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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Would you have a different attitude if his career ended there?
  2. Buffalo Is Still Reeling From Mass Shooting: ‘They Already Don’t Care’ https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7bqgz/recovering-after-buffalo-shooting Note: Singletary referenced in article is not player. His first name is used once.
  3. His baseball team may be of questionable taste but see no reason for him to delete history.
  4. So you are saying in today's dollars it costs as much as a few LA/LV style football stadiums. Hope that puts something in perspective.
  5. A friend was called and told "Happy Father's Day" by a childless friend. He was asked if you got a president on Father's Day what would you wish you got? His response was "A second vasectomy. The first one failed and if it was successful I would not be a father."
  6. Not Jake Kumerow (correct spelling). He is seen as a key special teams player who can do spot play as WR and who is a good blocker as a WR. Bills do not USUALLY ask for a restructure to save money and then cut the player the same year so his spot is safe as long as a player does not out perform him on special teams and can handle the spot plays Bills use him in. If a team offers Bills a pick or player they can use (not one cut in training camp) more likely.
  7. Cheating was the driving force and the Director of Spying and Cheating retired (supposedly, though since salaries of consultants and staff do not need to be reported not necessarily true. Billi-cheat never told a truth when he could tell a falsehood).
  8. On Mother's Day I called my aunt who is my godmother. Will no good to call my uncle who is my godfather for he is having memory issues.
  9. Ran out of bird feed mix so I put some corn in feeder I usually mix in. I heard something outside in morning and was going to open dog door to let Zelda chase away squirrel and I found a young deer licking bird feeder to eat corn. Deer was lucky I have been using the standing one rather than the hanging one I put away each night.
  10. https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2020/4/24/21233783/injury-analysis-buffalo-bills-ol-garrett-mcghin-ankle-injured-reserve He is injured against Panthers, given an injury settlement and then played for Panthers before another ankle injury. He has potential but needs to find some way of avoiding ankle injuries whether be stretching, training or awareness.
  11. It has not shown up on cap sites. Players have done this before, taken a pay/restructure and usually Bills guarantee they will be on roster for a year but nothing guarantees it following year.
  12. He is now getting veteran minimum where entire amount does not count against cap.
  13. It is not running it by his wife which is issue. It is her approving it with his record and their children in their house.
  14. It is not the coach's fault - his GM sucks.
  15. It was not all his decision. His wife needed to approve it which tells you something about her. Tainted Tom probably missed his friend Aaron Hernandez and needed someone to fill that void.
  16. We played terrible offenses ALL YEAR? You are exaggerating a lot to make your point.
  17. If a player is being put on IR and does not believe he should be on it he can bring documentation from another doctor and get a hearing with NFL.
  18. Based on result of bus should that not of been "Airport bus hit by Brandon Spikes".
  19. He wants to retire a Bill but his wife only wants him to if it comes with a golden parachute.
  20. Actually read linked article. While he could be telling a lie he says it was not his father's advice and probably was good decision however the way his career.
  21. So far. Speculation from Cover 1 is that they will alternate days holding in practice.
  22. Okay Dave in Avon Lake wearing cement overshoes.
  23. I think if had a better line he would have to do less - less running, less scrambling, less not in right position throws. Simms should know that Sanders has been talking about retirement which is why he is not on a team's roster. Simms made it sound like Josh is lacking talent in 2021 on WR which I disagree with.
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