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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Wonder if there will be a Stafford option where he is playing at end of line as extra blocker. Love big man TDs.
  2. Only if design allows it to be added post build. We will see fans taste for higher cost or see if it just gets filled in by opposition fans. In fact if they were going enclosed stadium dome is wrong route. Stadium like Vikings have would be better and Buffalo had a lot of industries which would get business but you still need to find who is going to pay the higher cost. Do you have a trust fund?
  3. If you want to create your own here is data for Excel file in CSV format. Every schedule I tried to import had errors or inconsistent writing. Choose your own colors, fonts, etc. I usually print them out for Bills Backers group. W,Day,Date,,,Team,Time 1,Thu,8-Sep,AT,NFCW,Los Angeles Rams,8:20 PM 2,Mon,19-Sep,VS,AFCS,Tennessee Titans,7:15 PM 3,Sun,25-Sep,AT,AFCE,Miami Dolphins,1:00 PM 4,Sun,2-Oct,AT,AFCN,Baltimore Ravens,1:00 PM 5,Sun,9-Oct,VS,AFCN,Pittsburgh Steelers,1:00 PM 6,Sun,16-Oct,AT,AFCW,Kansas City Chiefs,4:25 PM 7,BYE,,,,, 8,Sun,30-Oct,VS,NFCN,Green Bay,8:20 PM 9,Sun,6-Nov,AT,AFCE,New York Jets,1:00 PM 10,Sun,13-Nov,VS,NFCN,Minnesota Vikings,1:00 PM 11,Sun,20-Nov,VS,AFCN,Cleveland Browns,1:00 PM 12,Thu,24-Nov,AT,NFCN,Detroit Lions,12:30 PM 13,Thu,1-Dec,AT,AFCE,New England Patriots,8:15 PM 14,Sun,11-Dec,VS,AFCE,New York Jets,1:00 PM 15,TBD,Dec 17-18,VS,AFCE,Miami Dolphins,TBD 16,Sat,24-Dec,AT,NFCN,Chicago Bears,1:00 PM 17,Mon,2-Jan,AT,AFCN,Cincinnati Bengals,8:30 PM 18,TBD,Jan 7-8,VS,AFCE,New England Patriots,TBD
  4. NFL seems to punish Bills for not having a dome. Bills should start working on having stadium be unavailable for many weekends perhaps partly as new stadium prep.
  5. Bills complained a lot to NFL about multiple schedule changes for Titans game and I think they threw Bills a bone with large gap before we face them again.
  6. Your drift is the Cheats will need that game to get into playoffs so NFL broadcasters will want to highlight that game. I think like Bills @ Cowpokes Thanksgiving game and 7 TD beating of the Cheats NFL fans are tired of those two teams and what to see another beat down.
  7. It has been very difficult to get tickets to games since the Bills changed ticket sale policy when we could buy groups of tickets.
  8. On NFL Network it says according to Madden Bills beat Chiefs by 11 and it appears thar new expensive Von Miller guy gets a sack. Kurt Warner says that the rematch of game is one revenge game he is looking forward to.
  9. This old resource may help you out. Sorry have not updated site for a while. https://members.tripod.com/g_host/buffalo/index.html https://members.tripod.com/g_host/buffalo/hotels.html Map links don't work for they used mapsonus.com site before big boy takeover.
  10. Heard listening to week 1 schedule: Question: (Formerly LA/Oakland) Raiders at (Formerly SD) Chargers - who will have more fans there? Answer: Trick question. (Formerly St Louis) Rams.
  11. Good thing Bills signed someone who can tell them about idiosyncrasies of stadium.
  12. Bills did that and they got rid of the leakers at One Bills Drive including some who worked in locker room.
  13. I guess you missed the story on his local home press saying that he was planning on changing his name and just getting away with all of the NFL and Press. I am sure the NFLPA knows his new name and where he is living (as well as IRS) so he can still get the benefits but it appears he broke all of his old contacts so he could not be traced down. Oh in case you think I am joking MY name is G. Host as many of the board know and I used to work for IRS. Oh and this old article is closest I have seen about him ending his career. https://torotimes.com/2010/08/16/aaron-schobel-opts-to-retire/ FOX article theorizes about him not wanting to be replaced. https://www.foxsports.com/stories/nfl/bills-moving-forward-without-aaron-schobel
  14. I was contacted by ticket agencies last year.
  15. Ralph was not calling every day; it is why he put Tom Donahoe in charge but that does not fit your narrative of hanging a dummy of Ralph over a bonfire. He wanted JB to do what work Donahoe was given but declined including attending meetings.
  16. It was stated in an interview that it was Beane's choice to keep or release and that he was not required to utilize him. Beane says he consults with him when he feels need. He was the one who approved Marcell Dareaus contract despite those in office who did not believe it was a good idea to sign him for a long term contract. He did not insist on clauses to reclaim bonuses which later came to bite the Bills. Donahoe had complete control of team which Ralph gave to him something he did not do for John Butler for Butler did not want to do some the non-football things. When things did not go well he became venomous towards fans which is why he was let go and Marv Levy was brought in to help smooth things out with fans and supporters. Levy had no requirements in many areas including draft but his input was welcomed.
  17. FOX has a lead analyst for rules. Teflon T*m will be the lead analyst for cheating. No 0 would be an improvement. He has a negative personality. He should be paired with Florio from PFT.
  18. Donahoe had complete control of the team something no GM has had until Beane. Beane however does not need to listen to Jim Overdorf which ever other GM needed to do. When GM could say "Thanks for advice Jim but I am going another way" is when things improved.
  19. Considering that they are selling them to ticket agencies who target people outside Buffalo area the stance makes no sense. Because I am a Buffalo Bills Backers club president I get several emails a year from people selling tickets with tailgate included as part of price and they have blocks of hotel rooms at a discount. They are doing it because they are getting kickbacks from these agencies which pay more than the season ticket price. This type of thing has been discussed on Buffalo Bills club president board on Facebook.
  20. Texans defensive line coach Jacques Cesaire was previously an assistant for the Bills and that may be a factor in Hughes choosing Houston.
  21. Bruce Smith proved it was not right time for him to retire.
  22. Not having an OC or DC is a mechanism which Bill-Cheat cab prevent those coaches at those positions from going to another team. According to rules teams cannot deny an OC or DC from going to another team. I am surprised he has not put in two coaches who he could get comp picks if they went to other teams for you know he loves comp picks.
  23. As someone who went to UB it would be hard for those at UB to go to games without cars even if shuttles were provided. If it is a game you do not wish to finish watching some would say "get a yugo" but I know at time I went I did not have the money and would walk to my off campus housing 1.5 from campus rather than paying bus to get me half a mile away.
  24. We used to have an expert here on scheduling high level meetings but right now he can only schedule them in prison yard.
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