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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. It is getting harder the more they try to favor offenses and certain players / teams with defenses players and unfavored players / teams pointing this out. Especially bad in playoffs where it seems rules change and some teams seeming to be aware of changes and preparing players for it. They need a show with NFL zebras acknowleding mistakes and vowing to better / more consistant games not burying it.
  2. It has gotten better this year than last 2 years where I just gave up trying.
  3. Maybe it will be reincarnated to be Undead and Company.
  4. A friend of mine used to bring to dishes to work from his family's restaurant to share and it was wonderful. One day he brought some in and I asked if they got a new cook and he said no it was the holy month and his uncle's cooking declines because he cannot test when cooking since he is fasting (what a terrible job - cooking while required to fast). I told him that is okay for at end of month he will know he needs to add more garlic with this dish. He said he had a great idea and could I go to his family's restaurant after work. I said sure. I'd like to thank your uncle for the great food you bring to work. He introduced me to his uncle and told his uncle he had an idea on helping him with his cooking. He told him I am very familiar with what dishes normally taste like so he will taste them for you before you send to restaurant. He said he'd try because he was tired of complaints for he was using same recipes but not adjusting it by taste each time. He would give me a sample of a dish and I would tell him what I think based on what it tasted like before and I would give comments "More salt. More garlic. Cook a little longer." etc. His customers were happy again and so for the rest of the holy month I did testing for him. He would offer me a takeout dinner each night but from all of the sampling I never ate it to next day. So I had a "job" as food taster for a few weeks.
  5. We of course get WTF game. I hope when $nyder is forced to sell team new owner moves it away from area.
  6. Yes he got nominations because of interrupts but Milano had a better (All Pro) game.
  7. Practice squad money each week is not chicken feed even in these hyperinflation times. Maybe he wants to be like all of those people who just quit jobs and never started working in COVID era but I doubt he earned enough to do it. Maybe another team spoke with his agent about wanting him on their practice squad but if so it could violate tampering rules.
  8. The reverse is clearly not true - dogs should not eat chocolate. We used to walk to supermarket with our dog (he was a huge one local kids would get on top of and pretend they were riding a horse) and we would buy a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream to share and when we were done Ivan would clean out the container so we never bought anything with chocolate in it. One person saw Ivan finishing off container of B&J and made comment "Your dog eats B&J?" and my reply was "Yes. Only kind he likes. He does not like the cheap half gallon brands." Person walked away muttering "Damn people spoil their dogs". When we adopted pure bred German Shepard she had no idea what to do with a bone or chew. It was amazing the number of things I always thought doges would eat but we had to introduce to her. Right now she will try most anything. Regarding restaurant which went to the dogs I am sure most of the items are designed to be appealing to owners just like many dog toys and clothes itens are.
  9. Always loved Limburger cheese and we used to get a jar from relatives but no one else ate it. Limburger cheese with onions on German Extra Hardy bread.
  10. He was keeping up with Johnson on TD in Pat(hetic)s game while blocking so is very fast on field.
  11. I get to talk to players (and occasionally their agents) occasionally since my name is listed as contact for large Bills Backers group. Jimmy has charity golf tournaments and a large number of players go there when in town. It is amazing some of the stuff they remember - not just the Elvises and Cooks but such. One player told me about a women whose jersey (his number) was too large for her and everytime he was in the section behind bench she would lean down exposing a lot of cleavage and it was very, very obvious that she was bra less. She even left a note on his car once with a picture and phone number.
  12. Deal with Pat not deal with Bills.
  13. I was in the stadium for a game and I stood up and started yelling "Ball in the air! Ball in the air! BALL IN THE AIR!" and people around me told me to sit down and shut up. At that moment Henry Jones turned and tipped the ball away from WR. He then pointed to stands in our section. I later met him when he was a guest of our annual tailgate and talked to him. I talked to him about the play and he said "Yeah I heard ball in the air and turned and prevented the play." I replied "I know. I was the one who shouted that." He then just pointed at me like he did our section from the field. Henry Jones was a great safety (although I liked George Wilson better) who made lots of great plays but because he was not a good catcher did not get as much attention as he should.
  14. Fingernails are overrated. If you do not have them you can not chew them.
  15. Too late she probably has some boy toy who is an underwear model.
  16. Actually it was opposite. She thought 'T*m's surgery is giving him a Michael Jackson look. I took care of the income for most of his career and now he can pay for himself. Better get a good laywer to fight his alimony demands. I wonder if I leaked some photos of him playing with some soft balls would it hurt his FOX career?'
  17. He liikes shorter women like me. My wife is a foot shorter. She was not a blonde in college. I prefer bruinettes.
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