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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. When Bills find a QB who Josh wants to be his buddy.
  2. You must be accountant for IRS since you neglected to include money Ralph Wilson spent keeping AFL alive. *DISALLOWED* *DISALLOWED* *DISALLOWED* is written in invisible ink between the lines of the public report.
  3. Saving money which has been declared as reason for curs is not the same as meeting budget requirements. Evidently cut personalities do not cost against budget (no dead cap)
  4. Best thing about the Steelers scrimmage / practice is real time practices against 3-4 defense for our offense.
  5. https://www.tsn.ca/cfl/suspended-toronto-argonauts-qb-chad-kelly-to-meet-with-randy-ambrosie-on-friday-1.2162487 He went thru the mandatory counselling sessions and an independent expert assessment. Stupid is very hard to fix but I am sure his agent got the best coaches he could find so he could act reformed.
  6. English is a bastard language/ They are Latin words and Latin words do not pluralize by adding an 's'. Use the full names biceps brachii and triceps brachii. They originate from Latin words (3 years of Latin here) meaning two and three head (head from ceps derived from Latin word caput).
  7. It can be considered such but previously earlier in NFL history teams abused IR to keep players available. They still do that but not as blatantly.
  8. There was little training of teachers of kids who did not fit within 1 standard deviation of norm. Kids with issues, good and bad, were mislabeled and poorly treated often resulting in causing more troubles for kids trying to make square pegs in round holes. Issues are more recognized now but there are too many kids labeled with popular labels like ADHD. I have a disabled daughter who after a great year in elementary school was forced out illegally by teachers who decided they did not want to mainstream kids with issues and wanted them in special ed with ONLY special ed teachers.
  9. I like listening to / watching interviews of stars on Archive of American Television: https://interviews.televisionacademy.com/interviews/peter-marshall
  10. Likely there would me events at different places like the Olympics does for picked cities.
  11. A trick - get Seamonkey browser, open link and then edit page - most of article will be available. Note: Google Podcasts does not exist but Buffalo Snews software is out of date. Listen now and subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | RSS Feed | SoundStack Seamonkey Browser: https://www.seamonkey-project.org/
  12. I usual panic whenever someone tells me not to panic but that may be due to previous cases when they told me to not panic before a disaster.
  13. You cut the spaghetti and meatballs in smaller pieces and put into a bendable cup and dump in mouth. Had to do it once with other food post surgery.
  14. Can he play LB? We need another LB more than another WR or RB.
  15. Defense coordinators need to adjust defenses based on defense players available rather than just doing "next man up". Wade Phillips did that changing formation of defense between games when he had two injuries in same position. Bills did same thing in playoffs in Ravens putting Trent Murphy in "contain" position preventing Lemar from getting breakaway runs when rushed and limiting top rushing team to 150 yards.
  16. Are you saying @Bad Things happen there? You are talking about my retirement destination goal!
  17. just watch out for "you did not fill out time correctly so they are not giving you final paycheck". Company tried that with me when they gave me notice and I left in a week. Fortunately I kept a hard copy of email to boss / HR of my termination letter. They objected to me leaving before notice date since they now needed to fill position for short period of time.
  18. No but you need to make sure they are aware so anything they planned for you to do such as turn in equipment is done. In fact it is best that any time off earned is taken off before you leave since any time off paid to you post termination is used by (un)employment offices to calculate in time when you can start collecting unemployment benefits you contributed to. If sick time is not paid by company (it is not by my company) then it should be used first before any vacation is used.
  19. I started calling him P5t5rman in game when he had 5 interceptions in first half and your hero replaced him.
  20. Time to take the pain now while new head coach can blame performance on cupboard being bare. No one expects new coach to come in and coach the team up into playoff performance.
  21. No you just had an off day, You normally are TSW's version of Bud Abbott.
  22. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/disney-says-man-cant-sue-wifes-death-agreed-disney-terms-service-rcna166594 Binding arbitration has been used by companies to avoid fault.
  23. What it they bring him back as offense assistant - diagraming plays, setting up boards, film stuff. There was an assistant coach for Bills who did that for many years with each coach keeping him on staff sometimes with different titles. Bills could even see if an ex-KGB man (lots in US now after regime changes) to teach him some spy tricks.
  24. That does appear to be best role for him but they keep putting him on 53 man roster which does not make sense.
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