large bonus for a new contract and before end of contract he decided to retire. He did not want to repay back money to Lions so each year he would pay back portion of bonus back saying "I might unretire next year". This allowed him to invest the money still owed to team. Ironically given Buffalo News' paygate article is available. https://buffalonews.com/news/sanders-must-repay-lions-sooner-instead-of-later/article_1a186417-00e8-5341-a6cb-e31d296dc86b.html
  19. When travelling to Myrtle Beach thru NC I have stopped for my daughter for hot dogs. There is a chain down in NC near I-95 exits which sells hot dogs which are natural casing hotdogs over a charcoal fire. Really small place where you do not sit inside. Watched them cooking from window. Sorry cannot remember name.
  20. I thought Marcel Dareus and Richard Incognito just needed support from team and especially fellow members on line and their issues were able to be handled. Some do not want to get better no matter how many opportunities given.
  21. I find Arby's roast beef ok for road food but fortunately I have not been to one managed by poster. Right now I pass supermarket delis which are never quality and often manned by people who often work other jobs and cannot provide consistent product or service. I buy my roast beef from Restaurant Depot, same place which supplies many delis and small restaurants in this area. My wife has a home meat slicer so she cuts it for me thick since I am eating without being on bread either as a snack or mixed in meals she makes.
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