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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Right now they have him on dialysis because his kidneys have been damaged due to liver. He needs a liver transplant at a minimum and since he was healthy before with no drug or alcohol abuse is high on transplant list. The good news is he was working at organization which provided good benefits.
  2. I think it is pretty sad to bring up what is not even a rumor but idle speculation.
  3. Or when he was playing. He should just say "I am supporting a NFL partner." No odds yet posted whether NFLPA will fight this but I give odds of 2:1.
  4. Yes but RBs only last so long even if they play QB. He probably could make that make that much doing a tell all book on Washington's Football Team. He will be able to feed entire town of Fireball.
  5. I am sure he got a bulk rate. I went to UB and could not understand where some people in dorms were from. Lots of variations on Lon G'Island (Long Island) I picked up unintentional and tried to order a Lon G'Island and he had no idea what I was talking about.
  6. Because laywers go after those with money and would rather settle than having their reputation sullied in press even if not true.
  7. He is late teens and looks like a lineman (6'8") and was very healthy. He is having liver issues and if he survives will need a transplant. He is also having spleen issues. He was transferred to there from Buffalo since they could not determine cause. He was in ICU limiting one visitor per 12 hours but now they are allowing more which is not a good sign.
  8. Nor does anyone when arguing for something they are not getting.
  9. Bills already HAD a deal with the college for one more year but with COVID-19 preparations did not exercise it previous years. Like they do with players the Bills negotiated with college on final year there and as part of deal they shortened it. Bills do this a lot with players in last year of contract who they believe cost does not equal value obtained. Unless you are someone who believes entire contract should be guaranteed I do not see what big deal is.
  10. Players do not just execute. All of the on-field and coaching booth staff execute as well. People complaining want him to identify fault and clearly he will not do that. Reminds me on arguments on COVID.
  11. Better to speculate on oil futures.
  12. Buffalo already had a classic baseball movie shot at stadium - The Natural.
  13. Dunne (Smart Ass) is more likely the lying weasel. Question is which posters supporting him fit other characters Stupid, Greasy, Psycho and Wheezy best? Why is Dunne trying to be the Sulking Sullivan replacement?
  14. Another group which will file a group lawsuit against the Bills in future.
  15. It depends on what Raiders can trade Carr for. If Raiders are able to trade Carr I think he is a player front office can sell to fans and players as someone young and athletic enough to last for a while but not so expensive that they can afford to upgrade the supporting players. Tribusky gets to play indoors most of season so if he plays well he will get a 3rd starter contract, He seems to be a player who Josh McDaniels could build team around.
  16. With drastic cost in amount to see movies at theatres including many matinees being discontinued I stopped with seeing movies at theatres from 6-12 a year down to 1-2. A movie needs to be avoidable from being spoiled by hype and not want to be missed on big screen. Even the smaller theatre which I used to watch movies at just before they would go to video / cable went from $2-4 to $8. Was planning on seeing The Batman today but will wait to next weekend when I expect number of people will go down. IMO the Riddler as a sadistic serial killer will not work well. There are other villains in Batman universe who would fit that role better rather than trying to remake a name villain to role movie writer wanted.
  17. 2002 is where draught started (4th of 4 in AFC East). What else started in 2002? I am a bit superstitious.
  18. Teach cheerleaders to use drums.
  19. They already had an agreement which they did not complete. Basically they said they will follow previously agreed agreement. St. John Fisher restructured like a player.
  20. Subject not right. Expect does not mean it will happen. NFL expects Cheats to follow rules and they do except those they think they can get away with not following.
  21. Jills never worked for Cumulus; they worked for Citadel Broadcasting which they acquired after bankruptcy and delisting from stock exchange. The relationship is more like US Government and Contractors. A contractor cannot let someone go because the person is scheduled to have surgery and will not be unavailable. The contractor talks to government liaison and tell that they will not be able to support because employee is unavailable and time to screen and clear new one will take a period of time but if job requirement is changed they could substitute another contractor who is available. Government does this and contractor lets employee go saying it is a job requirements change allowing contractor to keep billing government. Government liaison had responsibility of oversight and by not asking questions are enabling this illegal practice. The Bills had obligation to look at rules and what was asked and not just accept what Cumulus did. It was also in their best interest for their reputation.
  22. I'd guess that some do not like speculative fiction article which fits author's point of view passed as news but those who do not have issue with article do like cheap attacks but that is just my opinion.
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