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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Yea it was. A friend had a four pack in his car and he brought it in because he forgot to stop and buy something. Really good. Hard to find I was told. I just missed the Beer, Bourbon & BBQ festival locally. https://www.beerandbourbon.com/
  2. Well if you cannot find the right bourbon this bourbon beer is a real treat: Bell’s Bourbon Barrel Hell Hath No Fury,
  3. Unless of course the sue the owner of the Rams for deception like city of St Louis did.
  4. Shefter is expert at insensitivity and calls out himself. He realizes his attempt in getting attention to himself backfired.
  5. There are a number of testosterone studies out there and medication is free. I was in one but there was a heart rhythm they did not want to proceed with without a cardiologist given an okay but I could not find appointment in time to remain in study. I think my testosterone has been low since high school when I was misdiagnosed with a medical condition but doctor says it is not.
  6. With prices they charge almost as bad as PSLs. They appear to have more and more commercials so evidently their solution to being not enough rich people to buy is more commercials and junk mail.
  7. Never paid attention to soccer except women's soccer in Olympics. I was thinking how CFL expanded to US temporarily but NFL Europe is good way to look at it without the good beer. The teams would need to be viable in terms of stadiums being able to host NFL games. There would be some contract relief for teams being moved to minor and team being raised would have expansion picks with certain number having to come from team being reallocated to minor. NFLPA would also need to be on board but I think they would once they saw this as way to develop players and allow older players to keep on playing. I was thinking of 12 team league consisting of 3 conferences - East, Central and West.
  8. What the NFL needs to expand is an official minor league team and when a team has multiple losing seasons (lower 5) they are moved to minor league and another team from minor moved to major. This would discourage suck for draft picks as well.
  9. Less of a concern to me if a NFC club.
  10. Awesome but does "no possessions" make this a stadium protest song?
  11. Does Austin Bills sound familiar.? Some Albany shrill was talking about that but has sense went into witness protection program. And teeth in a jar on table.
  12. Cards are matching raising players are getting. Soon only players will be able to afford them.
  13. I agree. He really refined his game in Canada.
  14. I was on TBD Hall of Fame trip bus and there was a raffle and that is one of the prizes I won - VCR tape of the game. I have it SOMEWHERE in house and yes I still have a VCR but this way I can watch it again before I find it.
  15. Isaiah McKenzie + CJ Spiller is what I thought of when I heard the name.
  16. Cell phones being pick pocketed should be NFL's problem since they are making it easier to pick pocket them with crowds. The scalpers I am talking about are those paying a fee to team to be licensed ticket seller who sell the tickets along with tailgate or other amenities which raise price of tickets significantly. They are very popular with away (opposing) visitors. Several have tried to sell them to our Bills Backers group.
  17. Why not get fans chipped like dogs? The NFL could then sell the data. It also increases number of electronic devices being pick pocketed. Oh it does not cut down scalpers just those not giving a cut to NFL.
  18. I wish I could record but Verizon FIOS only allows you to record via their device because it is digital which you need to pay for each month and when you leave Verizon you can no longer play what you recorded. I understand why there are sometimes grainy videos on internet. Someone recorded their TV while it was playing.
  19. Had to do it twice. I ran out of gas (broken gas gauge I found out) and I was on limited access Dulles airport access road. I did not have a cell phone. Waited an hour even waving white flag (my shirt) and no one stopped. Had to cross paid Dulles toll road, climb a fence and walk house to house looking for help. Finally found someone willing to drive me to gas station and then brought me back to where I crossed fence where I then crossed pay road to airport access road.
  20. On the film "The Greatest Game Ever Played" the producer choose certain segments based on result and likely would have had different film or not done it at all if Bills won.
  21. Fitzpatrick and Jones arm are nothing alike. The difference is Fitzpatrick is a gunslinger always attempting to make plays even when there is no need. He can throw ball far and fast as his career has shown. Jones is game manager. There are coaches who prefer "my way" then "gunslinger" which Allen is of the latter. They cannot adapt or they will not adapt to Allen's mentality. Those type of HCs/OCs should not be coaching in NFL.
  22. No where did it imply he did not know Josh Allen played for Buffalo Bills.
  23. When Schefter dies there will be a lot of tweets on how he was struggling to be a professional journalist writing on whatever info he could find even if it was restricted medical information or "unnamed informed sources" he made up.
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