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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I hope he does not end up like Andre the Giant.
  2. New York Jets at Buffalo Bills - November 24th, 1996 - Bills 35, Jest 10 Jim Kelly once said that no one could cover Steve Tasker as a wide receiver and he proved it that day. Steve Tasker had the most productive offensive game of his career as a Wide Receiver as he racked up 160 yards on 6 catches with 2 touchdowns vs. NJ Jets. His 160 yards receiving vs. Jets was 8 more yards than he recorded in his first 10 seasons in the league. Unfortunately his kamikaze catches made him a target for the Jets' back-field and he injured his knee in the game.
  3. I do not think so. I used to watch Due South regularly and not once did Constable Benton Fraser once admonish anyone for watching CFL.
  4. That is because every time a new technology occurs other technologies increase requires. Windows 10 is having support eliminated and Windows 11 is requiring much much more resources and you generally have to buy a new machine. Really screws people who paid for high end laptops.
  5. I went to get some blood work done and there was a sign up that there may be delays due to Global Microsoft IT problem. This will probably end up like 911 and COVID-19 being blamed for many things including prices which go directly into profits. It should only be issue for companies which use that particular firm's resources.
  6. Not pay for Buffalo News so only can get it 2nd hand or by digging through cache. https://heavy.com/sports/nfl/buffalo-bills/
  7. Do the businesses get 1 year of credit monitoring coupons for the screw up? I have gotten dozens. It apparently affected my medical insurance capability to search for providers according to call for help I made.
  8. I used to go to 2-3 games a year including opener and occasional away game but most of time with friends with most of the games not on local TV at Jimmy's Old Town Tavern my Bills Bar. I'd occasionally go to pre-season games when I'd take my daughter and some friends' children but they are adults now and not interested. Bills stopped giving Bills Backers groups group ticket deals (although some other teams do and they contact me) and have not been to a Bills home game since 2010. Flying up is less an option now since tickets from Baltimore to Buffalo usually cost more than tickets to California. The whole electronic cell phone ticket bothers me especially with teams restricting bags - cell coverage can be spotty and I am sure a number of cell phones are stolen each year at stadium. Now with medical issues I have not been to a live game since 2010. My wife is too worried about me driving long distances solo and not interested in sitting alone. I drive solo to Jimmy's occasionally now and sometimes I watch with a friend at Bills bar near his house. I still have days when I cannot handle driving solo to Jimmy's so when game is not on local TV or NFL Network I listen to it on radio and many games are replayed on NFL Network . I prefer going to games live when I can go with friends but have not been to a game since medical issues started so that is more of memory of a preference than a preference.
  9. It is not so simple since it depends on schedule team plays what states they are playing away games and do overseas teams also require income tax payments? It is not just players who are affected by this - the staff who goes to games also need to pay and as well as most of the coaches, trainers and assistants also need to pay income tax when state charges it.
  10. I have no desire to communicate. After first one who tried to flood my phone and second which threatened a Jihad on me a third one texts who claims to be owner wants to talk about the "problem". So it is okay for his people to threaten me and then expect me to talk? Another person blocked if not same person.
  11. If Star Trek has a follow up to Voyager episode "False Profits" you would be perfect candidate to be a new sage.
  12. It is interesting for Bills and Steelers are having joint practice in August but would be more interesting IMO if Bills had hosted practice.
  13. It is true. For business travelers it depends on how long you are residing in a state when traveling whether you need to pay state taxes. Was informed by my company to be careful when I was working in California for I was staying in California between two work periods on vacation rather than returning home. https://www.concur.com/blog/article/what-are-state-tax-implications-traveling-employees
  14. It has become harder and harder for players to stick for like US salaries have become top heavy in NFL.
  15. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-refused-to-allow-caleb-williams-tax-moves/ar-BB1qaJFO He did NOT graduate with CPA or business degrees.
  16. The few times he had a chance to play on defense he played well and He had one interception for Bills. https://www.steelers.com/news/matakevich-signed-to-one-year-contract https://triblive.com/sports/steelers-bring-back-special-teamer-tyler-matakevich-on-1-year-deal/ https://www.yardbarker.com/nfl/articles/steelers_bring_back_respected_special_teams_ace/s1_17181_40622577 https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/dirty-red-returns-to-steelers/ar-BB1qaJlQ
  17. Mount Rushmore is supposed to be for monuments to greats. These for participants should be in Tartarus. As a part of Hades, Tartarus became a prison realm. It was the place where exceptionally wicked and evil people were sent to be punished for their crimes. Br*dy for his trickery should be reliving Sisyphus from his duty of pushing boulder up hill. Gronk will relieve Prometheus from having his liver eaten every day.
  18. Three calls on Monday driving from Buffalo thru PA mountains I blocked after they repeatedly sent texts. Surprised me for often I do not even have cell phone active (no location and other full privacy settings set) but first guy sent one text after another and only text I saw that remember was "We have information on you (not exact quote). I was hoping someone had some ideas on other things to do - contacting police I do not believe will be helpful. Will try cell company but think only thing they could do would be to prove two numbers were coming from same computer. I get a lot of calls these days but mostly doctors offices but unfortunately some work from home using own unidentified phones. If it is a text I can read it but no idea with MMS messages if they can trace images in them like you can webpages.
  19. I agree if you include the owners who are sticking themselves in the non-money decisions. $nder as example would direct certain players be signed so they could attend his parties.
  20. Likely it is. Each new number who texts me I block, record and ignore them. I did not giver my cell phone out at work and when I asked why and I told them because I do not want a year of credit monitoring service by a company which hires hackers. Company said not likely and I told them I was subject to a work hacking attempt during first month at my job with them.
  21. That was because defense coordinator did a world class goose egg and did not adjust game plan.
  22. After I blocked first number (never replied or answered phone) I got a text from a different number. This number has been blocked as well. I have no idea what he is talking about. I guess some in thread find this funny but I don't. I got a second set of text messages last night. Clearly English is not his first language. It refers to previous texts which I barely saw since I was trying to use cell phone when navigating and blocked sender. All typos left in (note that they use "Mr". not name so they have no idea who they are sending it to): Mr. this is Ralph I am commander and Hitman of the service, I was given your information due too an amount your was supposed to pay to the main owner. Since you was not able to resolver wit the Representative Tony then we have will solve this now with my guys. You family members are being track right now and ir would be sad if your family member have to pay for your bullsh!t. I checked both numbers and they are connected to a scam pretending to be part of a charity which charity claims they have nothing to do with. I'd list it but I do not want it showing up in search results. The message continues with a video with some hoodlum type guys showing guns they have, a picture of guy on ground with blood splattered and then a close up of him with hole in head size of axe blade. It looks like CGI to me and most would not be stupid enough to record on video actual killing. There is some writing on paper on ground which I believe is Spanish ".PLES PARA BUJIAS" meaning ".PLES FOR SPARK PLUGS". Pictures are too gross to post. Second part of text message: right now my men are on the way to your address with the order to cut off the heads of you and your family, you deside pay or die I have received threatening emails from people in past which when domain owner contacted told that mail headers were forged. Talked to a friend and he said these are probably virtual numbers. I have no idea what he wants since I deleted "Tonys' text messages as they were coming in and terminated phone calls as well.
  23. A lot more deal animals on recent trip to and back from Buffalo. I suspect the increased heat and decreased water has forced more animals to cross roads to look for food and water.
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