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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Goodell may want to give international cities a chance with a live studio in US for those who do not want to be hugged by Goodell.
  2. He will be our version of Teflon Tom - rather than Avocado smoothies with items added constantly changing to avoid tests he just bites teammates.
  3. Eating too much Bojangles chicken makes your fingers greasy.
  4. They also may require streaming partner to carry ads from broadcast partners.
  5. More importantly they have beer with higher alcohol content. I used to drive regularly over border for 2 cases each of Molson XXX (mother loved that) and Molson Brador.
  6. NFL Milk Money would be most appropriate. Hope not with all the reported issues. They are almost as bad as Zebras with errors. Will you be able to bet on that since NFL loves gambling so much now? Actually the "+" is used for something else or ignored in many search engines.
  7. I disagree there was not a chance no one would make an offer. Teams do make offers I cannot believe. But odds were better this way.
  8. I thought offense line coach Aaron Kromer was in charge of who plays where? He may have been told he is going to play LG but if he believes Bates as LG and Saffold is RG is better combination that is what they will go with.
  9. In fact Beane likely got Bates more offers including longer term offer without 2nd round pick since teams were not required to give Bills a 2nd round pick. With a 2nd pick required less teams will be bringing him in offer and less competition.
  10. Beane plays Go not chess, A lot more possibilities.
  11. Tell your friend yes. You get a roof but no stadium.
  12. There were multiple studies. I am sure one connected to Buffalo said Buffalo was recommended. It is like the commercials on TV where on one commercial a doctor recommends a product and on another recommends a different product for same use.
  13. No this is Beane's philosophy - players have earned right to free agency. If agent approached Beane with numbers the Bills would have done a contract with him. Bates got some free hotel stays, meals and frequent flyer miles in off season.
  14. Saffold is going from LG to LB. Wow he is talented. 🤪 I think with the OL coach we have now he will love Bates and find ways to increase his skills and find new ways to use him.
  15. Jordan Philips played out of position a lot which helped him getting sacks and stats for big contract but it left holes also which needed to be filled by others and sometimes resulted in big plays through those holes. I know some like that for they do not like Bills' scheme but I hope this is addressed adjust scheme where it makes sense and adjusting Jordan when it doesn't.
  16. Since loans for other stadiums were funded by other teams this is only fair especially since this stadium was pressured by other owners especially the Axis of Evil: Dallass/WTF/Cheats.
  17. That is partly due to Bills marketing limiting season ticket sales to out of area fans while same time selling tickets to travel agencies marketing to opposing fans. They used to all Buffalo Bills Backers groups but blocks of tickets but you can only get them now via resellers who you need to buy amenities like tailgates with provided food for markups. Bills fans fill other stadiums.
  18. I agree and hopefully design is made so it is expandable maybe even adding stadium covering for offseason to help reduce maintenance costs. The Bills are trying to make it more modern and eliminate some of the low priced fans blamed for much of the troubles in stadium. They are going to raising prices of everything from beer to hot dogs to pizza logs to parking and add even higher priced restaurant style food. They are going to TRY to get people in stadium earlier to have more sales but I think that will be harder with Buffalo's tailgating tradition. IMO it would be better to try to get people to stay after game to help traffic spread out. Make it a place you can watch afternoon games. I do hope they expand the trailer lot since that lot seems to sell out every time.
  19. I was being sarcastic regarding the "new report" which came from Albany which seemed to be designed to rally efforts against a stadium.
  20. I wonder if City of Austin still has time to swing a deal for move as in original article with estimate?
  21. Anybody paying 8.5% interest is being ripped off.
  22. Cost overruns. Nothing from city of Buffalo as expected despite Buffalo repeatedly trying to push for input.
  23. Baker will not be released. All talk of him being cancer, etc. does not matter. Browns must know 2022 season is shot as soon as they signed him. This is not like LA Rams who made a trade and got to win Superbowl. Baker is talking like he is going to sit out which for Browns means they do not need to pay salary when he is not playing and will be to fine him for practices / games he will not attend. If he chooses to go to camp / games that will probably work out for their new franchise QB ,may be suspended part of season.
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