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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. According many posters here he can not get over the playoff hunt. Post your picture so we could tell if you look someone that has a clue about anything so we can see if you are an expert at being clueless. So he is another Stafford.
  2. He said "could". It also could rain money and Bills could move to Austin. Could me means maybe or maybe not or I COULD be making stuff up. I think latter is most probable.
  3. Yes both of your paragraphs have exclamation points (!) which is okay, right?
  4. Him too? Did he die on same day as Tarvaris Jackson ?
  5. They were the moronic minority with big mouths. A number of reporters stated Allen was doing well with what he was given.
  6. Well maybe you do a lot more exercises with your hands. What is unusual is his double-jointed thumbs. If he was a pitcher I'd wonder if he could throw a very odd ball.
  7. Pays out "a $4 million payment made in the form of Cumulus stock" which is not worth much considering it just came out of bankruptcy and stock will probably drop in price after market reacts to news. I wonder what class of stock. Many of the cheerleaders who are eligible may not have keep their address up to date after they left.
  8. He clearly was not that way with Rick Dennison. Dennison wanted P5t5rman as QB and staked his career on it even announcing him as starter before game. Coach McD appears to believe to let staff on limb and then they take consequences of their actions.
  9. I think posters who agree with that sentiment will say that is what they were implying if not exactly said. The same people usually have are buried in dung up to their nose.
  10. I bought some calendars from cheerleaders and I was told they were getting a commission. Being on commission is not the same as not being paid. I saw several people also pay more than cost of calendar and told "keep the change".
  11. He has a bad rap and not just for his raps. Maybe he wills change to Blues and write a song about the Bills Blues.
  12. Same story which has been circulating around to find legs. Been posted several times.
  13. You are saying he has same source as Tim Graham - himself. I guess that makes him a professional broodcaster.
  14. Contrary to tweet games WERE lost. They were just found elsewhere. Funny how Bills could not reschedule game and needed to go to Detroit to play with storm but when the plague visited Tennessee Toxics got multiple postponements but a rescheduled location would have solved problem quickly without impacting other teams like their final solution did.
  15. They should move the Bills to Transylvania becoming the bats to make the count happy.
  16. He is a cheap shot fan as we have seen from many posts.
  17. I did not remember her from Lois & Clark (it has been many years) but when read the wiki I remembered her 4.5 episode story arc. I thought she was a great voice actor for Big Barda.
  18. He is not as dumb as you think. He is not posting posters who do not want here will make a 180 degree turn if he is signed. There is dumb and there is stupid. There is a hole in as TE but it is not big enough for his ego.
  19. In order to BE past prime you needed to BE prime at one point.
  20. I do not believe in voodoo dolls, Indian cemetery curses or Nostradamus dates. If he is best candidate for Bills due to combination of experience, attitude and price sign him. Only reason not to sign him is he never played for Panthers.
  21. What does Grunt need to move on from? Not being arrested?
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