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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Likely with number of tickets given out they will be available at stadium. Of course if they are electronic you need to transfer them, I wonder if Ticket Slave Master charge is required.
  2. Best way to get responses is to include a mistake. I was taught that for presentations to check whether people are paying attention. It is "Shaq Lawson" and "Prince Emili" It was Shaq last time he was a Bill and still is. Prince Emily sounds like a royal family's transgender nightmare. I probably missed others.
  3. Well they can afford the other other white meat, Why eat chicken when you can eat salmon or even duck?
  4. We have received ours (my refund was less than $100 which meets my goal of giving as little as possible free loan to government since their loans to banks have reduced savings interest rate so low) but my adult daughter who filed paper forms has not received refunds from US or state of VA,
  5. It is a LAMP post but it is still offseason. This looks like one I saw outside RAF Molesworth on my last trip to the motherland.
  6. Did they add tomato throwing as a sideline activity?
  7. So is Montezuma's revenge after eating Mexican. He should do a buddy movie with Gronk. Cheap Cheap Shots!
  8. JEST! JEST! JEST! (more fun than saying Arizona Hotshots! Arizona Hotshots! Arizona Hotshots!) He is Bills OL Will Wolford's nephew and has lasted on Rams roster thru starting QB changes so knows the play calls. Not as physical as Stafford but better at making things happen when things break down.
  9. Yes the Pegulas are getting takeout order for 300 every week.
  10. Well they did not expect to get caught with advice from the GOAT Cheating QB.
  11. NFL Films has retroactively called the 2021 WTF team the Commanders.
  12. Rules evolve. It is not just public outcry. It is because potential sales impact. Perhaps Browns fans have no ethics and will not hold out like many have claimed on social media. Also like other things tolerance has changed. Some they are more tolerant on and some they are less. Some things like league has been hammering on such as drinking even having a free ride program players are choosing to not use. NFL has made partnerships with gambling and fantasy football things they would not have done in past. NFL has made a point of emphasis on domestic violence. The NFL has due to pressure from players and groups have given minorities advantages when interviewing for front office and high level coaching positions. They have been working with "Black lives" groups. The changes have even been in gear and game rules due to CTE. Claiming that a stick in the turf is made with Roethlisburger's punishment does not make sense with all of the other changes.
  13. They will act like shrews no matter what; some are just shrews even if they lack proper genitalia. Especially those who are Jerry Sullivan fan boys.
  14. Good argument for your starting QB but standards have changed a lot. When I was raised in WNY cops would often make drivers just park their cars and drive them home when they had too much to drink with a warning. No way that happens these days. If Roethlisburger had accused of those acts today he would be punished much more severely.
  15. Being constantly criticized means little. Bills were constantly criticized after draft for picking Allen.
  16. Cleveland isn’t deserving of owner they got. He replaced one almost as bad.
  17. He is a Bills fan now but not type of fan who will stay a fan thru multiple year drought nor type who will stay behind and become sour and bitter taking shots at Bills every day.
  18. It is common in DoD industries for "suspensions" for employees for personal conduct outside of work. Fines are only loss of pay but what is worse is pulling of security clearance without recourse which can affect future income greatly.
  19. You have it wrong. Billi-cheat is GM/HC/DC/OC and if he chooses to tank he can do so without outside discussion being leaked.
  20. McDermott IS more interesting when not in press conferences. I think he believes it is a necessary evil but does not want to be there but has to be there per league rules. He is at least polite about unlike one douchbag GM/HC. On Kyle Brandt some have same issue they have with Bills fans which are also fans of other teams. I have been a Green Bay fan since 90s but never cheered for them against Buffalo even if Bills were out of playoff race and Green Bay needed that game for playoff seeding. I have no Packers swag but probably would if I lives closer like the job offer I had in Minneapolis.
  21. Hopefully a performer will get really irritated at Browns and write a special song for them.
  22. Rich Eisen interview (always a great show) made me think of a game promotion. Have the two Buffalo cook fans and the two of them maybe with them cooking dishes for two of them. Lets the two brothers play off each other.
  23. Absolutely no. This is a new defense line with other players changed as well. This is new OC with lots of changes to Offense pieces. The coaching staff can substitute some backups in more often but all starting players need reps. We have seen games where Bills are flat going into first live game and the Bills schedule is front loaded so Bills cannot afford that this year.
  24. Yes to hold ball for FGs. QBs used to hold balls which made it more exciting but NFLPA clamped down on practices. if you never kick except for kickoffs no.
  25. Sounds like agent talk where they do not want any camps or preseason games "for they are not paid for it".
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