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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I can remember internet BEFORE Netscape. I am really old.
  2. Anything other than a Superbowl with leave some Brown and stinky on their faces.
  3. The NFLPA who tries to dispute every new safety item NFL tries to mandate? They will dispute anything even those agreed to in contract and does not care about player safety for they will defend a player deliberately hurting another when at best they should be neutral. You cannot even get players to take "free ride home" services from NFLPA who even bring a second driver to drive you car home. How do you expect the NFL teams to get players to stop when NFLPA will take them to court over anything they do?
  4. He could have done better unless the owner insisted that McDermott had to work with GM post draft which owner of Bills did not. McDermott did however had a better GM prior to draft than Cheats did in 2017.
  5. The Hill has always shown interest in NFL. Those in areas with teams got involved when teams would not show games locally in stadiums often martially funded by tax dollars. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania got involved when Goodell talked with him Beli-cheat has been taping signals since he became head coach in New England. https://playground.wissports.net/post/bill-bilicheat-9350887?&trail=15
  6. No not each candidate - just those protected by Rooney Rule. Tampa Bay to lure Teflon T*m back signed DC as HC but did not need to interview other candidates.
  7. I did not know Mario wanted to come back. 🙄
  8. He would be better as outside LB or as inside LB in a true 3-4. In both cases he would be better with a more solid DL who occupied OL blockers better.
  9. When competition gets a raise does he demand for a raise or will sit out?
  10. IF he is successful he should aim for an endorsement contract if NFL allows.
  11. WhY use two when You can use three? Sometimes I like German better where you are not allowed to make up words and alternate spelling.
  12. If *I* was Julio I would be looking for team which needed a senior WR who was there as Lofton was for Bills who would not be primary target but when coverage was turned toward another primary target would be able to make plays without constantly taking hits. A dome team suits him more than outdoor track in Green Bay but maybe one of the Florida teams. He will probably just be a one year rental to whatever team offers most money despite conditions.
  13. Bates was on the bench for the Bills philosophy was that it was better to replace one player on line when needed than 2 and Bates was capable of handling all 5 positions in a pinch which was critical when players were frequently out for one or two weeks do to COVID tests. Players would get dinged and he would go in, players get taped or otherwise able to play he would go out and then be inserted again sometimes as 6th lineman.
  14. He was but not in same position. Sometimes he'd be 3rd safety, extra DB, replacing player out. Jack of all trades. I am a Green Bay fan and when game was on I'd watch Packers. When free agency came in 2017 he was first player I wanted the Bills to sign.
  15. Based on how well he played last year Julio is not ready for a bigger role. Better hire from a contesting team to sign him in 2nd half of year if they lose a player or let go one who is unable to perform as well as expected.
  16. Cleveland's new QB may not be available for part of year or entire year depending how NFL rules which does not always agree with civil authorities. The reason why he agreed to play for Browns is because they agreed to be his toilet paper and cover his ass if NFL chooses to penalize him on way they set up contract. Clearly they are prepared to play without him this year but I think they are misjudging impact on former starting QB's performance.
  17. Impossible to be Bruce Smith since the rules have changed and so have the restrictions imposed by NFLPA. Bills had the BEST nutritionist in the business Rusty Jones (ask Bruce, he will tell you so) which made those offenses and defenses possible but the science of nutrition and training has evolved. I do think however Von Miller would have been a terror on those Superbowl era teams.
  18. Gilmore's nickname should be Hodge from his attitude and way he sees no faults in himself. Gimore: Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like.
  19. His new agent likely has convinced him he can even if it means holding out 10 games which is his usual strategy.
  20. When was last time the Bills got a comp pick? The idea that the Bills will get a LOT of comp picks seems ludicrous.
  21. Fortunately he is in hell now. He refused to negotiate with one client of his until Bills negotiated on another client.
  22. He needs to get Michael Westen (Burn Notice's Jeffrey Donovan) show up and take his place in a press conference.
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