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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. He likely declared her incapacitated for legal and medical reasons - it makes his decisions he needs to make upon her less time consuming. I have an adult disabled daughter who at 25 needed to be declared independent so she can have health insurance and SSA but my wife needs to be her guardian and needs to make some decisions for her because she cannot. Hopefully when she gets better these tags will be removed and someday she may be doing same for Terry.
  2. Before Kim was the leader of the Bills although Terry would get involved in draft and meeting players when asked. I cannot see her representing the Bills or NFL for a long time now.
  3. Cover1 is not going to ruin their reputation by posting fake news. May not be a newb. May be someone stirring trouble with an alt.
  4. It does not surprise me based on Steelers' previous decisions.
  5. The problem is there are states which have NFL teams and teams which don't so senators and representatives have trouble supporting those changes unless teams promise free use of boxes for repaying key supporters.
  6. This is a offense system which will require a LOT of studying and I hope the Bills staff did as much testing of the players on grasping of concepts as they did for Josh before they picked him. Some "college educated" players just have trouble learning playbooks. I hope Joe (hate calling him Brady like Marcia) will be able to determine quickly what offense pieces will fit this system. I suspect that if it is successful opposition teams will want to sign players cut to get inside info to more quickly adjust. The adjusting on the fly was what Stevie Johnson did who made some all pro CBs look like Div III walk-ons but it also required a QB and OC in sync with him. Looking forward to 99 yard seam route TD to Reggie Gilliam.
  7. They were including a discount on the current trend of a mandatory tip.
  8. USA Today is not a real organization it is a real disorganization.
  9. NFL will also need to negotiate with broadcasters unless league already has clauses in contract which broadcasters pay per game available to them.
  10. My drink limit is my bladder size - not want to drive with a full bladder.
  11. The problem with a8 games + 2 byes + 2 preseason games is that season would either need to start before Labor Day which NFL has tried in past and did not like or season would extend even longer which messes up plans on NFL to align playoff games to be during Nielsen ratings period. This also results in another game during unhealthy south summers and another game in potentially very cold north.
  12. Sounds like an AI article not one by Tim Graham.
  13. No back injury which in movie Princess Bride could not even support the weight of Buttercup.
  14. Almost every time there is an illness there are pictures from people at parties and bars taking selfies day before he is ill. He is a local boy and has a lot of friends in area.
  15. I have a new visitor to my bird covered sanctuary - a red headed  Pileated Woodpecker. My wife showed me a fuzzy picture of a large bird with red heard am grey body with white near neck bigger than the blackbirds which regularly feed there and I researched it and found out it is a red headed Pileated Woodpecker; I could not tell if it was a male or female since picture did not show the face. We have three types of woodpeckers now in our feeding zone with two of other types regular feeders. Now that is getting drier with less rain I have seen more birds here with a robin (who normally only come in my yard when crab apples in season), two types of catbirds, sparrows, chickadees (who I built a home for them), a pair of morning doves who once again built a nest under our gazebo, 2 regular blackbirds and some other blackbirds some grey and occasional blue jay. Saw blackbird stick its head into bowl of water for my dog which birds use for drinking. Unfortunately the long tailed tree rat (that is what Chinese call squirrels) has learned to open suet container and drop it on floor so we looking at moving it under sanctuary cover which we hope squirrel cannot get. Still working on "training birds". The smaller birds will come to my side porch when I am out of bread and they will wait for me to throw bread to them. The pair of regular blackbirds have tried to join the hand feeding line but since there are smaller birds on both sides of area I throw bread I can usually throw it so they can grab it before blackbird can. Some local bees are stating to land on me. Not sure if it has to do with weather, my wife's flowers on side porch or the bird feed but they have not been stinging me so I have been leaving them alone.
  16. Local reports are that he was at bars last night.
  17. Shaquil Barrett signed a 1 year , $7,000,000 contract with the Miami Dolphins, including $5,540,000 signing bonus, $6,750,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $7,000,000. I could see him not returning it immediately and then after Phish exhausted cap UN-retiring. It is only a few weeks until season starts.
  18. And what if you are inactive or injured week teams plays in California? It may be worth it to have a tax laywer argue that since you were not IN that state you owe no taxe$.
  19. If they made good BUSINESS decisions they would have moved out of Buffalo a long time ago. I am sure that is one of the things Jerry Jones told the Pegulas but they decided to stay. You need to take the good with the bad.
  20. He went back to play for Bucs and then sign $9 Million free agent contract with Phish so it is still odd he retired now. His wife had birth of daughter Allanah in February so it is not something which immediately came to mind after birth of latest child. He was released in May from Bucs and he may just be not feeling drive after bring in practices and dealing with Phish staff.
  21. Agree on Outshine. Fortunately BJ has seemed to have a lot of sales in summer.
  22. Or something pushed by someone high in chain to make a required deadline. It has happened to me in past.
  23. I hope he does not end up like Andre the Giant.
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